
Oct 25, 2009 22:50

different day, different kind of shit all the time

  • 23:50 Fourth down are the clips from D*C 2007 - Amongst them is the one with the ponies in it. I can't tell you which one it is specifically. #
  • 23:51 @ ensredshirt Yeah, talk about the most hysterical fail. #
  • 23:52 @ SwimChicSQ NICE! There's always next Saturday! ;) #
  • 23:52 @ tehbella SWEEET! I, unfortunately, couldn't make it that year (though I had the tickets!). Wish I could've been - would've loved to see it! #
  • 23:53 @ connie_point *nods* Wait until I'm home - a lot of my tweets will turn kitteh related! #
  • 23:54 And if anyone is wondering or doubting, YES, I do have all of those vids from that page saved to my computer. #
  • 23:55 Though if you WERE doubting that, I'm wondering if you even know anything about me at all! O.o #
  • 23:55 *sigh* Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Now I miss my mommy even more. #
  • 23:59 @ tehbella Again, still so bummed I missed it! And finding out Lexa is just as much of a geek as the rest of us rocks! So hope they make it.. #
  • 23:59 @ tehbella ...to D*C next year!! #
  • 00:00 @ naddycat Well, this is more Shanks-centered, but both work! XD #
  • 00:02 Dammit. I think it's wrong that the youtube Nazis disabled the audio on my MOTHER'S DAY vid to Madre. #
  • 00:06 @ tehbella Indeed he is. He is the ONLY reason I keep going back to Creation cons. I just want to see @LexaShmexa so bad finally! #
  • 00:06 Because I miss her and she's the bestest Mommy evar: bit.ly/3GVeGZ #
  • 00:07 Sorry about the no music (BASTARDS) - you can at least enjoy the pics there. #
  • 00:08 @ SwimChicSQ Me too!! Like I wouldn't want to see Shanks!? Pfft! But LEXA....geeze, she's cancelled on BOTH I was going to now. LoL #
  • 00:10 @ naddycat Not that I was expecting you to. #
  • 00:12 @ SwimChicSQ *huggles* Indeed. She did tell me she would make it to a con I'd be going to one day! :) #
  • 00:13 @ tehbella I was just thinking that. #
  • 00:13 @ naddycat LoL, there ARE those better than me or equal to my level. But I am pretty well versed in both categories! #
  • 00:17 @ tehbella It's like being a royal or something and going ' YOU'RE NOT WORTHY!' *SNIRK* #
  • 00:17 @ SwimChicSQ *shrugs* Whenever it actually happens...She swore she would though. XD #
  • 00:18 @ Ms_Me_ Thanks! And it was Over the Rainbow, the version from the Wizard of Oz OST. #
  • 00:21 @ SwimChicSQ Indeed. #
  • 00:21 Thinking about working on some fic. #
  • 00:26 @ ceramicat Oh, have you not had your con cherry popped yet?? *innocent grin* #
  • 00:26 Must not forget to to Musical marathon too. Now have Sweeney. What else am I missing?? I can't remember now! #
  • 00:27 GREASE! That's the one I'm missing that I won't do my marathon without! #
  • 00:29 @ ceramicat Well, it IS a con. And Michael will be there, so that #
  • 00:29 @ ceramicat important in my book. *nods* #
  • 00:29 @ tehbella Are you saying I SHOULD put it out there, asking me personally, or both?? XP #
  • 00:30 @ tehbella Ah frell, another I need! Thanks! XP I thought I was SO CLOSE to completing my list for my marathon! #
  • 00:32 @ tehbella AH, RIGHT! And yes, it is. #
  • 00:33 @ ceramicat But...but...how is it possible to go to a con and NOT see Michael?! O.o I think I might just go and cry a little now... ;P #
  • 00:33 Mustache smilie tried to bust out again, but I thwarted him! #
  • 00:34 @ tehbella Pfft! LoL #
  • 00:35 @ tehbella I think we all should each pick a guest to ask. DIBS ON MICHAEL! *SNIRK* Or ask a whole panel at D*C. #
  • 00:36 @ ceramicat You just want to completely devastate me, don't you?! OKAY.... *shakes head* I feel so remiss now! #
