different day, different kind of shit all the time
- 00:29 Finally getting online. #
- 00:37 @ punslingerr - I actually have the plush DRD...and he is 1812 to me! ;D #
- 00:45 @ punslingerr - Alrighty, here's the rules of the game. 1) You are always playing. 2) If you think of the game, you lose the game... #
- 00:45 @ punslingerr - 3) When you lose the game, you MUST announce to someone you have lost the game. Congratz - you just lost the game for the... #
- 00:46 @ punslingerr - ...first time! ;D (it seems stupid, but really once you get into, it can be pretty devious and fun!) #
- 00:46 And now since i have just EXPLAINED the game to someone, I have lost it again. #
- 00:47 @ lkoutzas - There are! I really can't tell you how they are quality-wise yet, but I'm liking what I've read so far. #
- 00:47 @ punslingerr - LoL, apparently not! #
- 00:48 @ ohlauren - Nice! Yeah, it's no fun when you are cleaning someone ELSE'S house w/ no clear indication of what you'll be getting for it. #
- 00:48 @ ensredshirt - That seems to be the trend for tomorrow. I will be the one going to work. XP #
- 00:50 One of the kittens died today. We had named it Nemo...very, very sad. #
- 00:51 @ punslingerr - That's...one way to describe it I guess. #
- 00:52 @ punslingerr - There actually is an 1812 plushie out there, so mine is now the plushie formerly known as 1812. LoL! #
- 00:58 @ punslingerr - It was very hard for me not to start crying. #
- 00:59 @ punslingerr - Exactly. And you learn the true evilness of it when you're in the mall, and out of nowhere a friend of someone that you're... #
- 00:59 @ punslingerr - ...with comes rushing past while you're in line for food and goes 'LOST THE GAME!' and then rushes off. #
- 01:00 @ punslingerr - I am NOT naming my DRD pike! I might just stick to 1812 and paint him myself! XP #
- 01:01 In good kitteh news, River (who we were scared might be missing) came back on my last check outside for her, so she's back with her kittens. #
- 01:04 @ ohlauren - And you should've SEEN this place. It was hella DISGUSTING, and pretty much a bug convention. Totally creeped me out! #
- 01:07 @ apndrgn - YES!!! I've been contemplating getting one for myself...attach a string to it and walk around playing the overture, pulling it... #
- 01:07 @ apndrgn - ...behind me! XP #
- 01:13 @ apndrgn - Ah dammit! Now I'm tempted to do it! (and I have the overture as a ringtone, so it'd make it VERY easy to do!) #
- 01:16 @ ohlauren - Yeah, I was OKAY (a relative term) with the cockroaches until there were like 3 on the floor, and 1 on the TABLE NEXT TO ME! #
- 01:17 @ ohlauren - After that, I was pretty much over the whole thing. #
- 01:17 @ punslingerr - Or not! *shudders at the thought of ANY type of bugs atm, mechanical or not!* #
- 01:18 @ apndrgn - *snirk* With my walking skills? Yeah, that's an accident waiting to happen! #
- 01:19 So I got to watch all of The Dark Knight today without even really intending to, so that kinda sorta made up for the cleaning stuff. #
- 01:20 @ punslingerr - This brings an Andromeda quote to mind. *snirk* #
- 01:25 @ punslingerr - O....M....G. If you REALLY knew the hilarity of that statement to me! *snirk* #
- 01:26 Tyr: I have faith in nothing but this - when the universe collapses and dies, there will be three survivors... #
- 01:26 ... Tyr Anasazi, the cockroaches, and Dylan Hunt, trying to save the cockroaches. #
- 01:28 @ punslingerr - Well, it's a long and very dirty-minded story, but let's just say anything Skittles related now makes me think of a certain.. #
- 01:28 @ punslingerr - ...fav actor of mine! (and it's SERIOUSLY all @dvsquee 's fault!) #
- 01:34 @ punslingerr - Nothing to do with the video, but taste the rainbow....sorry, my thoughts are wandering to pleasant places now! #
- 01:38 @ punslingerr - Yep, read about that this morning. Glad they caught the sick bastard! #
