different day, different kind of shit all the time
- 00:53 @ SwimChicSQ To what are you referring? #
- 01:07 @ SwimChicSQ Oh...wait, what thing? Which item are you referring to? #
- 01:07 @ dvsquee Ummmm, depends. How scary do you find killer ghosts? #
- 01:18 @ dvsquee I personally don't think it's that scary...anymore. The first time is a bit intense. #
- 01:18 Paris has learned why you do not pick a water fight with me unless you want some serious payback. #
- 01:30 @ SwimChicSQ Oh yeah, on Smallville. That'll be in January, or so I've read. #
- 01:31 *sigh* It's amazing how quickly money goes away when all one spends it on is FOOD. #
- 01:32 @ SwimChicSQ Of course I do. I make it my business to know these things so you guys don't have to go hunt down the information! #
- 01:33 @ superrhuman Yeah, but not having a lot of money to live off of AND having expenses is not awesome. Welcome to college life! XP #
- 01:35 @ SwimChicSQ LoL, good move. #
- 01:36 @ superrhuman Oh, I should be fine. Just have to be extremely frugal the next several weeks. #
- 01:39 @ dvsquee Pfft...first time I watched it, I was alone and it was like 12:30 at night! #
- 01:00 And it's suddenly become 1 O'Clock again! XP #
- 01:01 Congratz everyone - we just traveled back in time! #
- 01:02 @ sorchamorrigan We are just THAT awesome! #
- 01:05 Halloween is over - it's officially CHRISTMAS TIME! (Just ask any retail store). #
- 01:05 @ ValaBlack Isn't it sweet?! XD #
- 01:06 @ Ms_Me_ I was gonna blame an Asgard or two...perhaps some Ancients. NUBY is behind this! #
- 01:06 @ SwimChicSQ Not according to any store you go into...except maybe Publix. #
- 01:07 @ sorchamorrigan I just wanted an excuse to listen to the many versions of 'Carol of the Bells' that I have. My fav X-mika song! #
- 01:07 @ dvsquee Oh geeze...the tree! O.o What CAT-astrophes will occur this year?! #
- 01:10 "Now bring us some figgy pudding..." "Piggy pudding??" "No, figgy pudding. It's made with figs." "Oh, sorry." "*mutters*And bacon." "What?!" #
- 01:11 @ SwimChicSQ NOT that bacon! #
- 01:11 @ PaintedFire *snirk* It's the Muppets cover of 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas'. #
- 01:13 @ sorchamorrigan SCORE! We can get Skittles for half price! XP #
- 01:16 For those who were doubting my sanity...again..there for a moment... ♫ blip.fm/~fpdzd #
- 01:18 @ sorchamorrigan You know it! :) #
- 01:22 @ PaintedFire *snirk* #
- 01:27 @ SwimChicSQ Nighty night! #
- 01:29 New goal: Find as many versions of 'Once Upon A December' as possible. It a song that is BEAUTIFUL in all languages. #
- 01:44 @ apndrgn Which was epic, btw. #
- 01:47 @ apndrgn Can't believe they threw you in the pokey, SO CLOSE to the goal. Damn Twitter Nazis. #
- 01:56 @ Ms_Me_ Technically Chris O'Donnell was in TWO batman movies as Robin. But yes, Batman Forever was the first. #
- 01:57 @ DavidBlue Love it. Jim Carrey as the Riddler and Tommy Lee Jones as Harvey Two Face was genius. #
- 02:01 Alrighty. Tired and off to bed now. Nighty night Twitterwebz! #
- 14:38 Oh noes! Issues between Shanks and Judge?? This makes me sad. #
- 14:41 It doesn't say SPECIFICALLY that there's major problems, but something IS up: bit.ly/2MTHzG #
- 14:41 It's in the text part below the actual podcast, which I haven't listened to yet. #
- 14:44 Now this is ONE source, so unless I find more substantial evidence, I'm just saying it's speculation. #
- 14:45 But the mere THOUGHT of problems between the two of them makes me sad. #
- 14:46 DIVA DANCE #
- 14:50 @ naddycat Howdie! How's things today?? #
- 14:51 @ GCm4n What do you mean? Can't express your opinions on what?? #
- 14:54 @ naddycat That's why I've always avoided stuff like that. It's one of the main reasons I avoid the GW forum. #
- 14:56 @ GCm4n Hey, we don't have any concrete proof yet, so don't take that ONE interview to heart. It could all be sensationalized speculation. #
- 14:56 @ naddycat Well, you could just read his blog and avoid the comments. #
- 15:00 @ KLMurdoch I don't either. As soon as I read that, I went NO...something is off here. #
- 15:01 @ GCm4n I REALLY don't think it's true. But if it is, it is between THEM...and while it makes me sad, I don't know all the circumstances... #