  • 00:38 @ tehbella *nods excitedly* I know! That's why I wanna ask him! #
  • 00:39 @ SwimChicSQ You are very right! Very observant of you! #
  • 00:40 Question 1 to ask Michael next year at ChiCon: CHECK! Thanks guys! XD #
  • 00:40 @ ceramicat It's all good - I'm just messing with you. ;) #
  • 00:41 This is, of course, after I present him with the shirt that he SO needs. #
  • 00:41 There's no guarantee I can get the question out with a straight face/without laughing, but I'll do it. #
  • 00:43 @ ceramicat Yeah, so I've found out. I'll be at D*C no matter what...just REALLY hoping Michael and Lexa make it next year. #
  • 00:46 I think we should steal a page from Rocky Horror and start putting V's on people's foreheads at cons. XP #
  • 00:47 @ naddycat When was your con cherry popped and how bad was it? (courtesy of @tehbella) #
  • 00:48 @ ceramicat Loved Lexa as Andromeda...and idk about the other one. #
  • 00:49 @ SwimChicSQ But that's the beauty of it - you can only be a virgin once and only get embarrassed once. And you WOULDN'T get on anyways! #
  • 00:50 @ ceramicat Only those not in the know. I would hope a least a good amount at cons would get the reference. #
  • 00:50 See, what makes it PERFECT (in my sick and twisted fron) is to do it while on line for Photo Ops. You know how long those damn things are... #
  • 00:51 ...and it's a fun way to make friends. And see how many people have the guts to do it. We could also incorporate the 'S' too! ;) #
  • 00:52 @ ceramicat Last night was my first LIVE experience. I have loved it for years, though. #
  • 00:52 @ SwimChicSQ You could have it on your cheek? #
  • 00:52 @ Ms_Me_ When was your con cherry popped and how bad was it? lol #
  • 00:53 @ naddycat In true con fashion, of course. #
  • 00:53 @ naddycat *sigh* Let me go back for you... XP #
  • 00:54 RT: I think we should steal a page from Rocky Horror and start putting V's on people's foreheads at cons. XP (in regards to 'cherries' ;) ) #
  • 00:54 @ ceramicat Because we very much ARE! #
  • 00:55 @ ceramicat Oh, you WON'T! If we do this, I'll have a big S on my cheek. And nobody will mock you for it, TRUST me! #
  • 00:56 @ tehbella Of course you can...cause I think you already are! ;) #
  • 00:56 @ Ms_Me_ LoL, NO, that WAS the question! #
  • 00:56 @ naddycat People who have an 'S' are the sluts - they've been around the con block a few times! ;) #
  • 00:57 @ burstingenergy Well, I'm not GOING to VanCon, so it'd have to be. ChiCon will be it's kickoff, for those brave enough. #
  • 00:57 @ ensredshirt That sounds so...wrong. But anywho, nighty night! #
  • 00:58 @ SwimChicSQ It's done with lipstick, so it rubs right off. #
  • 00:58 Jail...it's coming. I can feel it. I have picked up a sense for this. #
  • 00:59 @ tehbella I only did two this year, but I have done 4 in less than as many years. Two again next year...so yeah. Same boat as you! #
  • 00:59 @ ceramicat Exactly! #
  • 01:00 @ burstingenergy You're safe from my insanity. ;) #
  • 01:01 @ naddycat I can be very persuasive...no, seriously, so would I! I would have an even greater love for SG fans if I got some to do it! #
  • 01:01 @ SwimChicSQ YES! SWEEEEET! #
  • 01:02 I am considering all these little fun things to do at cons our way of taking it back for the fans - at least in regards to Creation Cons! #
  • 01:04 @ naddycat It would be in LIPSTICK, and I would do it on your cheek if not your forehead. #
  • 01:07 @ ceramicat Oh, ChiCon is all Creation. Michael is the ONLY reason I go to that one. #
  • 01:07 @ tehbella I can't say that...Shanks keeps me coming back and he does all of the Creation cons. #
