Part 1: For the past two nights, I've had weird, somewhat-disturbing, somewhat-unsettling dreams.
Saturday night, forced to go to bed early because of a power outage, I had a dream of being in my hometown, in the midst of a brewing riot... but that wasn't the disturbing part. I thought the police towed my car so it was out of the way of the protesters, so I couldn't find my car. I woke up a couple of times throughout the night to look out the window to make sure my car was still there.
Part 1 side note: Neighborhood power outage sucked ass. SciFi was in the middle of a Heroes marathon. I had only seen up to episode 5 of Heroes. I had hoped to stay up as long as I could and watch as much as I could before I had to work on Sunday. SciFi was up to episode 4 when the outage hit. Color me annoyed.
Part 2: Then this past night, I was at some baseball game with 5 people I did not know; 1 male, 4 females. The male had his wife there, then there were the 3 females I didn't know. In my attempts to figure out why I was there, it turns out the male was a guildie and the 3 other females. This dream was probably a byproduct of my last couple of days, I was in a group vent session in mech and heard guild names bandied about. It felt like I got invited to the game to be set up with the females... but I was too involved in eating my hot dog.
Part 2 side note: The whole relationship thing has been hitting hard the past week. It's probably a case of weird timing. It started with my mom mentioning that her friend wanted to introduce me to her granddaughter in China. Then while I was fixing my sister's computer, my niece asks me "When are you going to get married?" and "Do you get lonely?" My parents are in town this week. I went to visit them. Mom goes, "Sit down." "Why?" (I know what's coming next.) "Sit down, let's talk." (This only compounds my premonition.) Mom never wants to sit down and talk. Anyways, mom starts asking if I have a girlfriend or whatnot. Then starts saying that any type of girl is OK (even black girls, woo!), guys are probably not (I kinda played that off, testing the waters), and some other stuff just to tell me to be open or whatever. I admit, I'm just making excuses on why I'm not in or looking for a relationship. I'm not really trying. But I kinda don't care. I would really like to be with someone, but if it ends up that I'm not, I'm OK with that. I may feel frustrated and whatnot, but I can deal with it.