- 01:39 @ punslingerr - Don't worry...I'm not gonna make an ass of myself telling the Skittles story. You're safe. #
- 01:41 @ punslingerr @apndrgn - What a DISGUSTING little punk asshole...I hope they make him pay for what he did. Seriously. #
- 01:44 @ immaterialdepth - Anytime cockroaches and trying to kill them comes up in a conversation, that's the quote I think of (which is why I... #
- 01:45 @ immaterialdepth - ...tweeted it in the first place). It's definitely a classic! XD #
- 01:45 @ apndrgn - HUZZAH to that! #
- 01:46 @ apndrgn - Nighty night! #
- 01:50 @ immaterialdepth - You should! I've been marathoning it slowly (b/c Netflix has been terrible about getting the DVDs to me!), and it's... #
- 01:50 @ immaterialdepth - ...definitely been awesomesauce to see @LexaShmexa in it! Rommie is my favorite character, after all! ;D #
- 01:52 Enough with the porn bots already - SERIOUSLY! #
- 01:52 I have the sudden urge to eat Skittles (the candy, the CANDY!!)...can't imagine why! ;P #
- 01:56 @ punslingerr - Be afraid. Be VEEEERY afraid! ;P #
- 01:59 @ punslingerr - Well, it wasn't intentional. I've never seen The Fly, anyways. #
- 02:07 @ punslingerr - *snirk* Sweet dreams! ;P #
- 02:09 I, too, am heading off to sleep. Being creeped out by that house has worn me out. *shudders* Night all! #
- 12:54 Boxness time yet again...really can't complain, though. It's better than working inside! #
- 12:58 @ immaterialdepth - I was having one of those days yesterday. I'm sure things will look up! *hugs* #
- 13:02 @ ensredshirt - Haha, Santa!Bob! What all the girls want for Christmas. ;P #
- 13:06 @ ensredshirt - Morning! What can I say - my timing is just good like that! #
- 13:08 I officially want to see the Proposal. Love Ryan Reynolds to start with, and seeing Sandra Bullock in movies is fun since I know Madre... #
- 13:09 ...went to high school with her. ;D #
- 13:17 @ ensredshirt - You do that or you're likely to have certain things turned into dirty jokes. ;P #
- 13:23 @ punslingerr - Wow, it is afternoon isn't it?! Where did the morning go? #
- 13:26 @ ensredshirt - You are... so did you enjoy them playing with the ding-a-ling? XP #
- 13:27 @ punslingerr - Not us, right? *innocent grin* #
- 13:41 @ ensredshirt - Of course you did! #
- 13:44 #musicmonday - Don't Stop Believin' (Journey), No Particular Place to Go (Chuck Berry), Zidler's Rap (Moulin Rouge)... #
- 13:45 #musicmonday (P.2) - You Can't Stop the Beat (Hairspray OST), Rock Star (Nickelback) #
- 13:46 It's all @ensredshirt 's fault I'm now listening to Chuck Berry! XP #
- 13:50 @ punslingerr - Of course! Music = Love! #
- 13:52 @ ensredshirt - Of course now I've moved on to ZZ Top's 'Sharp Dressed Man'. Ah, such a multi-fandom song! XD #
- 13:57 @ punslingerr - You just don't have the ear for good jams, huh? #
- 14:01 @ ensredshirt - Oh yeah, I'd say so! #
- 14:02 Love it when several things in here decide to stop working all at one when i have several customers. AWESOMESAUCE! *headdesk* #
- 14:02 @ ensredshirt - It's good to know i'm not the only person who has an eclectic music taste #
- 14:04 @ ensredshirt - Smart choice. I have a tendency to smack people when they say something inappropriate! #
- 14:05 @ ensredshirt - From John Williams to Kanye West. Rascal Flatts to Linkin Park. AC/DC to Britney Spears. As long as it's a good song, I... #
- 14:06 @ ensredshirt - ...don't really care about the genre! #
- 14:06 @ punslingerr - I would DIE without my iPod *pets Remmie* As of right now, he's my only connection to all my music! #
- 14:48 @ punslingerr - Shame! #
- 14:50 @ punslingerr - What @apndrgn said...get away from the computer for a little while! #
- 14:52 @ ensredshirt - Well, as of right now, we're gonna take him to Sam's tomorrow b/c my warranty is still good. See what they say. #
