I have officially found another keystroke that completely clears said text box here and deletes everything you've already typed... what sucks is I was all done getting through the awesomeness of yesterday! So not for the first time in my journaling life, witty comments that can never be reproduced before posting are lost to that unexplainable void!
So now I'm just gonna recap what I had posted before:
Madre called on midnight (so that would be Wednesday night, for those not getting technical and not wanting to be confused!). She had set her alarm to wake her up so she could call me. Reason why she roxors #2:
Me: Think about it - nineteen years ago today...
Madre: Oh yes, nineteen years ago today, my life ended.
*sigh* I love my mother and her sarcasm!
Reason why she roxors #3: She had called last week and set up for a cake to be sent to me yesterday! It says 'Happy Birthday MoMo' on top - MoMo being one of those nicknames I am only called at home, mostly by Ted when he's not in a 'you are extremely annoying' mood (though Madre has used it on occasion).
Spent most of the day here in my room watching country videos and movies (Blood Diamond! LVOE THAT MOVIE!), then at around 6 peoples finally showed up. We had a good little hang out in my room (only cause the roommate from hell wasn't here) - Brian even showed up to say happy birthday! I felt very loved!
We then went down to play pool in the basement. We were having fun until the Navs showed up and started playing their hippy crap music over what we were listening to on Paris' iPod. Before we hightailed it out of there, I made sure to scream the words to La Vie Boheme B as it clashed against their religious folk...stuff (to put things in perspective, the Navs are a religious group based out of Kellum, so Rent is a very touchy subject for them *cackles rebelliously!*
Then I managed to convince Shaq, Paris, and Marymee to all go to McDonalds, then see Enchanted, while it was pouring down rain (it rained all day yesterday, btw - but that's not a bad thing cause I love the rain! :D). We had fun, and Enchanted is a kickass movie! (Gives me hope for Disney movies again *and not the disney movies that have pixar attached to their movies - those all roxors, though some way more than others!*)
Didn't end up in the fountain, though, cause of the rain. I'm sure it'll happen soon (possibly tonight) - not that it really mattered cause on the walk back from the SLC, I took off my shoes and walked barefoot (chucks + wetness = badness!), so my jeans were completely soaked at the bottoms.
So basically, I spent my 19th birthday jumping in puddles and seeing a Disney movie - this is because I refuse to except I am over the age of 5!
Annoyance of the moment: There is no original AC/DC on iTunes! How is this even possible?!?! I mean, i'm looking for AC/DC!! There's only covers of their songs, and I'm not a big fan of most covers (ATU not withstanding...). So if anyone has their songs and is willing to give them to me, I will definitely appreciate it! (Back in Black, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, Hells Bells, and You Shook Me All Night Long are the main four I'm wanting, for sure!)
Long-time annoyance: People (a certain people in particular) who wear the 'brand' jackets and don't even frelling understand where the come from! I hate when people have on a RACING JACKET that says 'DuPont', 'UPS', 'Lowe's', or 'Budweiser', and they don't even care why they say that! What really pisses me off is when I see people wearing 'Goodwrench' jackets, and yet they don't even KNOW why there's a NUMBER 3 on it! FRELLING IDIOTS! *kicks*
OMFG! My brabbits, with much help from
dvshipper, have officially gone into over drive with a brandy new fanfic idea! *dances in excitement for this* And let me just say, this storyline is right up my alley! *grins*
Alrighty then - now that A Hundred Days is about to end, I think I'm gonna go work on that previously mentioned fic!