Meme: TV Shows

Jan 28, 2010 16:35

Been a bit since I did a good meme...I've  done this one before, but it's doing the circulation so I figured I'd redo it:

Snurched from lifeistoobrevis

Name a TV show series in which you have seen every episode at least twice:
Stargate SG-1, Andromeda, Firefly

Name a (current) show you can't miss:
Burn Notice, Glee

Name an actor that would make you more inclined to watch a show:
I think I've more than proven it's Shanks!

Name an actor who would make you less likely to watch a show:
Corin Nemec...for seriously. Have never really liked his acting style (and yes, i have seen him in other things)

Name a show you can, and do, quote from.
Stargate SG-1, Andromeda, Burn Notice, Farscape

Name a show you like that no one else enjoys:
I'm gonna say The Tudors. I know many enjoy it (as is proven by the comms I'm a member of), but I only know of two on my flist that watch it and *I* got them into the show to begin with.

Name a TV show which you've been known to sing the theme song:
Stargate SG-1, Farscape (not singing, but I know every season's intro word for word), Burn Notice (again, no singing)

Name a show you would recommend everyone to watch:
We all watch SG-1 here, so no need to do that one. It'd be a toss up between Glee and The Tudors.

Name a TV series you own:
Stargate SG-1 (twice over), Farscape, Firefly, The Tudors, Burn Notice...the ones I don't have ALL of the available seasons for so far are Lost, Gilmore Girls, Heroes, Robot Chicken, and Family Guy.

What is your favourite episode of your favourite series?
Abyss is my ALL TIME FAVORITE of SG-1. Fav D/V ep is 'Memento Mori'

A show you mean to watch, but you just haven't gotten around to yet:
Sanctuary - I've seen a handful of eps and have loved what I've seen, but haven't gotten around to REALLY watching. Battlestar is one that I'll eventually get around to seeing. And (Gods, hope Naddy doesn't see this!) Fringe. Also need to get caught back up on Lost.

Ever quit watching a show because it was so bad?

Name a show you aren't interested in watching, not in the least:
V - have no big interest in that one.

Name a show that's made you cry multiple times:
Stargate SG-1, The Tudors, Farscape, Andromeda, E.R almost EVERY episode!

Oldest TV show you like?
Does Looney Tunes count?? I'm all for classic cartoons, like classic Scooby Doo!

Newest TV show you like?

What do you eat when you watch TV?
Depends on what I'm in the mood for at the time.

How often do you watch TV?
Not regularly...only watch NCIS, Burn Notice, and Glee when they premiere. Always watch SG-1 and Gilmore Girls on the weekdays on their respective channels. Occasionally I watch things like CSI on spike (which is what I have on right now).

Do you have a favorite talk show?
Does Chelsea Lately count as a talk show??

What's the last TV show you watched?

What's your favourite/preferred genre of TV?

What's your least favourite genre of TV?
Reality TV

What was the first TV show you were obsessed with?
Power Rangers (don't hate now! XP )

What TV show do you wish you never watched?
Don't think I've ever regretted watching any tv show.

What's the weirdest show you enjoyed?
Farscape is scifi on crack (Ben Browder even said so), so that's probably the one!

What TV show scared you the most?
X-files in the later seasons when it got wicked creepy!

What is the funniest TV show you have ever watched?
Family Guy

Which do you think is the best TV series ever made?
SG-1, no doubt about that!

family guy, meme, tv shows, stargate, the tudors, firefly, ncis, farscape, sanctuary, glee, andromeda, burn notice

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