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Pronunciation -noun 1.restoration to life, consciousness, vigor, strength, etc. 2.restoration to use, acceptance, or currency: the revival of old customs. 3.a new production of an old play. 4.a showing of an old motion picture. awakening, in a church or community, of interest in and care for matters relating to personal religion. evangelistic service or a series of services for the purpose of effecting a religious awakening: to hold a revival. 7.the act of reviving. 8.the state of being revived. 9.Law. the reestablishment of legal force and effect.
I believe that in this age there are many different beliefs within the Church about what Revival is. This video "Revival Hymn" captures what true revival is, uses verses to bring repentance, and explains what qualities do not make up true Christianity. It discusses the infiltration of humanism into fundamental Christianity as well. It brought me to my knees in tears several times having to pause the video. I believe that simply watching this entire video will prompt some to commit their lives to Christ. Give it a chance! (It's 35 minutes of non-boredom audio sermon with pictures in the background. Make sure you watch it all the way through because there are a couple minute long musical pauses.)