Feb 07, 2012 21:48
The past week has been sickness all through the family. Near as I can tell Owen was our own patient zero, followed by either Carrie or I, with Paige bringing up the rear. It hit me last Sunday/Monday and lasted till about today. Still not completely over it but much better since yesterday.
This past weekend we toted the kids out to Carlsbad for Julie and Rosss birthdays. Was good to get out there and see 'em but also tough what with everyone not feeling well. Made for a tiring weekend. So much so that I came home from work after a couple of hours on Monday.
Managed a session of Flamentations Friday before last. A mini-dungeon crawl followed by a survival scenario and finally returning to a town beset by chaos. Next session this Friday.
Still considering moving this thing over to blogger, but I kind of feel like there should be more focus if I do that.
Pulled a 12-hour at work today. Surprisingly, not that bad. But then a 3 hour nap yesterday and staying busy all day today probably helped.
Oh, and I got a new nook. Carrie was wanting to do more reading so she took my old one and I upgraded to a nook Simple Touch. Very small, and very nice. Still working through Dance with Dragons, but taking large chunks out at a time. Carrie's been reading Bossypants and enjoying it, so I may hit that up next. Or maybe Ready Player One, not too sure.