Nov 27, 2006 14:28
So I've got a second interview with Flagstar tomorrow, I"m pretty damn pumped.
Wow, Joseph Addai, what a monster. 171 yards on 24 carries and 4 touchdowns. I knew he was gonna be good, but goddamn. Edge has 3 tds all season. I told you all that this kid would be good, but I didnt think he would be this good this soon.
I still think that the Beach Boys are one of the most underrated bands of all time. Brian Wilson is genious.
Congrats to Sickboi on passing his intrument check thingy, yeah buddy! *thumbs up*
I just got done with third shifts. Here is the rundown. You work seven third shifts in a row then get like four days off. Which worked out nicely because I have my interview tomorrow, and then hopefully I can go back into work and say "Sorry, but this job sucks ass, here is my two weeks." Lets hope I get to say that. I realized that my job right now consumes most of my life. I dont get nearly enough time with family and friends. Dont get me wrong, I am a hard worker and I dont mind work, but when it gets in the way of my shit outside of work, it has to go. Nobody wishes on their deathbed that they spent more time at the office.
I don't enjoy guitar center as much as I use to. Mike and I use to live for that shit. We'd drive an hour and half to go to one. Now i live five mintues from, and i rarely go. When I do go it feels uncomfortable, like because I can't play "Eruption" or some other boring shred piece that I shouldnt be in there. That's all you hear in there, people showing off. Wanna be musicians who have chops, but lack taste and most of the people that work there are starving musicians doing this day gig to pay for their rent while they gig at night at some dank bar in BFE. Generally, they are unhappy folk. But today one salesman was nice, his name was Bob. He talked to me, and I was nice back. Then i went into the acoustic room to play $2000 guitars, because it's free to play. He comes in and says "you lookin to get a new acoustic?" yeah i suppose. "Well let me know." and I said to the word, "If I have any questions, i'll ask you Bob, thanks." and this guy bothered me three more times while I was jamming, totally ruining my groove i was laying down for the people. He goes, "So you wanna buy that one there, it's real nice". I'm looking at the price tag ($1500) and thinking up a dialoge like this "Let me guess Bob, you arent married. See, if you came home with this thirty year old guitar that cost almost three months worth of rent so that you could just jam around the house, what do you think your imaginary wife would do, hmm?? It would take you a week to find your testicles, so no, I don't think I'll be buying it today." I wish i would have said that.