Dammit, I WAS gonna use this post to initiate the BALL OFF, but it seems one of the novels DID come out on top and there won't be a ball off now! *pouts* That's not cool - I was all excited about it! One of you in particular knows how much i WANTED one (just so i could use the actual term 'ball off' again and again)....
*sigh* Oh well, the flist has spoken.
The winning novel, btw, is Jurassic Park. I blame YOU (you know who you are) b/c I know you voted for it and it's your fault now I can't have a ball off (you being
taraleesg1 XP)
And if you're curious to what a Ball Off ACTUALLY is, I'll explain if enough people want an explanation - of course it was a had to be there and have my warped and twisted sense of humor moment, but I'll still try and do it justice if anyone wants to know.
P.S. - AWWWWWWWWWWW TO MY CURRENT MUSIC! One of my forever!DV songs (if the video I made to it wasn't enough of a hint)