since my state held its primary today, i thought you guys might get a kick out of
this awesome tv funhouse skit from SNL. it's from the beginning of the primary season, so all the original candidates (and a few who never actually ran) are parodied. laugh out loud funny-ness.
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I love the decaying gardens. Now that I'll be living over there, I will be able to see them.
totally jealous about the netherlands, by the way. congrats. i was in amsterdam for a week or so in college (i have extended family there), and i remember feeling like it would make a very agreeable home...
there seems to be a lot written lately along these lines. luckily, "the sublime" is one of the few concepts from my awkward attempts at kant that i think i actually retained, so i feel ready to dive in, i guess. there's a lot of lacanian type stuff too ("kant with sade", etc.).
the thing that interests me most is the idea of an ecology-- or even something that could be simply described as inhuman, or non-human-- reclaiming the traces of our own actions. the idea that our own waste-- or our own sense of invention-- works its way back into systems that are ultimately still out of our control to a large extent. accordingly, i can't help but feel a sense of wonder in the face of "the great pacific garbage patch," even if it's a pretty dark kind of wonder.
(in a goofy sort of way, i like to think this stuff works its way into my paintings)
also, thanks for the insightful analysis. i think most people look at my work and figure i've got the bong handy while i'm making it.
i love all the urban decay in philly. i mean, i guess i hate it too, but it's there, so i might as well take an interest in it. i've become a lot more cavalier lately about the neighborhoods i venture into because i've been riding my bike, and there are all these weird, half-abandoned places that i never knew about. i'm sure you'll find some new ones too, though maybe not in queen village. head south, haha.
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