- 14:58 @ ensredshirt - Thanks! If it doesn't work out there, I have found someone willing to install a new hard drive for free once I get one. #
- 14:59 @ apndrgn - Thank you! Truly appreciate it! It's been very unfun having to share a laptop with two other people! #
- 15:04 @ ensredshirt - That's my hope. But knowing my luck as of late, idk. LoL #
- 15:10 I'm really thinking I might make that SG-1 vid to Rock Star...it's fun and I'm already getting some ideas of clips to put to the lyrics. #
- 15:14 @ RenaissanceAsh - That's a bit ridiculous. And here we were all hoping it was just a fad! *sigh* #
- 15:27 @ apndrgn - It's actually very easy once you have the right programs. If you want to do a pic video (like not use any actual video clips)... #
- 15:28 @ apndrgn - ...those really are the easiest to make! My first SG-1 vid was a pic vid rather than a clip one. #
- 15:36 @ apndrgn @ensredshirt @punslingerr @ohlauren - AH NUTS! Right when we all get our twitter on! Damn you Twitter Nazis! #
- 15:40 @ ohlauren - Yeah, I was figuring we'd all relocate there. It is a good backup place! ;D #
- 15:41 @ apndrgn - Exactly! They are selective with what time actually means to them. It's us playing by their rules. EVIL. #
- 15:44 @ ohlauren - Yeah, I've used the link a few times already when the Twitterwebz has suddenly gone quiet and i wanted to be sure y'all... #
- 15:45 @ ohlauren - ...weren't chatting elsewhere! #
- 15:58 @ ensredshirt - Definitely a good thing! #
- 15:58 @ ohlauren - Well, I definitely noticed/remembered you mentioning it! ;D #
- 16:00 @ ensredshirt - Oh, was that like Martha Stewart? I wouldn't know - never watched her, never will. I prefer to be original in my creations! #
- 16:03 @ ensredshirt - T'awwww, thanks! Or wait, was that like some 'SPECIAL' remark? Like 'stop eating the paste' kinda special?? #
- 16:03 Heh, I love it when I can use Gilmore Girls quotes in real life! #
- 16:26 @ ohlauren - Ah yay, there is a fellow GG enthusiast amongst the group! #
- 16:32 I want my next tattoo really bad! *pouts* #
- 16:37 @ ensredshirt - I actually have my next two planned. I want the Earth symbol on my right wrist, and I want 'Pip' in Ancient on left wrist. #
- 16:37 @ ensredshirt - Oh, and i have 'Life Finds a Way' tattooed on my back. There's pics of it on my facebook. #
- 16:39 @ ohlauren - Oh, definitely not! I think my way to tell if my future man is a keeper is if he can at least TOLERATE watching GG! XP #
- 16:43 twitpic.com/7hv4b - My tattoo...proof that I am a geek to the core! (Pic courtesy of my fake!wifey, Shaquita!) #
- 16:45 @ ohlauren - Yeah, I know. That was just a spur of the moment idea I'd share b/c I knew you'd appreciate it! XD #
- 16:45 @ ohlauren - Thanks! Maybe when I'm in FL, I can get at least one of them done. #
- 16:49 @ sorchamorrigan - *SNIRK* How does one respond to something like that?? #
- 16:53 @ sorchamorrigan - Thanks! XD #
- 16:54 @ ensredshirt - I think so...if I'm gonna show my love for SG in tattoos, I feel I should do it where it can be seen! #
- 16:55 @ sorchamorrigan - LoL, very eloquent. Better than anything I could've come up with! #
- 17:05 @ ohlauren - Don't worry! If/when they happen anytime soon, there WILL be pics! #
- 17:07 @ apndrgn - I've considered getting a belly button ring, but at this point I'd rather put the money towards the tats first. #
- 17:08 @ ensredshirt - So you'd never get one? Ever?? #
- 17:08 @ ohlauren - The only thing I'm apprehensive about is how much it's going to hurt. The one on my back was painful, but that's b/c... #
- 17:09 @ ohlauren - ...I'm crazy skinny and have no padding back there, so it was pretty much needle on bone when he was doing it! #
- 17:11 @ sorchamorrigan - Oh, my Life Finds a Way tat isn't meant to be SG related. It's straight out love for JP (& the truth behind the phrase... #
