Carrie and the kids have been out of town for three days. I have accomplished almost nothing of note except relaxing in a quiet house, having a few drinks, and clearing the dvr. Also, I had dinner with Mom and maybe almost broke my toe whilst refilling the vaporizer in the kids room tonight.
Last week
nakachuki came through town for a welcome visit. The weekend saw Julie and family come in for a visit. Good times with family and friends. Spent a lovely Sunday outside with family, doing yard work and drinking beer on the patio.
Gaming: Dead Elf Time-Travel D&D game saw us proceeding through the past to forestall the destruction of the elven empire. We interrogated a tiefling which lead us to tracking down an volcano dragon that would end up destroying both the elfs' and the tiefling empires. Along the way a botched roll lead to fighting dragonmans whilst traveling even further back in time to when a bridge existed, avoiding the canyon full of carrion crawlers. Then we re-time-traveled to the current-past and enlisted the help of the ruined dwarf empire in taking down the volcano dragon... Which we will do two Fridays from now.
Read through some of the
Lamentations of the Flame Princess. Pretty good stuff. I dig the aesthetic conceit.
Dad and Jon are coming in this Friday. Then I'm leaving Sunday for a weeklong work trip. Family, travel, fun!