different day, different kind of shit all the time
- 23:51 And in all honestly, I prefer to use WMM for this vid simply b/c I *KNOW* specifically what I want for it, and I don't have a firm... #
- 23:51 ...enough handle on Pinnacle to do this vid justice. #
- 23:53 @ superrhuman Never read any decent Jack/Daniel fics then, have you? ;P #
- 23:58 Now I have to check the some for bad parts - seems Pinnacle is converting it with skips. #
- 23:58 The SONG. #
- 23:58 @ punslingerr *snirk* Yes, that was all about what you would do. #
- 00:01 On attempt #4 - THIS one will be perfect. IT WILL! #
- 00:04 Song is good quality. Now my hurdle is to rip/clip Lesser Evil. Big hurdle since more of the vid's material is from this ep. #
- 00:05 @ punslingerr *pats it on the head* #
- 00:06 Are we liking my play by play of my vidding process, or should I just shut up about it? #
- 00:09 Also need to rerip/clip the very end of Truth and Reconciliation b/c the first clip was screwed up. #
- 00:10 @ punslingerr True, but I try to stick to follower interesting topics. I have you guys in mind while tweeting. #
- 00:51 Okie donkie - gonna pick back up on this vidding tomorrow. Bedness time. Nighty night Twitterwebz! #
- 11:21 @ superrhuman Well...Jack/Daniel fic in general. Not necessarily slash - I know a lot of gen fics have it in there. ;) #
- 11:25 Is Desperate Escape EVER going to be shown in the US?? *pouts* #
- 11:51 @ taralee2 You won't be thinking that when it brings you back some BIG dineros! XP #
- 12:55 I gots me a Bacon shirt! XD #
- 13:00 @ GCm4n bit.ly/15SR36 #
- 13:02 Looking at funny t-shirts is dangerous - I WANT SO MANY! #
- 13:07 @ GCm4n Yeah - the Kevin is going away and getting replaced by 'Skittles'. Only those from this little corner of the Twitterwebz will get it! #
- 13:12 Skittles will be more inside-jokeish, but perhaps I should replace the 'Kevin' with Canadian? XP #
- 13:30 Would get it if the frelling SHIPPING wasn't so damn expensive!: bit.ly/ivETi #
- 13:36 @ taralee2 Yeah - it's crazy. #
- 13:43 *POINTS* ME WANT, ME WANT, ME WANT!! : bit.ly/RdfYh #
- 13:44 @ Emma_V_79 That is true. Might do this when I got home for Winter break. #
- 13:48 @ Emma_V_79 Exactly! #
- 13:48 @ JohnLizzieGirl Isn't it?! #
- 13:50 @ taralee2 This is no laughing matter! This is SHANKS...on a PILLOWCASE. I must own this! #
- 13:50 Heading out now before I get distracted by anymore Skittles merchandise. (ALL HIS FAULT, like always) #
- 14:03 @ taralee2 Stop tweeting songs! XP #
- 14:08 @ taralee2 Don't make me come up there! #
- 14:11 @ taralee2 Oh I do. I really really do! #
- 14:15 @ taralee2 Hmmmm, I think I can forgive you now for driving my phone crazy #
- 14:23 Idk what's going on with this Chai, but it's very un-Chai tasting - extreme disappointment! #
- 16:26 @ Emma_V_79 Yeah. It's usually REALLY good...and after going DAYS without one, I was looking forward to it. And then...bleh. #
- 16:27 @ NZButterflyGirl Ah pfft! #
- 16:27 @ GCm4n Oh yes - would give me an excuse to snuggle close to Shanks. XP #
- 16:29 @ SwimChicSQ Howdie! #
- 16:30 @ NZButterflyGirl You are NOT! I would leave my bed! I DO have will power! #
- 16:31 @ SwimChicSQ Life is pretty good. Excited for Glee tonight. And how's things with you? #
- 16:33 *snirk* This episode makes me think of the one where it starts w/ them at that funeral: "We are the witches of Eastwick." #
- 16:34 @ SwimChicSQ You do - Glee is fantastic!! XD #
- 16:35 @ GCm4n Well, consider I have pics of him plastered all over my walls...yeah, I think I'd be able to refrain. #
