different day, different kind of shit all the time
- 23:51 So we all totally geeked out in HT today over all the shirts - and the guys shirts were A LOT SWEETER than the girls. #
- 23:54 @ palmie Oh, we were ignoring those! I'm talking about the usual stash of awesome shirts they have. The girls ones are usually pretty... #
- 23:54 @ palmie ...badass, but the guys this time!? Holy monkey, I wanted like 10 different ones! #
- 23:54 I'm seriously considering going back and getting either the Reptar shirt or the Angry Beavers shirt. #
- 23:57 I mean LOOK at this!: bit.ly/iYF4y How could any self-respecting 90s kid not want one of these?! #
- 23:58 HOE-MG!!!! I MUST HAVE IT: bit.ly/4vHClc #
- 00:00 Also seriously thinking about going back and getting this shirt so I can give it to Shanks: bit.ly/1Hhr2G Funny, no? XP #
- 00:03 @ SwimChicSQ I think it's a genius idea! *nods* #
- 00:03 @ naddycat Think he would appreciate the humor? ;) #
- 00:05 @ SwimChicSQ Giving him the shirt, of course! I don't want you to DIE, even if it is by laughter. O.O #
- 00:06 @ naddycat I could...thinking about it, actually. Would need to know what size to get. XP #
- 00:06 @ naddycat I do too...any of us who really know Shanks' feelings on tweeting would find it funny. #
- 00:07 @ connie_point SERIOUSLY?! I would SO do it then! *NODS ENTHUSIASTICALLY* #
- 00:08 @ SwimChicSQ And those shirts do run kinda big (both guys and girls, of which I own both), so maybe a medium would work?? #
- 00:08 @ naddycat Same here! #
- 00:10 @ connie_point I KNOW! If you'd really go halfsies on it, I'll go out next week and snatch up one. XD #
- 00:13 @ SwimChicSQ I might have an accomplice in this endeavor, so I'd be doing it during Q/A, so yeah...definitely need to be there! #
- 00:14 @ connie_point My thoughts exactly. I can justify putting $10 towards this. #
- 00:15 @ connie_point Oh definitely - during Q/A at ChiCon. *nods* #
- 00:16 @ PBMom I used to catch so many of them when I was a kid...it's kinda weird to think they don't 'exist' everywhere. LoL. #
- 00:17 @ SwimChicSQ Well, once we get a room, you can bunk with us. As of right now, there's only 3 of us to a room. #
- 00:17 @ connie_point I hope so! I've been waiting to see her, and to have her cancel on two cons I was going to. LoL #
- 00:19 @ connie_point I do too! XD #
- 00:20 @ SwimChicSQ LoL, well there will be bed space I'm sure! ;) But whatever works for you! #
- 00:20 Alrighty, the zombie-doomed one has been out of the shower for a while now, but i've been distracted. Time to go get clean! BBS #
- 00:44 @ connie_point That is just great! Beautiful hit there. XD #
- 00:45 It's now 3-0 in favor of my razor. My legs are all nicked to frell and stinging like crazy. Whycome razor? Whycome you hate me!? #
- 00:48 @ ensredshirt LoL, one can only hope! #
- 00:48 @ palmie Nope, just replaced it recently. It's just out to get me, me thinks. #
- 00:49 @ naddycat Figured y'all would want an update on the battle between me and the offending thing. #
- 00:50 @ SwimChicSQ LoL, thanks! But things will look up - Madre sent out one of my old handles in a lovely Mommy care package today. #
- 00:50 @ naddycat *snirk* Pimping me out now? ;) #
- 00:50 @ naddycat See, I knew this. My Jedi powers help me know you were think JUST that. #
- 00:54 @ naddycat Anytime! #
- 00:54 @ SwimChicSQ They are! I was even on the phone w/ her when she was packing it, and she kept asking if there was anything else I wanted. XD #
- 00:55 @ naddycat You do a very good job of it! #
- 00:55 @ SwimChicSQ I am!! Just keep it up! ;) #
- 00:56 @ naddycat Umm...no, there was another before this. #
- 01:02 @ ensredshirt Oh, you did that too?! *SNIRK* #
- 01:02 @ SwimChicSQ Awesomepops! Yeah, I left A LOT of things behind when I came back for school *shakes head* This is why moving in two days... #
- 01:03 @ SwimChicSQ ...before con is dangerous. I had everything for the con, though! #
- 01:04 @ leovdzwan *snirk* That is a good question. #
- 01:06 @ SwimChicSQ Yeeah, I flew out for ChiCon literally two days after I moved in. Then D*C was a week and a half later. LOL #
- 01:08 @ SwimChicSQ I even had to schedule my classes around ChiCon two years in a row. #
