Nov 04, 2009 19:34
*cue up random bombardment of life stuffs and thoughts*
~ As fast as the days seem to be going by, it seems like this semester will never end! I want to go HOME! I do love being at school and really this semester, at least classes wise and living wise, isn't horrible. I just miss my mommy and my kitties and just being HOME. Get it - I want to be HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME!
~ I do not approve of the judges choice for this week's cut guy on SYTYCD. I mean, there was a style there that...*sigh* And he KILLED in that solo. Way more than the guy they kept! Totally baffled and angered (And I am aware of their names - I'm just trying to keep it as spoiler free as possible b/c I don't feel like using a cut! XP ).
~ Canucks are proving their own, even with all their injured players! Last night's game was a hoot to watch. The fighting was epic, the WINNING was fantastic, Raycroft and Kesler were on fire, AND CANUCKS ENDED UP TRENDING ON THE TWITTERWEBZ! Last night, it was so fulfilling to be a 'Nucks fan! XD And in related news, I SO hope Kesler makes it on Team U.S.A for the Olympics! That would rock awesomepops and I'd have something to look forward to watching when the Olympics come up in February!
~ I am so amazed and shocked at how many people in my History class AGREE that the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII was the RIGHT course of action! And how many also agree that the use of the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima was the right course of action. Maybe it's just the Daniel Jackson in me (*points* hehe, my mind went to the DIRTY place there), but I think both were WRONG. O.o
~ I kinda sorta really wish it was time for ChiCon/ D*C again...but I AM excited to see what comes out of LA Con this coming weekend. *nods*
~ Was fucked over by the bank again. THANK YOU horrible banking system of FAIL. THANK YOU!
~ Thinking it's time for a new Pony. Haven't gotten a new one since the summer...I feel the urge to get another one. The current lot is staring at me like 'Come on, we need a new addition to your plastic pony minions!' Maybe I can persuade Madre to get me another when I go HOME (yes, that place again) in THREE WEEKS. I've always been successful before...I'm sure I can swing it again! XD
Yep, think that's it for now. My tummy is talking to me - time to make some eats. :)
tv shows,
michael shanks,
daniel jackson,
chicago con,