different day, different kind of shit all the time
- 23:53 Need good vibes again!! COME ON, FOR THE CANUCKS! #
- 00:06 What happened to my cheering crowd?! COME ON, they need a goal! Give them some good vibes! #
- 00:11 This game is a joke. #
- 00:11 They aren't going to pull this off. I just know it. #
- 00:13 @ tsmethurst Idk what the Canucks are doing, but they're not playing hockey anymore. I'm cringing, it's so not pretty. #
- 00:13 @ SwimChicSQ It's ugly as fuck...i have no clue what the Canucks are doing, but it's not anything to praise. #
- 00:15 Okay, honestly, IMHO, Luongo is the only one on his game tonight. #
- 00:19 @ SwimChicSQ Nighty night! #
- 00:22 And that's it - they lost it. 1-0 Blackhawks. And now I'm going to cry. *snirk* #
- 00:25 @ tsmethurst It does. And Lu was so on his game tonight. The least they could've done was take it to overtime for him. *sigh* #
- 00:26 @ ValaBlack @superrhuman Shanks is ruling the world. I've already decided this when we take it over. #
- 00:27 Before I forget again, opening iTunes and listening to All You Need is Love. Been wanting to since that commercial first started playing #
- 00:29 @ ValaBlack Well, it's been determined for a long time that we'd take over the world, and then put Shanks in charge after we kidnap him! XP #
- 00:30 @ superrhuman I LOVE IT!! #
- 00:31 Dammit, the movie version is so better. You get Max singing 'she loves you, yeah yeah yeah' on it! *sigh* #
- 00:32 @ ValaBlack The others can - Shanks is supreme overlord. And then we're the committee that 'advises' him. #
- 00:37 Since I made the reference yesterday, listening to The Pitch (Spectacular, Spectacular) from...? (Yes, I want y'all to guess!) #
- 00:41 @ liliofthevaley Huzzah! #
- 00:42 @ Belisse But funny as hell, IMHO. Dom DeLuise's part cracks me up every time. "Watch me, faggots!"..."Sounds like steam escaping..." #
- 00:43 @ liliofthevaley INDEED!! Moulin Rouge is my favorite musical! #
- 00:46 B/c I heard the beginning of it playing in the background of GM Place, now listening to Beat It. XP #
- 00:52 @ Belisse That's Mel Brooks for you. Always purposely completely shattering that fourth wall. *snirk* #
- 00:53 @ SwimChicSQ Well, welcome back! #
- 00:55 @ SwimChicSQ Woot! Only two more for me! #
- 00:58 @ SwimChicSQ One tomorrow, and one on Tueday. And same. #
- 01:03 @ SwimChicSQ Ut ohs! #
- 01:13 twitpic.com/qluhq - My handiwork with a pen on the arm canvas! #
- 01:14 twitpic.com/qlumy - Close up on some of the detail. #
- 01:19 @ naddycat Bored. Bummed the Canucks lost, but otherwise cheerful. How's things with you? #
- 01:19 @ SwimChicSQ Thanks! #
- 01:20 I should just keep taking pics of random things around my room. LOL. #
- 01:20 twitpic.com/qlv7r - They need to make a Vala doll in this size - for seriously! #
- 01:21 @ ValaBlack It's been available for a long time now. Over a year, at least. I have all my favs already! #
- 01:21 Oh, I broke past 24,000 tweets. #
- 01:22 @ SwimChicSQ Ooooooooo!! #
- 01:23 @ tsmethurst Hehe, I'm popular AND like to talk! #
- 01:24 What do y'all wanna see pics of - Pony minionz or my I Dig Archaeology leopard?? #
- 01:25 @ SwimChicSQ Oh, no no...Not Friday. As soon as we get in and check in, we are in line for registration. I CAN'T miss out on luncheon tix! #
- 01:26 @ WormholeRiders @WR_Systems @SwimChicSQ Thanks...I'm so proud of my nonlife with all its tweeting time! #
- 01:27 @ superrhuman Room decoration is an artform...and Stargate art IS the best! XD I mean, you've seen pics of my room at home on LJ, right? #
- 01:29 @ ValaBlack Oh, that's right, you're out of Canada! #
- 01:29 @ SwimChicSQ As early as possible at this point. We could do it Sunday morning. #
- 01:30 twitpic.com/qlw3i - Archaeology leopard gift from the bestest friend @taralee2 #
- 01:31 @ ValaBlack Awww, that sucks. iTunes in the US is pretty on it's game. Just wish they'd get Andromeda! #
- 01:32 @ superrhuman Thanks. It's definitely a work of art...though I may have to take it all down in the near future. AND YOU DO!! #
- 01:33 @ SwimChicSQ Well, I doubt the David stuff will be early on Sunday. Michael's will be with the scruffy PO. #
