To each their own. I think SPN has progressively gotten better. Well, OK, it is probably the HUGE arc that I really like. As far as the guys go, you can see that their acting ability (or at least Jared's) has gotten better. I like Kripke's writing. And he seems to understand fans & fandom. He has a good laugh with us at all the absurdity. *smiles* Whedon & Kripke should get together. I think they might have an unstoppable series...screw FOX. Mischa Collins is great as Castiel, but that is just my opinion. Subtle but it hits you like a 2x4. It will never take the place of Stargate, but I do like it. It's fun. Pure & simple. I didn't watch it for the story until this season and maybe some of last season...I was blown away by it. The last time I had seen such stories was the West Wing. Not that they are of the same caliber, but actual consequences for actions. Yes! It doesn't hurt that the guys, Mischa included, are not bad on the eyes. But that would be like robbing the cradle for me (4 yrs younger than me as far as guys are concerned is too young). Ewwww!
It doesn't hurt that the guys, Mischa included, are not bad on the eyes. But that would be like robbing the cradle for me (4 yrs younger than me as far as guys are concerned is too young). Ewwww!
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