  • 01:08 @ naddycat Fair enough. If it happens (and I'm thinking it will), I'll report on it for sure! #
  • 01:11 @ tehbella Because we're nothing but a paycheck to most of them (the con runners, not the guests of course) - that's why I wanna take some... #
  • 01:11 @ tehbella ...back for us from Creation. This is a good way to do it without getting into any real 'trouble', ya know? It's harmless fun! ;) #
  • 01:12 @ ceramicat Oh, trust me, I KNOW. If I wasn't such a true fan. *sigh* #
  • 01:15 @ tehbella Some of the con goers really are obnoxious. They act like they're the only one seeing the guests and we're just in the way. #
  • 01:17 @ tehbella That's good. I never let the Creation people get down my con experience. I am there to have a badass time - that's what I do. #
  • 01:19 Who's the dork with the Power Rangers theme on her iTunes. *points to self, and then at @taralee2* She gave it to me! XP #
  • 01:19 *iz airguitaring* #
  • 01:20 GO GO POWER RANGERS!!!!! #
  • 01:21 @ superrhuman Hehe, thanks #
  • 01:21 @ SwimChicSQ We WILL have a blast at ChiCon and D*C! XD XD XD #
  • 01:21 @ palmie Nighty night! #
  • 01:22 @ tehbella So jealous...never made to Vancouver myself. Want to go SOOO bad. How could you NOT sight see there?! I mean...it's VANCOUVER! #
  • 01:23 @ SwimChicSQ You're gonna make it! You will, you will, you WILL! I have FAITH! #
  • 01:24 Just to state for the record, I also have the Poke'mon theme song and Poke'Rap on my iTunes. #
  • 01:24 @ tsmethurst EXCELLENT episode! #
  • 01:27 @ tehbella Well, we're gonna all move there remember?! In all truth, thinking about heading up that way for Grad school. #
  • 01:28 @ SwimChicSQ Yay! Glad you like! #
  • 01:28 @ Ms_Me_ *giggles with you* We are such dorks. #
  • 01:30 @ superrhuman Did he smell just amazingly fantastic?? I know he did when I got a hug from him at D*C. #
  • 01:30 @ connie_point Why would one WANT to hide it?? Fanfic ROCKS! #
  • 02:42 Test test test? #
  • 02:42 Aaaand I'm back. #
  • 02:45 twitpic.com/muwqd - Satellite view over our property - everything between the two crawfish ponds is ours (the green area between the #
  • 02:46 @ HugeHewlettFan Why thank you! #
  • 02:46 @ ValaBlack It sure did! GOOD JOB! Just like @LexaShmexa now! ;) #
  • 02:47 So in that pic - that whiteish type line that curves around the one side of the property? That's the driveway. The mailbox is at the END... #
  • 02:48 ...of it up near the ACTUAL road (far right side of the pic, un the 'labels' thing. So when I say I'm walking to get the mail, it's a WALK. #
  • 02:49 And of course the house, which is also epicly huge and awesome, is that light green thing mixed in with the clump of trees in the middle. #
  • 02:49 @ ValaBlack Indeed! Now if she'd just come back and play with us for a little while! #
  • 02:51 @ naddycat Makes for great 4-wheelin! ;) And I did, even though this wasn't we lived as I was growing up. #
  • 02:52 @ ValaBlack She'll be back soon, I think. Just don't when EXACTLY. #
  • 02:54 @ naddycat Cats, dogs, fish, iguanas, hamster, rabbits, ferrets, crawfish, raccoons for a VERY short period of time, a baby squirrel... #
  • 02:55 @ naddycat ...also not for very long. I think that covers it all? LoL #
  • 02:55 @ ValaBlack Trufax #
  • 02:56 @ naddycat LoL, yeeeah, we kinda like animals in our house. #
  • 03:02 @ naddycat Now we have Harley (the dog), and the Kittehs consist of: Sikozu, Bindi Sue, Nanny, Jake, Fiona, Prince William, Little D... #
  • 03:02 @ naddycat ...Billy Jean, Bess, Pickle, Pepper, Harper, Davie, and a handful of the outside cats we never really named. #
