Okay, after leaving a good enough period of time between the poll and now, the winner (though by not many votes) for this community is a fanfic/fanart swap (which is definitely a lot of fun)!
Due to school and everything, this is going to be low-pressure, low anything... I will e-mail and remind those who participate, but other than that, it'll be up to you. These rules and guidelines have been borrowed from
atla_summerswap, a community I participated in over the summer (which I hope gets the same results)! Plus, by the time everything finishes out, it'll be a great Christmas present!
Here's the schedule we're hoping for:
• Sign ups go until October 1, 2008
• Assignments go out around the first/second week of October
• Fanworks will be due to fakeoutmakeout@hotmail.com on December 1, 2008 at 11:59 EST (World Clock)
• Fanworks will be posted anonymously the week of December 15
• The makers of the fanworks will be revealed the week of December 24th
What's game for exchanging?
• Pretty much any fanwork that can enjoyed on the internet (fics, poetry, art, fanvids, fanmixes, layouts, graphics, any combination of the above, etc.). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the mods.
Generally, another community would be made entirely, but seeing as I made this community and there isn't a whole lot of activity going on in it (though there is some which I appreciate), I'm just going to have this community be the main base since everyone who would be interested is here.
Other Rules:
- I'd love to have as many participants as possible but please don't sign up if you think you won't be able to produce a gift fanwork in the given amount of time.
- I don't want to restrict the creativity of anyone who wants to sign up, but please keep in mind that any fanwork for this exchange needs to be something that involves a good amount of effort. There's no easy way to quantify this, but let me try to show through some hypothetical examples:
BAD GIFT: One or two icons
GOOD GIFT: A batch of about 25 icons or a moodtheme or a layout
BAD GIFT: A 200-word drabble
GOOD GIFT: A 800+ word ficlet or a set of many 100-word drabbles
If you have any questions about what you are planning to give or about technical issues regarding your present, please either comment on this post or e-mail fakeoutmakeout@hotmail.com!
- Do not post or talk about your fanwork anywhere else before the makers are revealed. If you need to use a beta-reader or similarly seek the assistance of any other person, please make sure that person is not a participant of this exchange.
- Please try to let me know ahead of time if you absolutely cannot submit the gift fanworks in time so that a pinch-hitter (someone to step in at the last second so the person you're doing your project for won't not get something and be sad) can be arranged.
All you need to do (if you want to participate) is fill (below) this out and comment this entry with it. All comments are screened!
EDIT: This is a form, so even though there's not a scroll bar on the side, there is more to the form you're supposed to fill out.
Username:Email address: What fanworks you would like to receive (fic, art, etc):Preferred ratings:Preferences/Requests in characters and/or ships (other than Danny/Sam):Preferred Genres (at least 3):What genres/squicks you do not prefer:Prompts for fanworks: What you are willing to make:What is the highest ratings you prefer for your own fanworks:What characters/pairings you are not comfortable with:What genres/squicks you are not comfortable with:What are your preferred characters/ships/genres for your own fanworks: Username:
Email address:
What fanworks you would like to receive (fic, art, etc):
Preferred ratings:
Preferences/Requests in characters and/or ships (other than Danny/Sam):
Preferred Genres (at least 3):
What genres/squicks you do not prefer:
Prompts for fanworks:
What you are willing to make:
What is the highest ratings you prefer for your own fanworks:
What characters/pairings you are not comfortable with:
What genres/squicks you are not comfortable with:
What are your preferred characters/ships/genres for your own fanworks:
Note: I'm aiming to get a least 10 people involved (so it can be an even, happy swap).
Also, if you're unsure about the "genres/squicks you're uncomfortable with" go
here, and they have a list of those things for you to sort through when deciding your own.