- 17:12 @ sorchamorrigan - ...as well). I was saying WHEN I get my SG related tats, I want them where they can be seen. #
- 17:13 @ sorchamorrigan - LoL, no no...don't be unhappy. No direct SG relation whatsoever. That one's all about the dinos! ;D #
- 17:15 @ ohlauren - It was funny actually. I think my best friend was in more pain just WATCHING me get the tat then I was actually getting it! XP #
- 17:16 @ ohlauren - She even had to leave the room b/c her reaction was making me tense up and pissing off the tattoo artist! #
- 17:18 @ sorchamorrigan - Oh for sure. I think that's why I enjoyed Wall-E so much b/c it portrayed that very message. #
- 17:20 @ ohlauren - Indeed. And she kept going 'Oh, you're mom is SO gonna blame me for this!' XP #
- 17:21 @ LexaShmexa - OH NOES! What happened?! #
- 17:24 @ sorchamorrigan - You haven't?! Wow, you really should watch it! It's a fantastic movie - beautiful in it's message and it's cinematography. #
- 17:25 @ ensredshirt - You guys fail me! *shakes head* #
- 17:27 @ immaterialdepth - I had to pause a moment and think about that too! :P #
- 17:27 @ sorchamorrigan - It has it's sad moments, but in the end everything turns out very good! #
- 17:28 @ ensredshirt - Awww, don't look at it that way. See it as expressing a lifelong love for something! #
- 17:32 Annoying is LJ refusing to let me edit a post the easy way, forcing me to go into the old HTML version and put in code manually. #
- 17:34 @ LexaShmexa - Awww, poor Sam! Hope he gets better soon! #
- 17:35 @ ensredshirt - You make a good point there. The pain really is no fun. #
- 17:43 @ punslingerr - Thanks! #
- 17:43 @ ensredshirt - As my favorite pirate has been known to say, One can only hope! ;) #
- 17:44 @ punslingerr - Well, yeah...having a good idea of beats and music changes is definitely key to making a good vid. #
- 17:45 @ punslingerr - I can't give anyone flack about misspelling anything on the Twitterwebz b/c I'm an expert at it! XP #
- 17:46 @ punslingerr - I don't think you'd be able to keep up, to be honest! #
- 17:47 @ punslingerr - Yes I did b/c it's a quote that rings true for all things, JP-related or not! XP #
- 17:47 @ punslingerr - Yes, there is. And no, no I can't. Honest truth. #
- 17:54 @ punslingerr - No dirty jokes allowed! :P #
- 17:57 @ punslingerr - Wow, you could spell correctly to begin with?! That must've been nice! LoL #
- 17:59 @ punslingerr - The show - it's very fast-paced pop-cultured girl talk! #
- 18:00 @ punslingerr - One of these days, I want to get around to learning Elvish. *sigh* #
- 18:01 @ taralee2 - I NEVER GOT THIS TWEET! It didn't show up on my feed or the TweetDeck! No txt either! How do they expect us to stay in touch... #
- 18:01 @ taralee2 - ...if I don't get all your tweets! GRRRR! #
- 18:04 Holy wrong numbers, Batman! I apparently am now following SIXTY-SIX people, when I could've swore it was only THIRTY-THREE! #
- 18:05 @ punslingerr - YOU are so PREDICTABLE! I knew that's what you'd say! XP #
- 18:08 @ apndrgn @punslingerr - Those could be plausible explanations. But I'm gonna go with blaming the Twitter Nazis. #
- 18:09 @ punslingerr - Yeah, probably. Maybe I should too! XP #
- 18:12 @ punslingerr - I was only joking, and you know it! #
- 18:14 @ tiggerwidget - Ooooooooooooooo, someone's twittering from their CELL PHONE!!! *points* #
- 18:15 @ ensredshirt @punslingerr - idk...I was wondering the same thing myself. #
- 18:16 @ punslingerr - I doubt that will ever change for any of the male persuasion! #
- 18:19 @ tiggerwidget - You're a cheater! You're OUTSIDE (and hurry up....I gotta make a tinkle!) #
- 18:31 @ ensredshirt - I would say I'm sorry, but I ummm, don't think I am. XP #
- 18:31 @ punslingerr - Oh great! You calling me a tramp now?? #
- 18:35 Haha! Maintenance delayed until tomorrow! Huzzah to all who brought this about! You guys are awesomsauce! #NoMaintenance #
