i think the most potent synopsis of what is really troubling about election 2004 comes to us from
get your war on:
i post this not simply to bum you all out, but also because torture is an issue that still needs to be addressed. moving beyond the tonya harding-esque class sterotypes that effectively
swept abu graib under the rug, there is growing evidence that the "green lights" for those abuses (there and at guantanamo) rise right to the top-- possibly even to
president bush himself. and, glad as i am to say farewell to darth ashcroft, it appears that much of the rhetoric used to allow for such abuses
points to no other than alberto gonzales, bush's nominee for attorney general. so, you can...
write a letter to rumsfeld & the prime minister of iraqsign a petition urging senators to closely consider gonzales' record before appointing himsign another one...and...
urge gonzales and the senate to renounce torture what's 2005 all about??? oh yeah... "less bitchin' more petition!" (let me know when my new catch phrase gets too annoying)