Earlier today I got a press release with some pretty bad errors in it. I shared it with #a! and started laughing at it. Most notable of the laughers were myself and
kken because we're professionals in the media industry. One of the channel denizans, a good friend, took offense to me poking fun because the press release represented an organization for whom I am working for. This organization is Anime Expo. And the press release said: "EXCLUSIVE WORD PREMIERES" of some films. Now if you're looking at the details, you'll notice the "L" missing in "WORLD"... and this was all in caps, in the subject and in the body of the release.
Now unnamed person said instead of helping I am busting down the convention, and then promptly began to ignore me. I don't know if he understands why I poke fun. First of all, I'm not making fun of Anime Expo directly. I'm making fun of the company they've decided to deal with that is constantly putting out press releases with errors in them. Also, being a professional in the media industry, and one who busted his ass getting a degree with an emphasis in public relations, I find it insulting that these errors get approved and sent down the pipe. Doubly insulting is that once upon a time, I offered my professional skills to said organization and was dismissed without thought.
So if you stop crying foul and start paying fucking attention, you'd realize what's going on here. I figured out a while back that I'm not going to make a change to this huge fucking organization known as Anime Expo. It's like trying to steer an ocean liner using a spoon as a rudder. In the six-plus years I put in doing excellent work, I have gotten nowhere with the organization. Instead, all my efforts to better Anime Expo get squashed as they do not fall into line with the status quo. So I'm just gonna kick back and enjoy the cruise, even if the Queen-fucking-Mary III is heading off a waterfall. At least I'll have a good view.