- 01:11 @ SwimChicSQ Yeah. Thank gods it's the following weekend next year...saves me the hassle of scheduling around it. #
- 01:11 @ ensredshirt I don't remember reading about it. #
- 01:11 @ SwimChicSQ I didn't know about that. I'll have to check that out. #
- 01:11 @ naddycat Ummmmm, right now I can't remember. I blame your headache. *SNIRK* #
- 01:14 @ palmie Nighty night! #
- 01:14 @ naddycat *clings to the desk* Just let me know when I can let go #
- 01:14 @ SwimChicSQ Noted. Thanks again. #
- 01:15 @ SwimChicSQ Yeeeah, make sure you're there in time for Michael. You know he'll be there the Saturday. Always is. #
- 01:15 @ ensredshirt LoL, that is funny. #
- 01:17 @ ensredshirt Oh fun! Concussion AND stitches. #
- 01:17 @ naddycat *PHEW* Thanks...hard to type one handed. #
- 01:18 @ SwimChicSQ Hmmm, if he does the two POs again, that might be a little late! LOL! #
- 01:18 @ naddycat You caught me. I take pleasure from Nate's pain! XP #
- 01:19 @ ensredshirt Sounds cool. #
- 01:21 @ SwimChicSQ *cough* Only ONE?! That's...that's...I'm sad for you! #
- 01:21 I'm really tempted to post about the little boy and the blue hair comment on MLIA. #
- 01:21 @ immaterialdepth Impressive. #
- 01:22 @ connie_point Nighty night! #
- 01:22 @ naddycat Damn! Thought I was subtle about that too! *snaps fingers* #
- 01:24 @ SwimChicSQ Ah right, those other actors other places. My priorities kinda zone in on just one for these things! XP #
- 01:26 @ ensredshirt Nighty night! #
- 01:27 @ naddycat Yeah, I guess not...*sigh* XP #
- 01:27 @ SwimChicSQ I prefer a cat chasing a fly in a china shop. #
- 01:27 @ ValaBlack I just might! #
- 01:28 @ connie_point Oh, she's not a zombie yet. She was just unanimously voted to be the first doomed when Zombiepocalypse comes! XP #
- 01:29 @ SwimChicSQ Fair enough. Michael, awesomely, was the FIRST SG star I saw at my first con - got to be at his last Charity Breakfast. XD #
- 01:29 @ Ms_Me_ UMMMM, NO! #
- 01:30 @ immaterialdepth I think it's pretty sweet you get to work in the Disney store. They've taken them out of all the malls I frequent. :( #
- 01:30 @ naddycat You still love me anyways?? *innocent eyes* #
- 01:32 @ Ms_Me_ Glee is awesome and original and funny and I loves it. #
- 01:33 @ connie_point LOL, definitely does. #
- 01:33 @ naddycat LOL, or maybe you' #
- 01:33 @ naddycat re just smarter than the average bear?? #
- 01:37 @ connie_point Fair enough. Nighty night! #
- 01:37 @ naddycat HAHA, SUCCESS! #
- 01:38 @ Ms_Me_ I will have to disagree with you on this one! #
- 01:40 @ SwimChicSQ Nighty night. And shhhh, don't give away that we all come back on Twitter, even from sleep, b/c she's tweeting! XP #
- 01:42 @ apndrgn OH NOES!! How many injured/casualties amongst the books?! O,o #
- 01:43 How many think I should put the blue haired comment on MLIA?? #
- 01:45 @ Ms_Me_ While at work, a little boy came up to my register with his mom, looked at me, tilted his head, and asked in the most innocent... #
- 01:46 @ Ms_Me_ ...voice "Why's your hair blue?" #
- 01:46 @ naddycat While at work, a little boy came up to my register with his mom, looked at me, tilted his head, and asked in the most innocent... #
- 01:46 @ naddycat ...voice "Why's your hair blue?" #
- 01:47 @ apndrgn Ooooooo, sweet! #
- 01:48 @ naddycat Indeed it is. #
- 01:50 @ apndrgn Oh, then the little boy proceeded to inform us he wanted to be a cashier when he was a big girl. #
- 01:54 @ apndrgn @naddycat I'm so rooting for this little future gay boy! XD #
- 01:55 SOMEONE needs to stop making my phone 'ring ring' so I'll stop getting excited that another someone might be tweeting. *pouts* #
- 01:58 Really want some tea. Sleepy Time tea, to be exact. Since that's the only tea I have, I guess that's a good thing. BRB. #
- 02:02 @ apndrgn Take Bluey out to bring her back?? ;P #
- 02:03 @ naddycat *sigh* Yeah...she'll be around soon. I can feel it (Jedi powers and all)...i just don't know when exactly. #
- 02:06 @ naddycat Maybe I should take back that average bear comment? #
- 02:06 @ naddycat I don't like using my powers to force others into things...she'll come at her own time. *nods* #
- 02:07 @ apndrgn Oh, me too. I doubted it was gonna be tonight. #