- 15:02 @ GCm4n ...and even if we did know them, it's not about what we think. Sometimes there are relationships that just self destruct. *shrugs* #
- 15:03 @ naddycat And that's how it goes. Unfortunately, stupidity and ignorance are not illegal. Some people are just assholes. #
- 15:07 @ GCm4n *shrugs* That's life. You can't tell me you haven't had at least one friend who's become an 'enemy'. #
- 15:08 @ naddycat And yet, a lot of people don't realize it. No matter what we do, people are gonna behave that way. I just think it's better not... #
- 15:08 @ naddycat ...to get worked up by it. There's more important things to get worked up over. #
- 15:08 @ GCm4n Boring...but good. #
- 15:10 I will say that I'm glad that someone I respect very much has the same opinion about #SGU that I do...not that it would matter either way... #
- 15:11 ...I'd still have the same feelings about it. But it makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one just NOT seeing the entire appeal. ;) #
- 15:11 @ GCm4n And yet here you are twittering. Seems kinda contradictory. ;P #
- 15:12 @ GCm4n Ummm, I live on a college campus...okay, that doesn't negate that idea...LOL, No, no I didn't. #
- 15:12 @ naddycat Oh, I understand. There have been things I've tried not to get into but have and thus ended up ranting about. #
- 15:13 Do not forget that today is #ShmexaSunday. Show some love for @LexaShmexa so when she comes back, she'll know how awesome we think she is! #
- 15:15 @ naddycat Oh, I was already committed to watching the entire thing, no matter what. Michael will be in later episodes and I AM a true fan... #
- 15:15 @ naddycat ...of Michael's, so no matter my feelings on the actual show, I won't let it hinder my love for his work. ;) #
- 15:16 @ GCm4n I wouldn't true me either. XP #
- 15:18 @ naddycat Ah yeah, my 'getting into' SG-1 is a long and bumpy road...but when I REALLY watched, all it took was one episode. #
- 15:18 @ naddycat HAHA, yeah, so comes out about even then?? #
- 15:21 Some more Rommie love for #ShmexaSunday: bit.ly/2JpI41 #
- 15:26 @ naddycat Good deductive reasoning there! Yeah, I got hooked with There But For the Grace of God. #
- 15:26 @ GCm4n Fan of his music and dancing. That's about as far as it goes. #
- 15:32 @ naddycat Indeed. Now it holds a special place in my heart. XD #
- 15:40 The best thing about breakfast foods is how you can mix them all together! XD #
- 15:46 "Saul makes 10. Ten oughta be enough, don't you think?...You think we need one more?..You think we need one more. Okay, we'll get one more." #
- 15:49 @ naddycat Huzzah! I loves the Ocean movies...Rusty is probably one of my fav characters Brad Pitt played. #
- 15:51 @ woodysg1 I think it's just nasty little scandalized speculation at this point. Don't take it to heart! #
- 15:58 Time to get productive...laundry, shower, dishes. Good thing I'm in a cleaning mood. #
- 16:23 BWAHAHA...I was checking the tag for my bacon shirt since I've never washed it and I wanted to be sure if was standard washing procedure... #
- 16:24 ...and under all that stuff it says 'not for use as pants'. I love it! #
- 18:50 The 'Canadian' of my Bacon shirt help up through the wash. This pleases me. #
- 18:51 The should've said 'held'. LOL #
- 18:51 *sigh* I should just stop trying! #
- 18:52 @ ensredshirt Yes it is #
- 18:54 @ NZButterflyGirl LoL, I meant stopping trying to fix my spelling fail. #
- 18:54 @ naddycat Not quite done yet...just about have the laundry put away. #
- 18:57 @ amandatapping Glad you had a lovely All Hallow's Eve. And major props for Snow White - the original Disney Princess! ;) #
- 18:58 @ NZButterflyGirl Nope, still here. Just busy finishing up chores. #
- 18:58 @ naddycat Oh yes! Actually, I'm in a very cleaning/organizing mood, so it's not so bad. #
- 19:02 @ amandatapping Halloween Saftey Carpenter?? Never heard/seen that before. #
- 19:03 @ ensredshirt I'm not getting all technical. I just refuse to contribute to TT hypes that go crazy. #
- 19:05 twitpic.com/nxswp - This is my pants - all my shorts jammie pants and jeans - drawer. Yeah... #
- 19:05 @ ensredshirt I'm kinda partial to mine. XP #
- 19:06 @ ensredshirt That lovely list of topics on the right hand side of the Twitterwebz. #
- 19:06 The ONE pair of pant-like thing in there? Scooby Doo boxers that say 'Muy Caliente'. XP #