- 16:35 Speaking of which - I never showed the pictures of my room. #
- 16:35 @ naddycat Yeah, THANKS! #
- 16:37 To quote he who is the topic of all this 'grilling', here's what I think of you all right now: 'YOU SUCK...' #
- 16:37 10 pts for any who can finish that off! XP #
- 16:37 @ NZButterflyGirl Yeah, you keep thinking that. #
- 16:40 @ naddycat Oh, I can REALLY feel it. #
- 16:40 What - NO one can finish up that quote?? There's actually two parts, but I'm looking for the latter. #
- 16:41 @ NZButterflyGirl Hey now - considering all the ribbing going on here, I revoke that privilege! #
- 16:42 @ GCm4n He himself called me a 'true fan'. ;) #
- 16:46 @ NZButterflyGirl *shrug* Well, I tried... ;) #
- 16:49 @ JohnLizzieGirl Add what he says after he says 'YOU SUCK'. That's all you get. #
- 16:49 @ NZButterflyGirl The one I linked to. ;) #
- 16:49 @ GCm4n Haha! I win! #
- 16:54 @ JohnLizzieGirl GIR!!!!! #
- 16:56 @ dvsquee AWESOMEPOPS! I so wanna go see them! #
- 16:57 @ GCm4n LoL, no no. That actually made me really happy. #
- 16:57 So, wanna know the rest of that 'quote'?? #
- 17:00 "Let me rephrase that...Since we got married...she doesn't suck that much." XD XD XD #
- 17:03 AH HA! Get to see at least ONE of Chaucer's introductions! #
- 17:05 @ NZButterflyGirl Oh, that is my FAVORITE clip of them! That one and the Lexa pregnant one from the same con. Both are on my iPod. XD #
- 17:05 @ GCm4n Michael and Lexa at TT20 two years ago. #
- 17:06 @ naddycat 3 pts for you! XD #
- 17:07 "You have been weighed. You have been measured. And you absolutely have been found wanting. Welcome to the new world, and God save you... #
- 17:07 ...if it is right that he should do so." #
- 17:08 @ NZButterflyGirl Her reaction: "What do you care - you didn't do anything about it then!" #
- 17:08 "She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean..." AC/DC FTW! #
- 17:10 Anyone singing We are the Champions other than Queen is WRONG (w/ maybe an exception for the Mighty Ducks movie) #
- 17:11 @ NZButterflyGirl I KNOW!! Funny and adorkable and...*sigh* They are just fantabulastic! #
- 17:12 @ GCm4n Oh pfft - all men think they are God. *rolls eyes* #
- 17:14 @ GCm4n Yeah, I really just did. XP #
- 17:14 @ NZButterflyGirl Trufax!! I would love to see what they're like playing Left4Dead. I know I get meeeeean when playing video games. #
- 17:15 @ SwimChicSQ It takes A LOT for any cover of Queen to impress me. *nods* #
- 17:22 @ GCm4n Ah pfft....like that scares me. #
- 17:26 Wowsers - major Twitter #FAIL there. #
- 17:36 @ sorchamorrigan I got a few wails, but mostly just scary white emptyness! #
- 17:37 @ sorchamorrigan Awwwww! *huggles* #
- 17:41 @ sorchamorrigan *HUGGLES HUGGLES HUGGLES HUGGLES* #
- 17:44 @ sorchamorrigan *cough* You make me sound like a...a...SPARKLEPIRE! O.o #
- 17:49 @ sorchamorrigan Yes it would. And *phew*...good to know. I don't sparkle in sunlight. #
- 17:51 @ sorchamorrigan Awww, thanks! :) #
- 17:51 @ SwimChicSQ *snirk* Glad I could amuse you! #
- 18:04 @ sorchamorrigan Sleep inducer, right? #
- 18:05 @ SwimChicSQ Ah, p'shaw. It's fun to terrify roommates! #
- 18:05 @ sorchamorrigan Me puffered too! :( #
- 18:09 @ SwimChicSQ LoL #
- 18:10 @ sorchamorrigan Oh, but it would so great to do a twitter commentary to THAT! XP #
- 18:18 Making some dinner before SYTYCD and Glee come on. #
- 18:19 @ NZButterflyGirl THAT worked. XD #
- 18:22 @ NZButterflyGirl But...pufferfish don't bite...they puff. #
- 18:26 Noodles are amazing things - how they can just absorb so much water and get all puffy. Like a dead body. #
