Oct 17, 2008 00:44
There's an old scottish lady at the end of my street who grows huge hydrangea bushes, they look amazing because the soil around here is weird so they are the most astounding shade of red, and everytime i see them they make me think about how humans develop technology, and why we might be doing everything exactly wrong. You all know the colour variance of hydrangeas is because of the PH level of the soil they grow in right? a natural litmus paper. Red for acid, blue for alkaline.
Well, this is what always gets me thinking about it. We as a species see something in nature we think would be useful and we fight nature for it instead of working with it, i mean soil testing, i bet there's a piece of equipment out there that costs thousands of pounds and had millions spent on it in R&D and it's a thing, and you stick it in the floor and press a button and it goes "beep" and gives you a PH reading to 8 decimal places, when all you'd probably have to do is transplant a hydrangea bush and wait a week or two. farming's not that fast to need an instant result. We squeeze atoms for power when there's the sun already doing that really well, We burn fossilized wood when the wind caused by the geological movement that buried it blows our hats off. I am aware of the hypocrisy of my livejournal icon and the fact that i am typing this on a brain made out of artificially doped sillicon.
I can't really elaborate anymore on that, it's just a feeling i have like hearing one violin out of tune in an orchestra and you're so busy trying to work out which one it is you can't really concentrate on the music.
When i was a kid, i used to close my eyes when walking under roadsigns with two poles or anything that was a natural arch or doorway because maybe i'd find one that went somewhere else. I still do it when i'm feeling crappy.
Today i got a haircut and ordered a pair of navy blue hi-top chucks. Think that's about it.
technology sucks,