"Dinosaur eats Man - Woman inherits the earth."

Oct 20, 2008 22:00

Son of a bitch - Panthers just frelling lost. Not that I'm surprised really, but hey - it would've been nice for them to win the first game I've been able to watch in a long time (Louisiana just isn't a place condusive for hockey watching). *sigh* Oh well... In more optimistic sports news, Junior finished second yesterday, and is now 9th in points! (I just looked on nascar.com b/c I'm a bad fan and haven't been watching the races).

Aaaaanywho, I am thoroughly procrastinating from studying for my GLY mid term tomorrow by doing... well, absolutely nothing! Seriously, I haven't done much of shit since getting back from walking around with Marymee. I just have been feeling very lazy today - I'm taking advantage of my nothing to do Monday. Plus, I got all the study cards made for the midterm last night (cramped up my hand like frell, too - and what sucked is a realized I didn't have my ace bandage when I REALLY needed it), so half the work is done right now. I migh hunker down with one of the SG-1 movie OSTs and start cramming in that information after I post...

But I'm so feeling like writing fic right now - I just don't know if anything I'll write will come out any good. I'm feeling like anything I'll attempt just won't be...nice. Nothing is looking very exciting and worth doing at the moment - so L&L right now, it's not even funny...

I could always post the 365s for the past few weeks - I have been keeping up with it, just haven't gotten around to posting it. Or, I could read more of Alliances since I haven't read any since Saturday - there's a lot of things I could do. I just need to get motivated.

So I saw Wall-E all three days it showed at the SLC. How could I not?? I mean, it's such an awesomely cool movie, and being able to see if for FREE is also a drawing factor. I saw two more "cameos", INCLUDING the Pizza Planet Truck. I was so pissed I didn't see it the first time b/c I know that's the ONE thing that's in every Disney/Pixar movie! Also saw Mike Wasowski, and idk how I missed THAT the first time! *snirk* Anywho, that is one movie I will be putting on my X-mika list.

In other movie news, I picked up Indy 4 from Mike's on Thursday. I just couldn't help it - I needed it. From now on, though, no more unnecessary spending. I got my care package from Madre on Thursday with lots of Ramen noodles, Easy Mac, and being the awesome Mommy she is, she gave me popcorn and hot cocoa too! XD So now that I have food to eat here in my room, I won't have to spend so much on take out.

I think that's about it for now - the more I type here, the more inspired I seem to get to work on some fic.


exams, sports, money, slc, movies, fanfic

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