NCIS, Horrible Singers, and a Great Book

Feb 11, 2008 14:49

i know it seems i don't have time for this blog. but thats only partially true. the real reason i haven't written in a while is because i find that writing all the time for law schools saps creative juices from my brain and fingers to go towards estates or evidence outlines. plus i'm getting published and that huge honking work was well... work. and my brain and body are still getting over the trauma of it all, and low and behold they send it back to me for revisions. blech.

plus the cold. and granted, i blame everything on the cold, but its like -35 degrees outside with the windchill factor anymore and i find it takes all sorts of energy and brain calories to remind my hands and feet, which have horrible circulation to wake up and work. let alone tell them to type something that isn't completely necessary except for keeping my sanity, and lets all just agree i lost that years ago anyway. so behold the many excuses or the few i've offered as to why writing the blog has lost some appeal and or will loose appeal if i write it while not inspired in the least. granted, at this moment i'm inspired by some sort of weird guilt, but as it is its inspiration. i take what i am given.

the most interesting and newest info i have is that i bought season three of NCIS today. so that is exciting and i'm walking around the law school looking like i've swallowed a canary. but thats ok, no one looks closely at me anyway. so, thats not really interesting unless you are addicted to NCIS like i am, or am my mother who i force (well not anymore) to watch it with me once a week or so. :)

all in all i lead a boring life i assure you. the cold keeps most of the crazies inside, but the horrible singers and performers on the el platforms are still out. seriously they were all unenjoyable today and i was on two different lines. sheesh. force me to listen to your horrible selection and rendition of so call music why don't you. i was however warmed by the thought of owning another season if NCIS, of course, but also chuckled more than a few times reading The Time Traveler's Wife. Which I haven't finished, but highly recommend.
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