- 18:37 @ punslingerr - I know, I was just messing with you! And maybe I'm biased, but I think mine is better than all those! XP #
- 18:38 @ apndrgn - True, but it's not RIGHT when our usual twitter time comes along. And would any time be a good time? #
- 18:40 @ apndrgn - I was actually considering some behind the ear(s). Idk what they would be, though. #
- 18:41 @ apndrgn - Right when our usual twitter party ends! Very nice! #
- 18:46 Interwebz haz left again *sigh* #
- 18:50 @ punslingerr - It's too much fun! How could i not do it?! #
- 18:52 @ LexaShmexa - Ouch! Tough little kid! Hope the other one isn't broken either! *hugs for him* #
- 18:52 Obviously the interwebz came back! Yay! #
- 18:53 @ ensredshirt - Back sooner than I thought. I'd even started to play Minesweeper while waiting for it to come back. LoL! #
- 18:55 @ ensredshirt - Yes. ;P #
- 18:59 @ sorchamorrigan @apndrgn - That's what I was thinking! :) #
- 19:01 @ punslingerr - Membership welcome package?! Oh buddy, I've been in the club for a LONG time now! ;D #
- 19:02 @ ensredshirt - What better way to divert your anger at the interwebz to another thing?? B/c Minesweeper cheats and I yell at it...a lot! #
- 19:05 @ LexaShmexa twitpic.com/7i8g9 - Awwwww, such a cutie!! #
- 19:06 @ ensredshirt - Bastards! Doesn't mean I haven't conquered it a time or two! #
- 19:06 @ apndrgn - Personal experience much?? #
- 19:07 @ punslingerr - Maybe I volunteered for the job? ;) #
- 19:08 @ apndrgn - It's a genius idea, for sure. My grandpa used to tell me to go look and see what was in all the drawers while we were in the... #
- 19:09 @ apndrgn - ...doctor's office. Madre was never pleased with that! *snirk* #
- 19:10 @ LexaShmexa - Never watched it. Haven't been around small humans in a while, so I'm not subjected to the shows anymore. #
- 19:11 @ ensredshirt - Expert, and I can't tell you my fastest time b/c the hold of that is brain dead atm. #
- 19:12 @ apndrgn - Again, genius! #
- 19:12 @ apndrgn - I'll have to remember that for next time! #
- 19:14 @ punslingerr - I'm not saying I don't like small humans! I love kids! Just when you're in school, it's not often you seem around campus! #
- 19:15 @ punslingerr - SEE THEM, that should've said. #
- 19:15 @ ensredshirt - Yeah, I don't think I've ever done it that fast! #
- 19:20 @ punslingerr - *sigh* #
- 19:27 @ ensredshirt - Of course I want kids! XD #
- 19:29 The Geek Phrasebook on Facebook = Probably one of the best apps evar! #
- 19:32 @ ensredshirt - I must pass on all the wonderful genetics and evil deeds Madre has passed on to me! #
- 19:37 @ ensredshirt - Yeah, well...my kids will be cursed with my family's crazy genes! Lord help them if their daddy's side is just as wonko! #
- 19:42 @ ohlauren twitpic.com/7ibrm - Cute pup! And hey - I see me! XD #
- 19:48 @ sorchamorrigan @ensredshirt - Exactly! Ppl are either gonna like you 4 who you are or not Better to just show the world who you really are! #
- 19:53 @ sorchamorrigan @ensredshirt - Couldn't have put it better myself. They should love you for being you! #
- 19:56 @ taralee2 - *sniff* No hugs back?? And are you using your freaky Jedi powers b/c I thought you were at work. #
- 19:58 @ ensredshirt - You'll find someone who will, Nate. That's what you've gotta put your hope into! #
- 20:02 @ taralee2 - Ah ha! That explains it! And the letter email - you enjoyed? #
- 20:03 @ ensredshirt - I'm starting to wonder the same thing myself...but I have a good life, good friends, and good kittehs, so I'm not letting... #
- 20:04 @ ensredshirt - ...it get me down. #
- 20:07 @ sorchamorrigan - I know, i know! I'm just STARTING to wonder about it...I #
- 20:08 @ sorchamorrigan - 'm not saying I've stopped looking already! I'm just preparing myself to be without should I never find it! #