  • 03:03 @ naddycat OH, and I forgot Ellie. ;) #
  • 03:04 @ naddycat OH, and Mikey too! LoL, there's SO MANY!!! *holds head* #
  • 03:05 @ naddycat Sikozu, Jack, William, Fiona, Little D, and Billy Jean are not - the others are, though they like to go in and out a lot. #
  • 03:05 @ naddycat Not Jack - JAKE. Jack is no longer us. #
  • 03:06 @ naddycat Sorry, WITH us. LoL #
  • 03:07 @ naddycat Well, we DID have a cat named Jack (or Steve? Yeah, that's a funny and long story)...the number of cats we've lost is far greater. #
  • 03:11 Alrighty - tis time for bed. Nighty night Twitterwebz! #
  • 15:36 Afternoon everyone. Another lazy day today. #
  • 15:37 @ ensredshirt Or not! XP #
  • 15:38 @ naddycat Okay...have a really REALLY bad headache again. But otherwise, things are fine. #
  • 15:40 @ naddycat Actually, tomorrow is the retest for Test 2. Haven't decided if I'm gonna go or not. #
  • 15:52 @ naddycat Oh, idk when the next test is for sure. The next quiz will be NEXT Monday though (Nov. 2nd) #
  • 16:01 @ naddycat Yes, exactly. If you get lower than the first test, the retest doesn't count. If you get higher, the two scores are averaged. #
  • 16:02 Don't forget today is #ShmexaSunday. Show some love for the fantabulastic @LexaShmexa. #
  • 16:03 @ naddycat Yep. It's what helped me bring up my test average for test 1. #
  • 16:03 @ burstingenergy It's next weekend. #
  • 16:04 @ burstingenergy Yep yep! #
  • 16:05 Of course my vcr seems to think the time change was this weekend. *snirk* #
  • 16:10 @ naddycat Yeah, i don't get it necessarily, but there's nothing I can do about it. *shrugs* #
  • 16:11 @ burstingenergy It's does if every time there's a change. It's like a challenge to myself for a week to remember the ACTUAL time. #
  • 16:11 I'll just consider my VCR to be on 'home time' for the next week. #
  • 16:13 Or, to steal a line - "Home minutes" *insert air quotes* #
  • 16:13 @ naddycat It is indeed. And that sucks! #
  • 16:15 @ dvsquee Because they keep moving the day for actual Fall back...well, back. #
  • 16:16 @ AirlockAlpha It's always food time anytime! XD #
  • 16:16 @ burstingenergy Well, all my OTHER clocks are fine. And I do have this antiquated device called a watch! ;P #
  • 16:28 Ha! I knew she was in something with Michael. Twas All Around the Town. :) #
  • 16:34 @ SwimChicSQ @naddycat Andrea Roth. She's in this movie I'm watching on Hallmark Channel. I kept going I KNOW I've seen her in something... #
  • 16:34 @ SwimChicSQ @naddycat ...Shanks was in. And I was right, of course. #
  • 16:36 @ SwimChicSQ I know whatever's been provided for me, at least. ;) #
  • 16:50 Gonna head over to Starschmucks. Don't know if I'm gonna sit there for a little while or come right back here. #
  • 16:57 There's pumpkin seeds on the ground outside my dorm. Such a waste! #
  • 18:19 Back. #
  • 18:21 @ punslingerr Left. #
  • 18:22 @ punslingerr WRRRRRRRRRONG! #
  • 18:22 @ naddycat Thanks! #
  • 18:22 @ SwimChicSQ Nope, not today. #
  • 18:24 @ SwimChicSQ Don't get all technical with me! XP #
  • 18:27 @ punslingerr Change? LOL #
  • 18:27 @ punslingerr You speak technical?? #
  • 18:30 @ punslingerr Bravery #
  • 18:34 @ punslingerr Heroism. #
  • 18:39 @ punslingerr BATMAN! #
  • 18:41 @ SwimChicSQ Glad we can entertain! #
  • 18:42 @ punslingerr You disappoint - I was hoping you'd go for the Joker. #
  • 18:45 @ punslingerr XP #
  • 18:46 @ dvsquee To the appliances?? #
  • 18:47 @ dvsquee I know what it was about. LOL #
  • 18:48 @ dvsquee Because I was making sure moving time back was unfair to appliances and not us. XP #
  • 18:49 @ punslingerr Yes, that's cause she had to go and confuse everyone. #