- 01:33 @ SwimChicSQ Hehe, thanks. @taralee2 saw it in an Archaeology magazine and ordered it for me! ;) #
- 01:34 @ ValaBlack ANDROMEDA ROCKS!! I've said it before, but @LexaShmexa is absolutely amazing as Andromeda/Rommie (as is proof by my LJ layout!) #
- 01:35 I also have Crichton!Bunny and Scarecrow!Cam!Bear. #
- 01:35 @ WR_Systems Oh yeah, right. I WANNA be there, but I just can't afford it. I'll be at ChiCon 2010 and Dragon*Con. #
- 01:36 @ ValaBlack And of course it's WONDERFUL to see Shanks and Lexa as love interests on screen! XD #
- 01:37 @ naddycat Oooo,volunteer thing? #
- 01:41 twitpic.com/qlx36 - As requested Crichton!Bunny. #
- 01:42 Fell in love with this song the instant I heard it (while on vacay this past summer) ♫ blip.fm/~gqk6e #
- 01:44 @ ValaBlack @SwimChicSQ Doncha just love the random things I manage to find in my travels...or have sent to me? ;) #
- 01:45 @ ValaBlack You don't know about surfthechannel?!?! O.o #
- 01:46 @ ceramicat Of course he does! *pouts* #
- 01:47 @ naddycat LoL, yep! #
- 01:52 @ ValaBlack *gasp* But it's such a great resource, I figured all knew! It's how I can watch The Tudors as the season starts airing! #
- 01:55 @ ValaBlack Idk what sidereel is, actually. #
- 01:57 Looking at pics of my room gets me all excited - I'LL BE THERE IN ANOTHER DAY AND HALF! #
- 02:06 twitpic.com/qlzfi - I took this pic at the beginning of the summer. I love how it came out...Sikozu is so gorgeous! #
- 02:13 Thinking I'm gonna make some tea. That'll be good before bed. *nods* #
- 02:15 @ superrhuman *waves hand* You will make the tea. #
- 02:24 Hey, my screensaver is working again! YAY! #
- 02:25 There is something extra comforting about having a SG mug to drink tea from. #
- 02:32 Alrighty, bedness time. Nighty night Twitterwebz! #
- 12:45 *bounces* Pictures, pictures, pictures! #
- 12:47 @ naddycat Pictures from LA Con FINALLY on MSOL. And no, i haven't. #
- 12:47 @ SwimChicSQ Of Lumberjack!Shanks! XD #
- 12:49 @ naddycat Indeed. #
- 13:10 @ naddycat Eh, it's okay. Woke up with bad tummy cramps. I have a retest in recitation. #
- 14:42 Tummy cramps still haven't gone away. :( #
- 14:44 @ punslingerr *huggles* Thanks. #
- 14:47 @ teal64 I have a recitation, but it's just a retest and I did pretty well on the actual test, so I've decided not to go. #
- 14:49 @ ValaBlack Thanks. #
- 14:49 @ sorchamorrigan I saw that was on. *snirk* #
- 14:53 @ teal64 But that's the only thing that makes them watchable! #
- 14:56 @ teal64 Oh come on, you gotta love the gems that Swarmed and Mega Snake were! #
- 14:57 I've gotten to page two of these pics. Me thinks there will definitely be a new wallpaper for Lord Danny very soon. #
- 14:59 @ teal64 Swarmed was just...bad. MEGA SNAKE was pure craptastic, cinematic genius! I love it so much, I have it on my iPod! #
- 15:00 Wow, Beau Bridges on Desperate Housewives. #
- 15:04 @ sorchamorrigan @teal64 Indeed. And yet, I have it on DVD. *snirk* #
- 15:04 @ teal64 I forgot to inform him of that...will be doing so this coming year at ChiCon. I have Sumuru - haven't watched it yet. Have seen... #
- 15:05 @ teal64 ...Suspicious River. Loved the sick and twisted baddie he played. XD #
- 15:05 @ burstingenergy He was the guy who repaired the houses. #
- 15:05 @ Emma_V_79 ME TOO!! #
- 15:07 *sigh* Those beautiful blues eyes....bit.ly/815fKG #
- 15:07 @ teal64 Indeed! I ripped all his scenes from that movie. Have them saved. XD #
- 15:11 @ ValaBlack Indeed! MSOL finally got the pics up! XD #
- 15:11 That's the guy who did the voice of Watto in the Star Wars movies! #
- 15:12 And HE played Buckingham in the very first ep of The Tudors. #
- 15:14 @ ValaBlack Haha! I can't say I've actually squee'd or squealed when I've seen him in person. #
- 15:19 @ ValaBlack Haha, yeah, I know that feeling! #
- 16:00 4 pages of pics saved. *phew* #
- 16:04 @ ceramicat Oh, well, I don't watch the show ever. #
- 18:00 *sigh* Wish SG-1 was on. #
- 18:01 There are tickets in my email!! XD XD XD #
- 18:02 @ ensredshirt Umm, hi? LoL #
- 18:03 @ naddycat INDEED!! I'm very happy about this b/c having to wait for them in the mail is very nerve wracking. #
