Warning: Political Diatribe Ahead
Sarah Palin is barely a week old in national politics and already the darling of the Republican right. Never mind that before last week, a mother of a five-month old baby should be staying home to care for her family according to the crazy, crazy Christians. And abstinence only was the battle cry. That is, until the weekend came around. It seems no matter what a Republican politician does, the religious right feels that that "R" after the name stands for "righteous."
I thought I'd do a bit of research just to see what the rationalizations were. Let's see what the dear "Dr." Laura has to say. Now, had Sarah Palin called into to the show saying she was going to take a high level executive job and wanted "Dr." Laura's advice, "Dr." Laura would have berated her for neglecting her family. And as for little Bristol Palin.. according to past advice, that baby should go up to adoption the moment it leaves the birth canal or should be cared for by the presumed "stay-at-home" grandmother. But again, that would have been before last week.
So, surprisingly, Dr Laura is upset over the choice of Palin, for all the above reasons, but she's still going to vote for the McCain ticket because, as she puts it, she couldn't bear a "fundamental leftist, especially one who is a marvelous orator, as President." Wow! Being a marvelous orator is a negative?! She must have been in heaven listening to Bush navigate the treacherous waters of the English language for the last seven years.
And now with Palin, Dr. Dobson is on board. He's happy that Bristol has chosen to keep the baby, that Gov. Palin is not a hypocrite, and "all it really means is that she and her family are human." So, boys and girls, stick with abstinence-only. That's working so well for us. No matter how much a miserable failure it may become, stay the course. Where have I heard that before? But if you do slip, know that you'll get the Focus on the Family seal of approval as long as you choose to keep the baby, because a condom is just a preemptive abortion. Every sperm is sacred.
It seems Republicans will hold on to their ideas of how everyone else should live, that is, until even they can't follow it. Maybe that's the origin of the phrase "the elephant in the room."
And then there's Log Cabin. Wow! Cabin fever has set in early this year. "McCain stood with us on the single most important issue affecting Gays and Lesbians." Yeah, if he gets elected, enjoy your view under the bus. At least get some concessions out of the party before you go giving an endorsement. Now what do you have to bargain with? Sure, the Democrats don't always come right out and say what we'd hope they would, but at least they don't actively work against us. And if you're looking for some sort of economic relief from the Republicans, keep in mind who's been in control for the last seven years and tell me how well that's worked out for your 401k.
Don't get me wrong, there was a time I could stand McCain. But that was before he sold his soul to James Dobson and the rest of the demons from hell. I suspect that the Log Cabin endorsement was less about John McCain and more about getting some media time for LCR to try and make themselves look a little less irrelevant than they are.
Oh, and did I mention McCain is a war hero? From what I hear, he single-handedly won the Vietnam war.
So, here again are a couple more political cartoons from my favorite cartoonist, Pat Bagley of the Salt Lake Tribune.