- 19:11 twitpic.com/nxu04 - This is what it SHOULD look like normally! #
- 19:32 @ nicstepro Yeah, whether it has to do with just Slacktwaddle specifically or not...could just be another roadblock for Rage of Angels. #
- 19:35 @ nicstepro Well, we don't know any solid FACTS yet, so I'm just going with it's sensationalized speculation. *shrugs* I'm SURE someone... #
- 19:35 @ nicstepro ...will bring it up during his Q/A at LA con next weekend. #
- 19:40 And now it's showertime! #
- 20:29 DEATH TO THE BFF. *angry eyes* #
- 20:33 @ taralee2 Trying to kill Daniel II, plus making me have to keep CHECKING if it's someone important tweeting or just you! XP #
- 21:18 @ taralee2 Because you haven't gotten enough enjoyment out of harassing me! #
- 21:21 SLUMDOG!!!! XD #
- 21:22 I REALLY need this movie on DVD! #
- 21:24 @ punslingerr AMAZING movie, at least in my opinion. #
- 21:27 @ punslingerr Well, it's out on DVD now. #
- 21:36 So I feel very accomplished. Got all the chores done that I wanted to. #
- 21:37 @ punslingerr You definitely should. #
- 21:53 Almost Canucks time. XD #
- 21:54 @ tsmethurst Indeed! #
- 21:58 RT @apndrgn: RT: bit.ly/DRIYD #
- 22:00 Game time! GO CANUCKS GO! #
- 22:01 Gods, please take this game 'Nucks. PLEASE. #
- 22:03 @ SwimChicSQ Umm, okay. I personally consider it unlucky, but whatever works for you. #
- 22:05 @ SwimChicSQ There we go! #
- 22:08 RT @mozy19: Go #Canucks Go! RT If you're with me! #
- 22:10 @ superrhuman Almost as funny as gay guy shouting it in the middle of a classicly awesome movie! #
- 22:15 @ superrhuman Happened last semester for the midnight showing of the Princess Bride at my school's movie theater. EPIC! #
- 22:17 Is anyone else as excited as I am to get their assignment for the DV exchange?? #
- 22:18 It's another DO-PISS! *snirk* Nobody gets that but Madre. #
- 22:20 @ superrhuman And I was behind him, so I could SEE he was just WAITING for that specific scene to come so he could say it! #
- 22:20 @ ensredshirt the DV gift exchange on LJ #
- 22:22 @ dvsquee *claps* I know she never gets it out EXACT when she says, but DAYUM...I'm mentally sending Stef motivational vibes! XD #
- 22:22 @ dvsquee DAYUM b/c I'm wicked excited, btw. #
- 22:24 @ superrhuman *nods* I've actually had a handful of moments that could go on MLIA. #
- 22:26 @ dvsquee I'm probably gonna get a vid prompt, like always. *bounces* Hopefully it's a song I already have and know. #
- 22:27 WOOT! 1-0 Canucks! #
- 22:31 @ superrhuman I've considered it. It is a funny site. #
- 22:34 @ dvsquee USUALLY?! What vid didn't kill it?! O.o #
- 22:43 @ dvsquee THAT is not MY fault! #
- 22:44 @ dvsquee XP #
- 23:09 2-0 Canucks! *dances* #
- 23:22 GRRRR, my Paintshop just disappeared...and I was going to save the header i had made! FUCK! #
- 23:24 @ Ms_Me_ Ummm, no. Last time I said my next laptop might be one, Lord Danny died. #
- 23:25 @ dvsquee Header wasn't for me...I still can't find it in me to change my Rommie layout. I love it too much. #
- 23:26 Gods, this announcer's accent is bothering me! LOL #
- 23:27 Mainly b/c I CAN'T place it! #
- 23:28 @ Ms_Me_ No, not funny. I'm not joking around this that shit anymore. This summer was HORRIBLE w/o my laptop. #
- 23:28 @ dvsquee Nope...mine's still Rommie and will be Rommie for some time, I think. *nods* #
- 23:28 @ dvsquee HUZZAH. About time you bring them back! #
- 23:34 Still 2-0 Canucks. :) #
- 23:37 @ NZButterflyGirl I'm still here. #
- 23:41 @ NZButterflyGirl Not ALL of them! #
- 23:41 @ NZButterflyGirl *SNIRK* That's from Chicago last year! And I'm being a GOOD girl and watching HOCKEY! #
- 23:42 @ Ms_Me_ You don't see me watching the World Series, and I'm All-American. XP #
- 23:43 @ dvsquee HOE-MG, SO JEALOUS! #
- 23:44 @ WormholeRiders Merrin was the girl in Learning Curve. #
- 23:45 @ NZButterflyGirl Did I see....Girl, WHO are you talking to here?! XP #
- 23:45 @ dvsquee I don't have it yet. #
- 23:46 @ NZButterflyGirl Again, this is ME here. I am the master of knowledge for Shanks info! #
- 23:47 @ WormholeRiders I really don't know anything about 'V'. All I know is Merrin is the girl that goes to earth in Learning Curve. The Uron girl #
- 23:48 @ NZButterflyGirl I would still be on top of Shanks info even IN a coma. I'm just that good. #
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