different day, different kind of shit all the time
- 00:28 @ NZButterflyGirl A D/V fic I've been working on for over a year. #
- 00:28 @ NZButterflyGirl Parts 1, 2, and 3 are already up online. 4 has FINALLY been completed! #
- 00:31 @ NZButterflyGirl You know the Brad Paisley song 'She's Everything'? It's a set of fics set to each lyric from the song. #
- 00:39 @ NZButterflyGirl Hehe - well, I would give you the link, but I'll wait until the WHOLE thing is up and together. ;) #
- 00:40 She's Everything is 91 pages long put all together - 28, 794 words. Longest fic I have ever written. #
- 00:42 @ Ms_Me_ She's Everything isn't, no. I'll provide a link to it once I get P.4 posted (I have to wait until my betas are finished with it). #
- 00:43 Though, of course, by the time Choices is finished, it'll have surpassed She's Everything - and it's one WHOLE fic instead of little fics... #
- 00:44 ...thrown together. At this point in time, before I've even gotten to the REAL drama, Choices is at 40 pages with 11, 661 words. ;) #
- 00:49 @ NZButterflyGirl Thanks! ;) #
- 01:01 Alrighty folks - tis bedtime for me. Hopefully I can get some more panel vids up tomorrow. ;) Nighty night twitterwebz! #
- 01:22 Okay, seriously. Dino-roar is one of the greatest toys ever invented! #
- 15:26 I have been completely unproductive today. #
- 15:32 DAMMIT - why the fuck am I not able to order my damn SG-1 novels through the website anymore?!?! #
- 15:46 Had to go through Amazon again - so I have to wait until it's released through Amazon. That's next week. Bastards. #
- 15:46 @ superrhuman As soon as my betas are through with it, you can! ;) #
- 15:52 For all those who were wondering what the hell I was talking about last night, here's a dino-roar: bit.ly/A1x9z #
- 15:52 @ lkoutzas Oh yeah, the BEST EVER. *rolls eyes* #
- 15:54 That's what mine looks like - and he roars...in a highly hysterical way when squeezed. Fun for scaring the CRAP outta cats. #
- 15:55 Or for scaring yourself when you forget he's on the floor and step on him in the dark. Like I did last night. #
- 15:59 AH HA! It FINALLY came. Now I can have a legitimate excuse for now wanting to do ANYTHING today. XP #
- 15:59 @ BoSintobin If only you could hear the roar this thing makes. It's great. #
- 16:01 @ BoSintobin That's what I'm thinking. Maybe I'll take care of that later. ;) #
- 16:36 Hmmmm, have just under a month to figure out what to get SOMEONE for her birthday... *ponders* #
- 21:02 Mantra for the past hour: "I love this show!" #Glee #
- 21:41 @ punslingerr No, I love them so much. Madre and I turn them up every time. XD #
- 21:42 @ ensredshirt Howdie! ;) #
- 21:44 @ apndrgn Hiiiiii! How's things? #
- 21:44 @ punslingerr Well, I had to watch stuff with the roomies and then do a meme on LJ. Now I'm free-ish to tweet. #
- 21:49 @ punslingerr *dances* #
- 21:51 @ punslingerr Yes, because I LOOOOOVE beer! XP #
- 21:54 @ punslingerr *snirk* Oh no, I wouldn't do that. #
- 21:55 Seriously - the Titanic OST is one of my all time favorites. Definitely in the top five. #
- 21:59 @ punslingerr Actually, that was sarcasm. I really, really DON'T like beer. #
- 22:03 @ punslingerr Exactly! #
- 22:11 @ punslingerr Yeah. #
- 22:15 @ ensredshirt LoL. Are you much of a drinker, period? ;) #
- 22:15 *sigh* I really am gonna need GameCenter if I want to enjoy ANY games when the regular season starts. #
- 22:18 Any kind souls out there wanna donate to the help Pip watch some hockey fund?? XP #
- 22:18 @ ensredshirt *snirk* ONE?? If I had been of age, I promise you I'd have had more than one. Just wait til next year! XD #
- 22:22 @ ensredshirt *shrugs* I don't NEED to drink, as you saw, to have fun. But sometimes it's just fun to do it. #
- 22:22 @ punslingerr *snirk* I'm actually usually VERY in control of myself and I make sure I'm around someone who hasn't been drinking. ;) #
- 22:27 *sniff* This hockey problem is making me sad. #
- 22:37 @ naddycat Evil language of doom. XP #
- 22:52 @ cherluvya Boy, have I gotten a jump start on that list. I've read SEVEN of all the books listed. XP #
- 22:56 @ naddycat Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it. ;) #
- 22:57 @ punslingerr *SNIRK* How do you find out who favorited your tweets?? #
- 22:57 @ ensredshirt Stop asking my questions! XP #
- 23:03 @ ash0283 Nighty night! #
- 23:03 @ punslingerr Thanks! ;) #
- 23:12 *pouts* Canucks will be playing the Panthers Feb. 11th at the Bank Atlantic Center. I think I might cry. #
- 23:16 @ apndrgn Yes. The Bank Atlantic Center is right down the street from where I grew up in Sunrise, Florida. #
- 23:17 @ punslingerr WAS local. Not anymore. #
- 23:20 @ punslingerr Smartass. No, *I* moved away from there. It's down in South Florida. XP #
- 23:23 @ punslingerr Oh, hush you! #
- 23:26 @ naddycat Day was uneventful. Was being lazy and bleh all day. ;) #
- 23:29 @ naddycat Nope. I only have Tuesday/Thursday classes, with my recitation on Mondays. #
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