- 18:26 Yes, I went there. #
- 18:28 @ naddycat SHHHHHH, don't spoil my fun!! XP #
- 18:31 Hmmm, need a interwebz name for Trey. For some clarification, this is Smurf's son...basically my brother. #
- 18:32 Because said Son of Smurf has corrupted me and I cannot make Mac & Cheese now w/o eating the cheese power while cooking the noodles. #
- 18:32 @ sorchamorrigan WHOA, our brains melded right there. I love it...and no...it fits perfectly! #
- 18:38 One must commit macaroni murder when trying to get the damn butter lump to melt completely. Makes me sad. #
- 18:42 Relocating to the living room area place for tonight's tv viewings. BB after while. #
- 21:04 Aaaaand I'm back. #
- 21:05 Can the Canucks pull it off tonight? Gods I hope so, but I'm not gonna get too excited. :\ #
- 21:09 @ dvsquee @NZButterflyGirl Miss me?? ;) #
- 21:09 @ SwimChicSQ I pay for NHL Game Center Live. I refused to go all season w/o seeing a game. ;) #
- 21:11 @ dvsquee You suck #
- 21:12 @ SwimChicSQ LoL - it's worth it to vegemate for however long! XD #
- 21:12 @ NZButterflyGirl At least someone loves me #
- 21:13 @ dvsquee Well, good luck with that! #
- 21:17 @ SwimChicSQ Wooot!! But it's so much more fun to WATCH it! *nods* #
- 21:19 @ dvsquee Age #
- 21:20 @ dvsquee Could'a told you that. Madre worked at Penney's for YEARS. #
- 21:20 @ SwimChicSQ Understand that completely. It sucks b/c the 'Nucks will be in FL for their massive roadtrip during the Olympics. #
- 21:22 @ dvsquee *snirk* You don't wanna work Penney's during the holidays. CRAZY early hours and....idiots. #
- 21:24 @ dvsquee You don't make me feel old....usually. #
- 21:24 @ SwimChicSQ Oh, I'm so considering it. #
- 21:32 @ SwimChicSQ HAhaha #
- 21:32 @ dvsquee Pfft. XP #
- 21:32 @ dvsquee Maybe it's the new setup doing it? #
- 21:33 @ dvsquee Oh, that would be fun!! *nods* #
- 21:34 YES! #
- 21:35 @ NZButterflyGirl No. I was pretty good at that too. #
- 21:36 @ dvsquee XP #
- 21:36 @ SwimChicSQ Hey, it's a big deal after the past three games! #
- 21:38 Canucks are playing the Lightning in Feb. too. Tampa's not as far as Sunrise. Hmmmmmm. #
- 21:40 @ SwimChicSQ I KNOW! A guy in my Religion class was asking if they played the Thrashers b/c Atlanta is sooo close. Alas, they aren't... #
- 21:40 @ SwimChicSQ ...playing them in ATL, but at GM place in December. NUTS! #
- 21:42 @ SwimChicSQ The Caps are my mom's team. XP #
- 21:45 HOLY FUCK YES! #
- 21:47 @ palmie LOL, I'm FIIINE. Not saying much of anything other than yes right now. #
- 21:49 @ SwimChicSQ This is...wow...I don't wanna say anything...but holy crap, YES! #
- 21:49 Intermission time - how's things everyone? #
- 21:50 Anyone wanna go to the Ft. Lauderdale for a few days in February?? #
- 21:50 drop the 'the' in that last tweet. LOL #
- 21:51 @ palmie LoL....I'm just extremely pleased right now. #
- 21:52 @ sorchamorrigan BUT the Canucks are playing the Panthers in February - RIGHT around my 21st birthday. THAT would be a GREAT b-day trip! #
- 21:53 @ dvsquee Oh come on! You can dooooooo it! #
- 21:53 Technically, the actual game is about 10 days short of my 21st birthday, but STILL. #
- 21:54 @ sorchamorrigan I GREW UP where they are playing. I know that town like it's nobody's business. I know how to avoid those types. #
- 21:57 @ sorchamorrigan Oh trust me. *nods* That is MY territory. #
- 21:58 @ connie_point You should go to it!!! And the Panthers WERE my fav team before I became a Canucks fan...so yeah. Wanna see that action! #
- 21:59 @ dvsquee Canucks are playing the Panthers at the Bank Atlantic Center Feb. 11th. #
