Jan 31, 2013 08:02
Seems we've turned a corner with the light. Maybe it's just decent weather, but I can now tell the sun is up bit longer in the mornings and afternoons.
Thinking about it, it really affects me. I was trying to work out why I was so grumpy earlier in the week. Not enough sleep? Alcohol the night before? Both candidates, but I think maybe it was the unrelenting grey rain and cold. Sunshine today and I feel good, despite 5 pints last night and going to bed well past midnight. Must be the weather, right?
Speaking of going to the pub, I met another old work mate last night. I worked with him in Texas and Paris (he was based in London) but haven't really seen him since he moved to Ireland. I think we worked out it was six years since we last saw each other. It was great to catch up, he's such a raconteur.
Anyway, I got some news about another old work friend from him. Someone who I used to be quite close to when I first moved but have drifted apart over the last couple years. I knew he was doing well, but turns out he, too, is now a director! Big region, team of forty, well-regarded. He's done it the right way as well: working his way up in the same company over five years or more, just by being good at what he does, taking on responsibility, and delivering. He's a good guy, and an inspiration. He is also, ironically, the line manager of my mate in the pub, even though it was pub-mate who first brought now-director into the company at a more junior level. How things change, but the shining mark of all of it is that the relationship works quite well for both parties.
So, two friends my age, both of whom are good guys, have worked their way into senior positions in major companies. Firstly, good for them; both of them have earned their place. But also in comparison, it seems I could be doing more. That's not to say I'm far behind or that I think I should be a director; they have both worked extremely hard to get where they're at and I have yet to find that level of ambition within myself, but certainly there is some room for me to grow. Something to think about amongst everything else that's bouncing around in my head at the moment.
Questions I need to re-visit and ponder: Where do I see myself? How high and doing what? How much does the What matter? I think I like problem solving, analysis, and something more commercial rather than sales-orientated work, but if I know where I want to be, does that make sacrificing the day-job in the short term more palatable? What am I willing to sacrifice? Then there's the whole subject new challenges and staying fresh and learning new skills for the future.
So much to think about. But it has also been good to catch up with old friends and I'm glad to see them doing well.