- 02:08 @ naddycat PSSST, that's what *angry eyes* are for. #
- 02:10 @ naddycat Fine then..don't use the angry eyes. *pouts* #
- 02:12 @ naddycat *innocent eyes* Remember the loving me part? Remember back to that! *nods* #
- 02:14 @ naddycat *huggles* See, we can't stay pissy with each other for long! XD #
- 02:15 @ apndrgn Nighty night! #
- 02:15 @ naddycat *nods* Okay, I accept that. #
- 02:16 @ naddycat *snirk* Me too.. Mature pair, aren't we? #
- 02:17 @ naddycat Ummmm...blame the cat. I always do. #
- 02:21 @ naddycat LOL, don't you love it when you're acting so childish that people are surprised to find out how you are?? XD #
- 02:26 @ naddycat Yeah, know what you mean. #
- 02:26 Tea is gone, and I must be getting off to sleep. Classes tomorrow. Nighty night Twitterwebz! #
- 15:03 Have felt particularly icky all day. :( #
- 15:04 @ naddycat Thanks *huggles* Just feeling bleh all over - headache, stuffed up sinuses, ears are aching. All that fun stuff. #
- 15:06 @ naddycat Don't have anything too take and it's not like any of it's bad enough to really take anything. #
- 15:09 @ naddycat LoL, that is true. And yet, don't have any of that. :\ #
- 15:31 @ naddycat Thanks...might just have to take that shower. LoL #
- 15:33 @ naddycat Well, there's no fan or anything in the bathroom so if I make it nice and toasty, steam builds up just fine. #
- 16:27 Heading out for class now...Lord Danny is coming along, of course. So should bbs. ;) #
- 17:15 Okay, won't be able to chat during class. Can't get an interwebz connection. #
- 18:31 And class is finished #
- 18:55 Aaaaand I'm back. #
- 19:00 @ SwimChicSQ Awww, thanks! I feel loved now. #
- 19:01 @ dvsquee Thank you for not texting and confusing me. XP #
- 19:01 @ dvsquee YOU SUCK! #
- 19:02 @ GCm4n Ummm, whycome? #
- 19:06 @ SwimChicSQ LoL #
- 19:06 @ GCm4n Oh wowsers #
- 19:06 @ dvsquee Yeah, not buying that shit! #
- 19:15 @ dvsquee Well thanks! XP #
- 19:18 @ SwimChicSQ Life is fine down here. Finally feeling better. And how's things with you #
- 19:18 @ SwimChicSQ Life is fine down here. Finally feeling better. And how's things with you? #
- 19:50 @ SwimChicSQ Oh hey, me too. What movie? #
- 19:56 @ apndrgn Soooo jealous, but that's awesomepops! #
- 19:56 @ apndrgn Ah yeah...but still Ancient Egypt stuffs, so still cool. #
- 19:59 @ apndrgn Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. But a postcard rocks nonetheless! XD XD XD #
- 20:00 @ apndrgn Ah yes. Know about him...had a big thing for Ra. Jaffa perhaps? ;P #
- 20:02 @ apndrgn Any mummified kittehs?? #
- 20:08 @ apndrgn Sounds like it was a pretty sweet exhibit. #
- 20:09 @ apndrgn Ah well, you know you are amongst friends here! XD And I would've gotten Pip. #
- 20:12 @ apndrgn *snirk* Wowsers, that's a shocker! #
- 20:18 @ apndrgn Hmmmmm, it's possible. #
- 20:28 @ apndrgn Oooooooo, thank you! #
- 20:33 @ naddycat Awww, sorry the headache is still there. *huggles* #
- 20:33 @ apndrgn TTfn! #
- 20:35 @ punslingerr Really wish I could play that game. #
- 20:35 @ naddycat Definitely. #
- 20:39 @ punslingerr I don't have any recent systems and I don't like the idea of putting any game on Lord Danny. :( #
- 20:42 @ punslingerr Oh, it's not that I don't think it'll run. I'm just worried how Lord Danny will react. He's very tempermental. #
- 20:45 @ punslingerr Exactly. And hehehe, Lord Danny is pleased by this. #
- 20:45 @ naddycat Success indeed!! XD #
- 20:49 @ punslingerr You just now realized the effect we've had on you! XP #
- 20:49 @ PBMom @naddycat Not with major Baseball stuff going on. #
- 20:53 @ naddycat Ummm, you started following me first. *nods* #
- 20:53 @ punslingerr You just now got scared?! O.o #
- 20:59 @ naddycat Doesn't it?! It's hard to believe a year ago, I wasn't chatting with any of y'all! #
- 20:59 @ punslingerr Glad I could be the one to do it! XD #
- 21:03 @ naddycat LoL, I do. I haven't really looked at it yet though. #
- 21:03 @ naddycat It very much is! #
- 21:06 @ naddycat Oh, I will. :) #
- 21:09 @ naddycat Yep. Got a 94 on my test. #
- 21:12 Okay, heading over to the SLC to see 'Public Enemies'. Back later. #
- 21:12 @ punslingerr College Algebra. #
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