Dec 12, 2009 07:43
My mom: Hey, I was meaning to ask you the other day (when we were discussing if one of my friends was gay or not), what arouses you?
Me: Uh. My boyfriend, for one.
Mom: That's good.
Me: Pretty girls, sometimes.
Mom: ::nods::
Me: Pretty guys, sometimes.
Mom: ::nods:: Okay. I've been wondering for a while, just thought I'd ask.
So...I guess...I just came out as bi? Not that I was ever really in, but. Man, that was weird. I like how she asks, not the whole, "Gasp! Are you gay/bi/anything other than totally heteronormative?!" which makes sense, because she knows I'm polyamorous, but "What arouses you?"
Oh, my mother. Somehow I don't think you want to hear about my hand fetish (or my wing fetish).
Speaking of my boyfriend, I am riding a train and then a bus and then a train again to go see him today! I'll be back Monday night, but don't expect anything here before then. I might have more Dreaming Through The Noise for you when I get back, but no promises.
(In unrelated news, you know something's wrong with the world when the girl in the "before" picture looks happier, prettier and healthier than the girl in the "after" picture on a weight loss ad.)
real life,
gabhi gave me spamming disease,