- 20:10 @ ensredshirt - Beauty is a relative term, my friend. It's not all about the looks, but the beauty of the personality too! #
- 20:12 @ sorchamorrigan - I try...really. And I am ready! I seize every opportunity I can to live life to the fullest! #
- 20:14 @ LexaShmexa twitpic.com/7ieoy - Wowsers...think the doc might've left his stash lying out there... XP #
- 20:15 @ sorchamorrigan @ensredshirt - T'awwww, thanks guys!! #
- 20:15 @ sorchamorrigan - My first thought was 'stash it, stash it!' Yeah...bad thought. #
- 20:16 @ Weirtoo - Never give up, never surrender. Or better yet - "Not until I'm dead...and sometimes not even then." #
- 20:18 @ sorchamorrigan - Time to start passin' the bong around. #
- 20:20 @ apndrgn - I thought we were working on those already? #
- 20:20 Clearly we are all delinquents already. We've all been thrown in the Twitter pokey a time or two! #
- 20:21 @ sorchamorrigan - Sweet...I think I just found Nemo. *passes it on* #
- 20:23 @ sorchamorrigan - CLASSIC! XD #
- 20:24 @ apndrgn - We should have our seperate branches...ironically all headed by @LexaShmexa! XP #
- 20:25 @ Weirtoo - To be honest, neither have I. I refuse to smoke cigarettes, that's for sure. Not sad - shows you have lots of will power! ;D #
- 20:25 @ sorchamorrigan - Hey, think some catnip would work in this thing?? #
- 20:26 @ sorchamorrigan - Makes work that much easier, I'm sure! #
- 20:27 @ sorchamorrigan - We've already got the get out of twitter jail free cards coming, so welcome to the creatin' club! #
- 20:28 @ taralee2 - Anything for you, mi amor! #
- 20:29 @ sorchamorrigan - I have a feeling some day I'll try pot...it just hasn't happened yet. As for the other stuff...no, never gonna happen! #
- 20:30 @ sorchamorrigan - Twisted humor is the best medicine, I find! #
- 20:31 @ Weirtoo - That is trufax right there! *snirk* Catnip = Entertaining cat owners for ages! #
- 20:32 @ sorchamorrigan - *SNIRK* Should I be prepared now?! LoL! #
- 20:32 @ Weirtoo - No, not at all! #
- 20:33 @ sorchamorrigan - Never said I was virtuous over here! #
- 20:34 @ sorchamorrigan - Oh hellz yeah! I will say the kittehs reacted brilliantly to silly string, however (I blame @LexaShmexa for that one!) #
- 20:37 @ sorchamorrigan - That's why after I did it I rushed around picking it all up in fear the geniuses might find it good after running from it! #
- 20:37 @ sorchamorrigan - What what? What's going on now? *iz confused* #
- 20:38 Is it bad that I said what what, and my mind automatically filled in the rest with 'in the butt.' ?? #
- 20:44 @ LexaShmexa - Did you check it yourself?? ;P #
- 20:45 @ sorchamorrigan - Ah ha, so THAT was supposed to be innocence! I see... XP #
- 20:45 @ sorchamorrigan - I try! ;D #
- 20:46 @ punslingerr - Glad I'm not the only one! #
- 20:46 @ sorchamorrigan - Awesomsauce!! Howdie!! #
- 20:48 @ apndrgn - WIN! #
- 20:58 @ sorchamorrigan - It's believable...really! ;P #
- 20:58 @ Weirtoo - HI! XD #
- 20:59 @ apndrgn - My family already owns property there! #
- 20:59 @ punslingerr - Actually, I was referencing a vid that's on youtube...no Butters. #
- 21:00 @ apndrgn - Maybe @LexaShmexa should keep an eye on that doctor...see if he has twitchy hands. ;) #
- 21:01 Or it could be a she...I really don't know. Either way, nows the time to be suspicious! XP #
- 21:04 Because @punslingerr asked for it: bit.ly/XCXg7 (yep, definitely headed for hell for sure!) #
- 21:06 @ punslingerr - When it's an empty vile of COCAINE, yeah. #
- 21:07 @ punslingerr - And we've come back to cockroaches again! #
- 21:09 @ punslingerr - You asked for it! #
- 21:10 WHY did I put my phone in my back pocket?! I should know better by now - it leads to dangerous circumstances at tinkle time! #
- 21:11 @ punslingerr - There were no COCKROACHES in the Lion King! #
- 21:12 @ apndrgn - Not cockroaches! #
