Ah, graphics making.

Jul 24, 2010 23:50

 So the other night, after making the new header, I decided I really wanted to make a new wall for Lord Danny. But I didn't really get a chance until today to work on something. I decided to go with the same kinda scheme as my new header, but with a Daniel theme (and obviously a bit of tweaking with the design). This is what came of it:

Well, my friend weirtoo  asked me if I could make something with both Shanks AND Lexa on it like my desktop for them to sign at Dragon*Con. Still feeling in a creative mood, I agreed. And then she started getting all excited and wanted to send me all her VanCon pics of Shanks' panel so I could work with those (she was intending to send/give them to me anyways). Aaaanywho, these two pieces came out of her requests -


You can use them if you wish (not that anyone necessarily WOULD - but I already had a few people ask). There's lots of 'empty' space because they were originally intended to be autographed, but the empty space shouldn't really be a problem b/c it give you somewhere to place your icons (I so had when desktops are obstructed by icons!)

I already have more graphic requests lined up, so look out for more stuff coming out in the next few weeks.


vancon, lord danny, lexa doig, daniel jackson, dragon*con, chicago con, michael shanks, walls, graphics

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