  • 18:50 @ dvsquee Or if you'd do a little alteration to yours so it's not quite the same blue as mine! *nods* #
  • 18:51 @ dvsquee Most do after a couple years. They have replacement anxieties. #
  • 18:51 @ punslingerr He's slowly taking over your feed. *snirk* #
  • 18:53 @ dvsquee Because I had mine first. #
  • 18:53 @ punslingerr *looks at avatar* Yeah...yeah, I'M jealous. #
  • 18:56 @ dvsquee I didn't use the Facebook feature for long...it messed up my TweetDeck. #
  • 18:56 @ dvsquee No, it's not actually. But *I* don't care. @punslingerr is the one having problems. #
  • 18:57 @ punslingerr LoL #
  • 18:58 @ dvsquee Smart choice. #
  • 19:00 @ punslingerr Keeping you on your toes then. #
  • 19:00 @ dvsquee Pssst, wouldn't she be the Pilot?? ;P #
  • 19:01 @ dvsquee I would feel insulted, but your are very right! *SNIRK* #
  • 19:02 @ dvsquee *nods* Yep. #
  • 19:03 @ dvsquee Maaaaybe. #
  • 19:03 @ punslingerr Yeah, I don't think you could pull off a tutu. #
  • 19:05 @ dvsquee LoL #
  • 19:07 @ dvsquee Was just thinking about that, but it a sorta of HMMM, that's an idea way. #
  • 19:07 @ punslingerr I don't think many people CAN get one on. #
  • 19:09 @ dvsquee I LOVE the caps this week...I get to use Gabriel/Rommie and Hector/Remiel. Dream come true. And an idea that you go hmmm, that... #
  • 19:09 @ dvsquee ...could work. I'm looking forward to working with these caps. #
  • 19:15 @ sorchamorrigan The horror, the horror! #
  • 19:18 @ sorchamorrigan Awwww, missed you muchly too!! *huggles* #
  • 20:00 Milk is such a great movie. #
  • 20:03 @ ValaBlack That's awesomepops! #
  • 20:08 @ SwimChicSQ LoL, yes. #
  • 20:08 @ punslingerr Ignoring this. XP #
  • 20:19 Vincent Prince in Edward Scissorhands = WIN! #
  • 21:06 Think I'm gonna eat something, and then take a shower. #
  • 21:15 @ palmie Genius! #
  • 21:15 @ Ms_Me_ No problem! #
  • 21:33 Lovely vid tribute to Rommie: bit.ly/4xqCie #ShmexaSunday #
  • 21:40 Another wonderful Rommie video: bit.ly/3V7EdA #ShmexaSunday #
  • 21:48 Now that I've spent time hunting for stuff for #ShmexaSunday, I don't have enough time to shower before the 'Nucks game. Will do it after. #
  • 21:52 @ naddycat Definitely have my priorities straight! And the game will be on GameCenter Live tonight. *cheers* #
  • 21:54 @ naddycat It's through the computer. #
  • 21:58 Best Pic/Vid ringtone EVAR? The Men in Tights song. #
  • 22:20 Apparently I #
  • 22:20 'm getting to watch the commercials tonight? LOL #
  • 22:25 @ apndrgn Yes...also known as hitting enter too soon. #
  • 22:26 @ naddycat @SwimChicSQ They usually don't show the commercials. It usually says 'the game will be back momentarily'. Not tonight though. #
  • 22:30 @ ensredshirt You just made me think of The Emperor's New Groove. #
  • 22:30 @ Ms_Me_ Make Smo's! XD #
  • 22:36 @ Ms_Me_ LoL, sorry! #
  • 22:40 Every time they say Smid, I hear SMEE and think "I've just had an apostrophe." #
  • 22:44 Woot! Go Canucks Go! #
  • 22:58 @ SwimChicSQ Breasticles. XP #
  • 23:01 @ naddycat Yep. They lead right now, but there's still a lot of game left. #
  • 23:02 @ SwimChicSQ Well, that is a very male trait. Liking things on the outside. #
  • 23:06 @ ensredshirt *shrugs* I didn't say all males thought that. *snirk* #
  • 23:12 @ ensredshirt *giggles* #
  • 23:16 @ ensredshirt Well, dial down the heat #
  • 23:18 @ ensredshirt Seems you got a busted apartment then! #
  • 23:36 Love how i used my 'Michael Shanks' tag on my LJ post of my dorm room pics simply b/c pics of him dominate my room! #
  • 23:45 2nd intermission, Canuck up 2. ;) #
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