Title: Le Chevalier Mal Fet (The Ill-Made Knight)
Fandom/Pairing: Arthurian literature, Gawain/Lancelot
Wordcount: ~4000
Disclaimer: Um, as far as I know the Arthurian legends aren't copyrighted, but much of my inspiration and characterization comes from T. H White's The Once and Future King.
Warnings: Suicide themes, scarring, mention of self-
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Comments 7
I'm really glad that Gawain's voice was believable. This is only the third time I've written in this fandom, and the two comment-fics I did before this were both from Lancelot's POV, so I was a little nervous about the style.
Even the non-initiated love it! (macbyrne)
Yeah, I actually considered doing the brogue, but I felt like a) it would tie me too much to White's characterizations, because I was also giving them a little bit of my own spin, and b) it would be really annoying to write out.
...I love you! ♥
And hopefully the uninitiated shall be initiated soon! ::grins::
And anyway this is beautiful.
Lancelot/Arthur, however, is ridiculously blatant.
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