- 21:13 @ punslingerr - Where did you think the South Park guys GOT it from?! #
- 21:14 @ sorchamorrigan - It did! Have since learned the back pocket is no place for the cell phone. It's also how it got the name Daniel II. #
- 21:15 @ punslingerr - Ohhhhh no, no, no. And his eyebrows do more for that video than anything else! XP #
- 21:16 @ apndrgn - There was no debate. The phone was only 2 months old! No fear of tinkle when you've got kittehs at home, so... ;D #
- 21:16 @ apndrgn - No, no. Still have Daniel II. He got the name b/c he came back to life after the dip in the toiletty drink! #
- 21:17 @ ensredshirt - Cocaine, toilets, cockroaches, butt videos, cell phones... Did I cover everything? #
- 21:19 @ punslingerr - Go back, mute it, and watch the eyebrows. It's awesomesauce! #
- 21:20 @ sorchamorrigan - Oh crap (literally), no shit (or maybe a lot of it). The things we do for the kittehs astounds me sometimes! #
- 21:20 @ ensredshirt - Suddenly the Ding-A-Ling song just became more clear! *SNIRK* #
- 21:21 @ punslingerr - Wimp! XP #
- 21:22 @ Weirtoo - Heh! Out of bad situations comes funny stories and excellent reasons to name inanimate objects! #
- 21:23 @ sorchamorrigan - Oh I'm sure! And I bet kitteh blamed you for it all, right? #
- 21:23 @ punslingerr - Trufax. #
- 21:24 @ ensredshirt - LMAO - BAD choice of words! XP #
- 21:24 Heading home...bbs. #
- 21:43 @ sorchamorrigan - Wow. My kittehs would've been all 'that was YOUR fault and I'm going to ignore you' #
- 21:44 @ punslingerr - ;P #
- 21:44 @ ensredshirt - LoL, yeah...my mind definitely played with those words. #
- 21:45 @ sorchamorrigan - Nighty night!! #
- 21:48 @ Weirtoo - Nighty night! #
- 21:49 @ apndrgn @punslingerr - B/c doesn't the sarcophagus steal a person's soul anyways? There's nothing but an empty shell left! #
- 21:51 @ apndrgn - That two. I think it's been mentioned it does both. #
- 21:54 Oh wow, I just realized my grammar frell up there. That's what happens when you tweet and talk to Madre at the same time! #
- 21:54 @ punslingerr - Why did you send me that?? I kinda sorta know this stuff already. #
- 21:55 @ ensredshirt - Nah. Especially when Madre's driving! #
- 21:58 @ punslingerr - Now you're just splitting hairs! #
- 21:59 @ ensredshirt - Work at a grocery store. Fun and exciting, huh?! #
- 22:02 @ punslingerr - Alrighty then. I can agree with that. #
- 22:11 @ ensredshirt - Very true. And sometimes it's worth it for some of the things that happen there. The kids are the best! #
- 22:17 Dinnertime! I'll bbs (again). #
- 22:40 Family Guy!!!! Oh, how I've been deprived of the politically incorrectness for too long! #
- 22:47 @ punslingerr - Oh no. Family Guy all the way for me! #
- 22:51 @ punslingerr - I've never seen the episode though. #
- 22:53 @ punslingerr - Chris can't be Vader!! He's supposed to be Luke! XP #
- 22:54 @ tiggerwidget - Huzzah...are you tweeting from the toilet?! #
- 22:57 @ apndrgn - *snirk* I had to walk into the bathroom and confirm it for sure! XP #
- 22:58 @ punslingerr - Alright, you got me. That was damn funny! #
- 22:58 @ apndrgn - It is the theme of the day, afterall! #
- 23:05 The torture, it continues!: 1) bit.ly/2lmp7x 2) bit.ly/J4VL1 3) bit.ly/rVV49 #
- 23:25 @ LexaShmexa - Well that's definitely good news! And awww, such a good Daddy! #
- 23:26 @ apndrgn - *snirk* We must incorporate it into our lexicon! #
- 23:26 @ ensredshirt - HAHA! #
- 23:30 @ ensredshirt - *snirk* That's how it goes! #
- 23:30 @ ensredshirt - Nighty night! #
- 23:32 Just a little poll tweeps: Which boat is your favorite on Deadliest Catch?? (yes, I know it's a tough question!) #
- 23:32 @ punslingerr - Uh huh...sure. #
- 23:35 @ punslingerr - Why am I not surprised?? #
- 23:47 Time to find the warranty information for Lord Danny. #
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