- 18:03 @ dvsquee *dances* #
- 18:06 @ SwimChicSQ ChiCon. #
- 18:06 @ naddycat I'm assuming since they started doing it this way that no, they don't. #
- 18:07 @ SwimChicSQ Well, I did order mine several days before you. #
- 18:08 @ naddycat Better than it was before, that's for sure. #
- 18:09 @ SwimChicSQ They've taken to doing it all online now, which is a relief....I think too many people ended up at Chicago w/o their tickets. #
- 18:10 The Tudors, S.4, premieres April 11th!!! #
- 18:15 @ nicstepro I think Chain Reaction is another ep that is a perfect example why Shanks decided to leave at the end of S.5. #
- 18:18 @ LexaShmexa Must be a dream come true being married to the Brawny paper towel man. XP #
- 18:23 I love how Gibbs always seems to 'take care' of Tony after Tony's had a hard time. #
- 18:35 @ dvsquee Oh, I never said it was a BAD thing! (and I was wondering if anyone saw that tweet...I thought it was pretty damn funny!) #
- 18:39 @ dvsquee Hence the 'MUST BE A DREAM'...LoL...never said it was BAD. I was just making an observation. XP #
- 18:43 @ naddycat Wow, you're catching up fast! XP #
- 19:30 In 24 hours, I will be home! XD #
- 19:31 I hate how USA jumps from Ziva eps to Kate eps. Tres annoying! #
- 19:31 @ SwimChicSQ *claps* What are you excited about most?? #
- 19:32 Hey, that's Sigorney Weaver. (Narrating this program on Discovery) #
- 19:33 Of course Madre informed me I was allowed to watch education tv anymore...not after Spermy. #
- 19:34 @ SwimChicSQ My kittehs and seeing my mommy!! And not having to worry about what to eat from day to day. #
- 19:34 Sorry, WASN'T allowed to watch educational tv. XP #
- 19:37 Wait, MTV is showing sitcoms now?? WHERE'S MY MTV?!?! O.o #
- 19:39 @ SwimChicSQ HAHA, well, I tend to turn things on their end when it comes to 'most things'. #
- 19:40 @ tsmethurst It's a sad thing to realize that they don't really exist anymore. #
- 19:41 The only channel on cable that I know of that still shows videos for an extended period of time is GAC. #
- 19:42 @ ensredshirt DUDE, I am NOT that young. You REALLY need to stop making that assumption - it's getting old! #
- 19:44 @ tsmethurst MTV doesn't even do it in the middle of the night anymore - at least VH1 still shows some videos. #
- 19:46 @ ensredshirt See, it's fine as a joke every so often. Yes, I'm 20. Doesn't mean you have to keep holding the age thing over me. So stop. #
- 19:47 HEY LOOK - VIDEOS ON GAC! ;P #
- 19:53 @ ensredshirt The way you bring it up, IMHO, is. You are the one always making assumptions about what 'MY' stuff should be, like with the... #
- 19:54 @ ensredshirt ...MTV thing down there. #
- 19:54 Off to shower...have a lot to do this evening in prep for going home tomorrow. #
- 19:57 @ ensredshirt I understand it was a joke. But you make so many like THAT that it gets old. I'm just asking you to stop 'stereotyping' I guess #
- 19:57 @ ensredshirt Now don't be like that. And nice with the subtlety. #
- 19:59 @ ensredshirt *snirk* See, THAT was a joke too! #
- 19:59 Okay, really going now...waaay too much to get done. #
- 20:28 @ SwimChicSQ Yaaaaaaaaaaay!!! #
- 20:33 I'm not going to be lazy tonight. Going to dry my hair the way I was shown to do it last time I got my hair cut. #
- 21:11 @ punslingerr Using a vent brush, going in sections rather than just using the hair dryer alone to dry the whole mass of hair. #
- 21:11 Time to pack. :) #
- 21:56 Digital copy of Star Trek loading now! XD #
- 22:00 @ SwimChicSQ Indeed! #
- 22:08 @ apndrgn Woo hoo!! I'll be doing that tomorrow evening! *snirk* #
- 22:08 Time to do the dishes. #
- 22:34 Now those are done. Though, I swear, if it wasn't for @Goldynchickie and I, this place would never be clean. #
- 22:38 @ SwimChicSQ Indeed. That is all I'm thinking about right now. LoL #
- 22:39 @ connie_point Hey, did you see ChiCon tickets went on sale?? :) #
- 22:45 "Dr. Grant, my dear Dr. Sadler. Welcome...to Jurassic Park." #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:45 "Get away from her, you bitch!" #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:46 "I have GOT to get me one of these!" #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:47 @ ash0283 I LOVE IT!!! Have since my mom first showed it to me! XD #
