Jan 03, 2014 18:04

2014 will be about self-enrichment and re-positioning so that I am taking advantage of my newly single life. That means pushing myself in new directions and to do more, whilst still living within my means, and doing it for my own benefit rather than for show or anyone else.

This is what that looks like on paper. Some of these are ambitious, and there is a chance my impulses and/or heart my re-prioritise, but I’m going to begin the year with something to reach for.

Money - Reduce Debt (again)
Pay off my credit card and reduce my loan by at least half.
This won’t be easy since I’d like to do some traveling, replace a few things, and buy furniture for the flat.
The payoff is that I will have more money with the loan payments reduced, and I will be able to save and buy things in cash the following year.

Culture - Take Advantage of London and the Arts
One new outing per month. Be it a foreign film, a gallery, theatre, dance, a concert but also new restaurants, trendy bars (East End), open mic nights, free gatherings in the park… Whatever, as long as it’s something I’ve not seen or somewhere I’ve not been.
This can be an impetus to see friends but going it alone is equally good.
The object is to spread my wings, fly new places, be able to share new experiences. To continue the metaphor, London is the peak of a mountain, I should be soaring.

Health - Push Harder
Stop smoking by the end of February.
Cycle 2000 miles by the end of the year and ride my commute in 40 minutes.
Start an additional exercise session each week, be it 40 mins at home, a mat class, PT, or otherwise.
Enough of the passive entertainment, time to really get moving.

Work - Lead the Change
We have two big projects in the plan for the year.
This year I will lead the debate, present the ideas and plans, and be responsible for delivering meaningful change for the new director

Flat - Start making it a Home
Have friends for dinner at least 4 times this year.
Start a collage of people who are important to me. This can flow from point 2 above, photos of me with friends and mementos of the occasions. Something physical to have in the flat, rather than the short-lived digital bragging of facebook.

Wine - Taste with Purpose
Take a friend to a more formal wine dinner.
Go to an event with the intention of tasting different wines and purchasing a case of something I’ve actually tried (e.g. WS, 3 Wine Men, etc.)
Take notes.

If I accomplish these, I will be happier within myself, closer to my friends, hopefully more interesting and in a better position to continue building my home and my life the following year. This is the year of setup, of good habits, of culture and experience. The next year I can think about the output: creating a stylish home, learning something new, being someone for others. Or at least, that's what it looks like right now to me.

Bonne année à tous.

goals, new year

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