- 22:00 Come on all you Northies - Florida in the middle of winter? How could you say no?! ;P #
- 22:00 @ connie_point THAT is awesomepops! #
- 22:01 @ ash0283 *snirk* All you people up there in the north! XP #
- 22:01 @ dvsquee PFFT - I can't afford that! I *CAN* afford to go to Ft. Lauderdale, though! #
- 22:02 @ sorchamorrigan Oh I'm right there with you. Right now it's just a wild idea, but I've found wild ideas work out better when there's cohorts #
- 22:04 @ dvsquee Simple. Son of Smurf's house. #
- 22:04 @ sorchamorrigan *nods* Me too. We are cohorts already! #
- 22:04 @ SwimChicSQ Fair enough! #
- 22:04 @ connie_point Oh me too! Just to go to Vancouver would be amazing. If only it didn't cost so much! #
- 22:05 @ ash0283 Fair enough - I WAS born in Virginia, so my family is all Northies. But was raised in FL, so I'm partial to the south. #
- 22:07 @ dvsquee I don't have the funds right now to pay for the plane ticket, but come next semester, I should have it. *nods* #
- 22:08 @ ash0283 It's above the mason-dixon line! And my family on my Grandma's side are from Pennsylvania! #
- 22:09 @ naddycat OHHHH NO, i know I'm NOT a Northie. I hail from the deep South! XP #
- 22:11 @ connie_point Ooooooooo! I'm hoping to get a new jersey for X-mas. #
- 22:11 @ dvsquee Yeah...how I would be getting there. *nods* #
- 22:11 @ ash0283 *holds up hands* Okay, okay...fair enough. XD #
- 22:12 @ connie_point Hmmmm...idk who I'd get on mine. #
- 22:13 @ NZButterflyGirl I'm right there with you on that one! #
- 22:14 @ ash0283 LoL, it's all good. I can take a bit of joking like the best of them! ;) #
- 22:14 Getting nervous again. #
- 22:14 And don't flip - it's game related. #
- 22:15 @ NZButterflyGirl The Michael bit, silly. #
- 22:16 @ dvsquee YES! That's the one for you RIGHT THERE! XP #
- 22:16 @ sorchamorrigan *HUGGLES HUGGLES HUGGLES HUGGLES* #
- 22:17 @ connie_point I only have the one that I'm wearing in my avatar...and it's personalized. ;) #
- 22:18 @ sorchamorrigan Of course!! XD #
- 22:18 @ dvsquee If you're saying what I think I know you are, THAT would be worth it. #
- 22:19 @ NZButterflyGirl Ah pfft - I never believe her stories! #
- 22:20 @ connie_point Hehe...yes, he definitely is. Can't wait to get to see him again. *nods* #
- 22:20 @ sorchamorrigan T'awww, thanks! *huggles* #
- 22:21 @ dvsquee *SNIRK* Like that's working on me! #
- 22:22 @ dvsquee MY hair attack me?! Have you SEEN my hair?! #
- 22:22 @ connie_point Oh, you NEED to. He's AMAZING in person! And he comes through - got that letter to @LexaShmexa I told him to give her. #
- 22:23 @ dvsquee Then you should know I have one hell of a handle on my hair. #
- 22:25 @ connie_point He's gonna be in LA for the SG con (same weekend as the Farscape con too) in Nov. D*C was AMAZING, even if Shanks wasn't there #
- 22:25 @ SwimChicSQ Nighty night! #
- 22:26 @ ash0283 Those vids of the great whites coming out of the water are so awesomepops. #
- 22:28 *DANCES* #
- 22:28 @ sorchamorrigan @ash0283 OOOOOOO, can I come?!? #
- 22:29 @ ash0283 *nods* Indeed. #
- 22:29 @ connie_point I wanna go to that soooo bad, but I can't afford it. So I'm doing ChiCon and D*C again. #
- 22:30 @ sorchamorrigan Vancouver, but I'd LOOOOOVE to come up and see you!!! Missed you the instant you were gone at D*C. #
- 22:31 @ ash0283 @sorchamorrigan Hellz yeah! #
- 22:31 @ naddycat You know I'm so there the first chance I get! #
- 22:33 @ sorchamorrigan Oh yes....the BUS. Because I LOOOOVE the BUS. #
- 22:34 @ sorchamorrigan Oh, you're bitchiness is a nice match to mine. So that doesn't bother me at all! #
