More memes!

May 04, 2010 00:09

So I gots both of these from liliofthevaley . :) I've done both before, but they are always fun to redo.

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee.

1) This is one of my all time favorite scenes in all of Stargate. Drunk!Danny, as many of you know, is one of my weaknesses (which is why I write it into fics, a lot), so getting so see just a glimpse of it on the show was very squee-worthy for me. It serves as my 'I am so gonna post DRUNK' icon! *snirk*

2) I remember when the pics for Ark of Truth came out, this one made me squee with much squeeness. Michael and Claudia have such amazing chemistry, both in character and out. This icon covers all the bases, because not only are Daniel and Vala HUGE flirts with each other, but so are Michael and Claudia. Also? It's made by the lovely dvshipper ! XD

3) Everyone ALWAYS picks this icon when I do this meme! *snirk* I am one of the biggest POtC fans you will meet - I may not get into the whole fandom aspect of it (fanfic/vids, etc), but I am definitely a hardcore fan of the series. Jack Sparrow is one of my fandom heroes. He's amazing. And he's the best pirate any will ever see because...well, he's amazing.

4) First, I was there to see this happen in person. Second, it was downright hysterical because it was totally something Shanks would do. Three, it was made by one of my all time favorite icon makers of all time EVAR - magnavox_23 .

5) Riley was a kitteh I found the dog "playing" with two summers ago out in the yard. He was maybe a few weeks old and we had NO idea where he came from. So we ended up hand raising him, feeding him with a bottle and everything. He began to grow up into the sweetest, most adorable kitteh you would've ever known. Unfortunately, when we went to have him fixed, he didn't survive the procedure. I immediately made this icon to honor the wonderful kitteh that he was and it now serves as my kitteh icon. I really miss this little boy. :\

6) Ummm, it's me and Shanks?! LoL, no...okay... I put up my Photo Op pics from ChiCon last year for all on my flist to see. And the wonderful and AMAZING magnavox_23  went ahead and made up some icons of said pics on a whim (because she is AWESOME), and this was one of my favorites of the batch (it was hard at the time to choose just one or two among them. Now that I have more space, I might just upload some more! XP). I love how it's all black and white and classic, with just my pink hair standing out. MY personality is captured in it without drawing away from the greatness of the pic in general. XD

~ Take a sheet of paper and with a pen or pencil, write down the answers to these questions:

1. What is your name?
2. Are you left-handed or right-handed?
3. What letters you like the most?
4. What letters you like the least?
5. Write down: "A thought once uttered is untrue"
6. Name 2 of your favorite music band/artists.
7. What do you like to do?
8. Who do you love?
9. Who is your latest crush?
10. Name 5 friends you want to do the same you just did

personal, meme, icons

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