- 22:47 @ naddycat I've read the first one. Still prefer the movie, but LOVED the book too. #
- 22:47 "You're gonna need a bigger boat." #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:48 "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die." #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:49 "That's what I love about these high school girls. I keep getting older, they stay the same age." #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:50 "Now I'm gonna go home and sleep with my wife!" #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:51 "I have very fond memories of that dog!" #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:51 @ sorchamorrigan That was the one I was JUST reply with! #
- 22:52 "Can I borrow this?" #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:52 "Take what you can, give nothing back!" #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:52 @ sorchamorrigan DAMMIT! You got to it before me! XP #
- 22:53 "And here...we...go." #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:54 "I'm so tired of being shot at!" #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:54 "For Frodo." #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:54 "Nobody puts baby in a corner." #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:55 @ punslingerr Hey, I was close! Considering I'm doing all these off the top of my head, I think I deserve something here! XP #
- 22:56 @ punslingerr *cough* STARGATE. #
- 22:56 "Give my regards to King Tut, asshole." #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:58 "Wait to die. Wait to live. Wait for an absolution...that would never come." #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:58 "There's a fucking rocket in him, sir!" #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:58 "No, look harder. You see? He lives...in you." #classicmoviequotes #
- 22:59 "You best start believin in ghost stories, Ms. Turner. You're in one!" #classicmoviequotes #
- 23:00 "All we have to decide is what do with the time that is given to us." #classicmoviequotes #
- 23:00 "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." #classicmoviequotes #
- 23:03 "Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's and yours. I dare you to do better." #
- 23:03 Couldn't fit the #classicmoviequotes tag in there. #
- 23:04 @ sorchamorrigan No i'm not! I knew that one! XP #
- 23:04 "Boy do I hate being right all the time." #classicmoviequotes. #
- 23:05 "Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion." #classicmoviequotes #
- 23:07 "We will not quietly into the night. We will not surrender without a fight. We're going to live on. We're going to survive... #
- 23:07 ...Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!" #classicmoviequotes #
- 23:08 @ sorchamorrigan *snirk* You just made me remember that Kirk was climbing the mountain. #
- 23:09 "Let the joyous news be spread, the wicked old witch at last is dead." #classicmoviequotes #
- 23:10 @ sorchamorrigan Me too! XD #
- 23:12 Now I've reach the point where more tv quotes are coming up! *snirk* #
- 23:14 "I don't want to survive. I want to live!" #classicmoviequotes #
- 23:14 I mixed that up b/c I was thinking of a line from Hook as I typed it. #
- 23:15 "He'll crow. He'll fight. He'll fly. And then...he'll die!" #classicmoviequotes #
- 23:20 "Did you say Abe Lincoln?" #classicmoviequotes #
- 23:23 "Are you trying to save my soul?" #classicmoviequotes #
- 23:25 Me thinks I wanna play some more Spyro. XD #
- 23:26 Of course every time I see 'Song Computer Entertainment America presents', it makes me wanna play Crash Bandicoot: WARPED! #
- 23:27 oops, that should say Sony. #
- 23:34 @ tsmethurst INDEED! #
- 23:35 @ punslingerr This is the first one, actually. #
- 23:43 *claps* Tree Tops. I've always loved this board. #
- 23:45 @ SwimChicSQ I'm playing Spyro. #
- 23:46 @ punslingerr After watching some of it, I've realize it's a combination of the first and second. #
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