- 22:34 Okay, I'm saying it now - GO CANUCKS GO!!!!!!!!!!! #
- 22:35 @ ash0283 I love it, let's do it...after this AMAZING game is over. #
- 22:36 @ connie_point I just can't afford air fare. Seriously crazy expensive. i SOOOOOOO wanna go though! #
- 22:36 @ ash0283 Don't you a special kind of awesome now?? ;) #
- 22:37 @ ash0283 ...and we can properly stalk....admire, I mean ADMIRE our favorite stars! #
- 22:38 @ connie_point Yeah, that's how I pay for all my cons already. I'm already commited to ChiCon and D*C though, so that's where my $$ goes. #
- 22:38 @ sorchamorrigan Ah pfft....we have an in with Lexa. She'd let us near anyways! #
- 22:38 @ naddycat To add on what Sorcha said - LOTS AND LOTS OF CATS. #
- 22:40 @ connie_point August 27-29....plenty of time to save! #
- 22:40 @ sorchamorrigan I was sooo gonna say 'offer to babysit'. XD #
- 22:41 @ NZButterflyGirl Ah, only a few days. She'll be back....I can feel it. #
- 22:41 @ sorchamorrigan Oh yeah - you and me? We'd be the cool babysitters! #
- 22:43 @ sorchamorrigan *cough* Ummm...a lot? #
- 22:43 @ connie_point He's the only confirmed guest so far! It's definitely a hoot! You should do it! #
- 22:44 @ NZButterflyGirl Nope....it's my Jedi powers. #
- 22:44 @ sorchamorrigan These are the reasons why I love you! #
- 22:45 @ sorchamorrigan I actually don't have too much furniture. #
- 22:46 @ tehbella Spend enough time with us and you'll be one in no time! ;P #
- 22:46 @ Ms_Me_ THAT SHOW ROCKS! #
- 22:47 @ connie_point Thankfully, I should be getting an apartment next year so I won't have to worry about that. But definitely consider it! #
- 22:48 @ ash0283 I say again - I LOVE IT, LET'S DO IT!! #
- 22:48 @ NZButterflyGirl I'll try. *waves hand to the cosmic universe* @NZButterflyGirl will get a job. #
- 22:49 Maybe I'll just leave FSU entirely and go to UBC. *nods* #
- 22:50 OH YEAH! RT @ash0283: "Twitter sitcom" called "Twerps" Featuring @sorchamorrigan @dannysgirlsg1 @tehbella @ash0283 on the road to Vancouver. #
- 22:50 @ connie_point Oooooo, that's awesomepops! Yeah, I can't afford to live on campus anymore. WAAAAY to expensive! #
- 22:51 I have a feeling some of us will be jailed tonight. #
- 22:52 @ sorchamorrigan @ash0283 @tehbella This is a golden plan here - NOTHING could POSSIBLY go wrong! #
- 22:52 @ Ms_Me_ Maybe it's b/c dancing is just in my blood. My mom was an avid dancer until she blew out her knee. #
- 22:53 @ sorchamorrigan Well, you KNOW all my pertinent info. I was one of your minions! #
- 22:53 RT @ash0283: #twerps: "We found the door to the other world... are you ready to come out of the closet?" #
- 22:54 @ connie_point Yeah...i have loans and grants (yeah...loans...EWWWW). And even with that, I found I can't keep paying the outlandish prices #
- 22:55 @ sorchamorrigan LOL - fine fine. But hey...if you know my birthday, you know my sign! (and give you a break? Pfft!) #
- 22:56 @ sorchamorrigan @naddycat Yes it was. Disney original with Tia and Tamara. #
- 22:57 @ naddycat Thanks bunches! I may take you up on that offer one day. #
- 22:58 @ tehbella @ash0283 I second that #
- 22:59 @ naddycat It's a serious goal of mine to get to Vancouver. #
- 23:00 @ sorchamorrigan It has a nice ring to it...that'll do. #
- 23:00 And I apologize if I miss out on tweets - it's difficult to get to everyone when we're all chatting! #
- 23:01 @ naddycat I've seriously started considering it. But that's SOOO far from home and the move would be crazy! #
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