different day, different kind of shit all the time
- 23:53 Q:Why ask why not? A:Why do you keep asking me these questions?? formspring.me/dannysgirlsg1/q/37356160 #
- 00:09 @ SwimChicSQ I'm still waiting for them to put those two specific people's names up there. ;P #
- 00:11 Q:Why not? ;o) A:Whycome? XP formspring.me/dannysgirlsg1/q/37397372 #
- 00:13 @ SwimChicSQ Mmmmhmmm...just hoping against hope that those two are added. REALLY REALLY HOPING. #
- 00:17 @ SwimChicSQ For seriously would make my year too. That and actually making it to the damn #Canucks game I want. #
- 00:26 I wanna write hayden!fic, but I'm having trouble getting properly inspired. #
- 00:27 REFS SUCK!!!!!! #Canucks #
- 00:29 @ ksorbs Or us Andromeda (or Hercules) fans could just rewatch you be awesome in either! ;) (not that I wouldn't watch those 5 movies!) #
- 00:30 @ ceramicat Nighty night! #
- 00:30 NO...DON'T BE HURT, KES!! O.O #Canucks #
- 00:33 @ SwimChicSQ Nighty night! #
- 00:43 @ taralee2 Oh SO MUCH HATE! XP #
- 00:46 @ taralee2 Yeah, you better be a REALLY good stalker and get me an autograph from Billy Boyd. I mean...it's BILLY BOYD!!! #
- 00:47 @ mozy19 Was JUST wondering how that turned out! Thanks for the update! #
- 00:50 @ PBMom Nighty night! #
- 00:52 No no no! DAMN YOU REFS!!! YOU SUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!! #Canucks #
- 00:52 I'm so damn nervous now. #Canucks #
- 00:54 DAMMIT!! 3-2 now, Predators lead. #Canucks #
- 00:54 Predators lead again, 3-2, with 4 minutes to go in the third. #Canucks #
- 00:55 They are bad about pulling it back...if they do it, I'll be surprised as all the other times before. #Canucks #
- 00:58 They're not gonna do this. :( #
- 00:59 Not disciplined - the Refs SUCKED tonight. THAT'S what lost the #Canucks the damn game! #
- 01:00 BURROWS AGAIN - THAT'S BULLSHIT. Can we say they were targeting him much?! #Canucks #
- 01:01 @ tsmethurst TRUFAX! That was a horrible game and they made horrible calls. #
- 01:17 Well, hello there Mr. Highlander. XD #
- 01:18 And with that, I'm off to bed. Nighty night Twitterwebz! #
- 11:08 Today will be one year since Riley, only the most adorable and loveable cat, died. :( :( :( #
- 12:58 Alrighty, time for some French. Then I'll be returning the textbook I don't need. #
- 13:00 @ MingNa To return a textbook I don't need. Since it's the last day to do it, I'm sure the line will be wonderfully LONG. *rolls eyes* #
- 15:42 Afternoon dear friends. #
- 17:02 @ Kat_Xander Yeah, Burrows was talking about it, how the ref came up to him and told him he had it out for him. #
- 17:08 @ Kat_Xander If you go on the Canucks site, they have the the interviews up. And you know it's big when even Lu is saying something was up. #
- 17:13 @ naddycat YES! Anytime someone replies to me, my phone goes off. I was wondering why it was happening. #
- 17:18 @ naddycat Howdie! It is a bit annoying, which is why I'm glad I'm not in classes for the rest of the day. #
- 17:23 @ naddycat All I had today was French, so yep. #
- 17:26 GO VOTE RT @CanucksArmy: New poll @ CanucksArmy: what do YOU think of the Auger/Burrows issue? Vote & comment! bit.ly/8nfo0R #canucks #
- 17:33 @ naddycat I am - it's pretty easy stuff, and easier to understand since I've taken Spanish in the past. #
- 17:40 @ sorchamorrigan *spork spork spork* #
- 17:43 @ sorchamorrigan Anytime! *huggles* #
- 17:46 RT @mozy19: #HankForHart RT if you're with me! #canucks #
- 17:48 @ Kat_Xander Same here. When you get both Hank and Lu mentioning the questionable calls, that's when you gotta wonder about it. #
- 17:57 Q:Hello it's me again ...I wanted to just a... A:Me?! LoL, no no! I'm just a REALLY REALLY... formspring.me/dannysgirlsg1/q/38952039 #
- 17:58 @ Kat_Xander Obviously it's big enough for ESPN and such to mention it...hockey usually doesn't get much attention until playoffs. #
- 17:59 @ Kat_Xander Not just that, but the game broadcast from Sportsnet. I know they were calling out the bad calls too. #
- 18:00 Shadowplay is on today...which means I'll watch up until that one part I really love, and then mute the rest. #
- 18:00 B/c I don't think y'all wanna hear me bash Jonas for 45 minutes. #
- 18:01 Plus, I don't feel like being jailed over Jonas. I'd do it for Daniel-squee AND Jonas bashing (which is how I got jailed the first time). #
- 18:02 Q:I did not mean it ... I've seen of it one... A:LoL, I've seen him a few times now. Hopin... formspring.me/dannysgirlsg1/q/38968437 #
- 18:03 @ MarvelousMrsE HEHE, oh definitely! #
- 18:06 What the hell did Jon-ASS do to Daniel's office?? There was a lizard in it. O.o #
- 18:07 Teal'c, you are a better person than me. You befriended that slimy little weasel - much props to you, sir. #
- 18:08 Unfortunately, we do know Jon-ASS Quinn. #
- 18:08 Hehe, Jack was looking at Jon-ASS like he wanted to shoot him. #
- 18:11 Hey, even Carter had her WTF face on there! Miss 'but we need this from them and who cares they blamed one of my best friends for sabotage'. #
- 18:12 WHAT is he doing in Daniel's office with all those tanks and animals?! For seriously, I'm getting scary ideas of what it could be. #
- 18:12 "You sound like Dr. Jackson." #
- 18:13 "We spent some time together." #
- 18:13 Awwwww, LOVE that one little moment. Shows how much Daniel has influenced Jack. #
- 19:59 NCIS TIME!!! #
- 20:00 I'm so excited for this ep!! #
- 20:01 @ superrhuman Squirt! #
- 20:04 @ superrhuman Indeed. ;) #
- 20:08 Oh, McGee is LOVING it. *snirk* #
- 20:18 You know that saying 'gag me with a spoon'?? Yeah, just had one of those moments. #
- 20:26 @ Lunna1969 I think that's the point. I knew I wouldn't from what Tony's said in the past. #
- 20:43 Did anybody else just tear up?! Please tell me I'm not the only one! LoL! #
- 20:45 My heart did the awwww-achy thingy when Gibbs said that about Tony. They are so the Jack/Daniel of NCIS. #
- 20:57 AWWWW!!! Gibbs/Tony bonding!!!! XD XD XD #
- 20:57 Nuts, no new ep next week. *pouts* #
- 21:00 @ ValaBlack NCIS. #
- 21:16 HOE-MG, one of my roommates is so LOUD AND DISTRACTING. And I have my door closed...it's still obnoxious! #
- 21:31 @ Goldynchickie I had to put my headphones on and turn on music! O.o #
- 21:32 Just in case anyone has forgotten, I LOVE DANIEL AND VALA. *nods* #
- 21:37 "You will excuse me for saying so, but I have never seen a zombie's head taken off by words..." #
- 21:58 @ dvsquee You know, for someone who promised fic, you've been awfully absent the past two days! XP #
- 21:58 @ liliofthevaley Oh, you don't want ME there. I'm know for my Sam hair bashing! LOL! #
- 22:02 @ SwimChicSQ just checking! ;P #
- 22:02 @ connie_point Hmmmm, I like this idea! #
- 22:02 @ animal_cracker *snirk* Never know....people might forget! #
- 22:03 @ liliofthevaley LoL, Sam's hair has become subject of much commentary chatter in the past around here. #
- 22:04 @ Kat_Xander From Vawa?? ;P #
- 22:14 @ liliofthevaley Hey, when Daniel's later S.5 hair is better than many of Sam's dos in later seasons. #
- 22:36 @ ash0283 Awww, poor kitteh! :( #
- 23:41 So who broke Twitter this time?? #
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