different day, different kind of shit all the time
- 23:51 @ ensredshirt - T'awwww thanks! ;D But yeah, most guys find the 'fangirling' that happens to be ATTACHED to the geeky flirty not so cool. #
- 23:52 @ ohlauren - Have fun with that! ;P J/k, j/k, you can stay! #
- 23:53 @ punslingerr - Well, it's not MY fault you're the minority here! Team DANIEL is where the love is at in this case. #
- 23:54 @ ensredshirt @punslingerr - Oh, you men and your hookers! #
- 23:56 @ punslingerr - This made me think of the Robot Chicken Star Wars special! *snirk* #
- 23:56 @ punslingerr - The jury's still out on you. ;P #
- 23:57 @ ensredshirt - Always a good thing, especially when dealing with fangirls! #
- 23:59 @ punslingerr - Awww, come on! How jealous could you get over pictures ALL over the wall, and certain actors names dropping into almost... #
- 23:59 @ punslingerr - ...conversation?? #
- 00:00 @ punslingerr - I think WE are the Dark Side. With some of the things we've come up with?! Pure evil. I mean, I watch MEGA SNAKE for fun! #
- 00:01 @ punslingerr - "IT'S A TRAP!" #
- 00:01 @ ensredshirt @punslingerr - Mmmmmmhmmmmm #
- 00:02 @ ohlauren - Club Insanity? #
- 00:02 @ ohlauren - See, this is why you are still in the club! #
- 00:04 @ ensredshirt - Exactly. But then there's fangirls in CERTAIN fandoms (which will remain nameless) that give rational fangirls like myself... #
- 00:04 @ ensredshirt - ...a bad rep. PFFT! #
- 00:05 @ punslingerr - It's not a CONSTANT thing...really. There's not ALWAYS drooling. There's a level of respect to it as well (usually) #
- 00:06 @ punslingerr - See, *I* would never do something like that. There's a fine line between devotion and insanity. #
- 00:07 @ apndrgn - I think you have an idea of these certain FANDOMS. And I agree. #
- 00:07 @ ensredshirt - Huzzah to that! #
- 00:08 @ punslingerr - Because who shares a greater love than two geeks geeking out together. #
- 00:11 *snirk* My tweet post on LJ broke past 'C' in roman numerals again. You know you're a twitterwebz addict when... XP #
- 00:12 @ apndrgn - For sure. I just know I wouldn't want to be alone in a room with some of those fangirls. I'd have no one to joke about them with! #
- 00:17 Damn. I was gonna post pics of the changes I made to my room today, but Madre's laptop won't read my camera card. #
- 00:21 @ apndrgn - Ha ha, clearly! #
- 00:22 Grrr, the light comes on when I push the card in, and then it goes out and pretends the card's not even there. Major FAIL. #
- 00:22 @ immaterialdepth - Holy....they did JAI HO?!?! #
- 00:24 @ ohlauren - Oooo, that sounds fun! I'm game if others are. #
- 00:25 Putting up the 'From Hell' poster in my room makes me want to watch the movie. 12:30 at night is a good time to watch such a movie, yes? #
- 00:26 @ immaterialdepth - Oooooo. I haven't caught ANY of this season. I miss all the GOOD dances, dammit! #
- 00:28 @ ohlauren - *pouts* I can't get it to open. It keeps freezing firefox. #
- 00:29 @ apndrgn @punslingerr - First time I watched 'From Hell', it was at like 1 in the morning on HBO. To be honest, I was more disturbed... #
- 00:29 @ apndrgn @punslingerr ...by who the Ripper ended up being than anything else. Of course i had it figured out almost immediately. #
- 00:31 @ ohlauren - It is...and Madre doesn't have IE on here anymore so I can't try another browser. #
- 00:33 @ ohlauren - Well, what's going on on my end then? *pouts some more* #
- 00:35 @ apndrgn - Yeah, I have no clue why this is happening. #
- 00:36 @ ensredshirt - Ah HA, so I'm not the only one with a problem. #
- 01:12 WHAT?! Am I free too?! #
- 01:12 HA HA! #
- 01:13 @ ensredshirt - I'm here, I'm here! #
- 01:14 For future reference, my BACKUP account for such circumstances is @DanielValaLove (which @ohlauren just posted...*snirk*) #
- 01:15 @ LexaShmexa - It obviously helped b/c we're both back. #
- 01:16 @ immaterialdepth - It feels so nice to be free once more! This is TWICE in less then a week. This is what happens when you reply to too many #
- 01:18 @ LexaShmexa - I am!! *dances* The Twitter Nazis can't keep me down for long. #
- 01:19 @ apndrgn - IDK...if we didn't succeed Friday night, I don't know about now. Of course there's more of us, sooo #
- 01:19 @ ensredshirt - That is a bit much. I really didn't feel like I was tweeting too much. #
- 01:21 @ immaterialdepth - Yep. I've never had it TWICE in one day though *points to @ensredshirt* #
- 01:22 @ immaterialdepth - I can't help all my random thoughts! And I'm too nice not to reply to all who talk to me! #
- 01:22 @ immaterialdepth - No...no no...you really don't! #
- 01:23 @ apndrgn - Especially if the Evolution episodes are on! #
- 01:24 @ ensredshirt - Nothing but love for you, Nate! I love all of my SG tweeps! *huggles you all since you all will see this* #
- 01:26 @ immaterialdepth - Yeah, but it'll be better than not being able to tweet (and that usually comes at the worst possible time!) #
- 01:27 @ immaterialdepth - Awesomesauce! Love it! #
- 01:31 @ apndrgn - Yeah, I noticed that. #
- 01:34 @ apndrgn - Yeah, how do they get through and us good tweeters get thrown in the pokey for actually TWEETING relevant stuff? #
- 01:40 @ ensredshirt - That's just bad form. #
- 01:42 @ ensredshirt - You would think they would at least have the decency to not use it since we all associate it with your twitter. #
- 01:43 @ apndrgn - Indeed he is! He should get the shirt 'I'm huge on Twitter' XP #
- 01:44 @ ensredshirt - You just can't make sense of some people. #
- 01:45 @ LexaShmexa - Nighty night! Thanks for the cake and file! Twitter jail really is no fun! #
- 01:47 @ ensredshirt - See, can't you feel the love now?? XD #
- 01:48 @ apndrgn - Was wondering that myself. Because lord knows it wasn't that short last time! #
- 01:53 @ apndrgn - Guess my commentary for Fallen was too good and they wanted to give others a chance to enjoy Homecoming in peace? #
- 01:54 @ ensredshirt - We could say that. But I got thrown in the pokey right as she started tweeting tonight. #
- 01:55 @ ensredshirt - If someone nabs this one, that would be waaay wrong (and mind boggling) #
- 01:57 @ ohlauren - Was about about to ask if you had a lime green dog. #
- 01:58 @ ensredshirt - You're not ugly, Nate! #
- 02:01 @ apndrgn - Well, now I have the backup so I'm prepared for Friday! #
- 02:05 @ immaterialdepth - I'm saying GO FOR IT! Spy for us! #
- 02:09 @ immaterialdepth - Of course it is. That's how it always goes! *kicks evil work establishment* #
- 02:10 @ ensredshirt - Don't let their icky comments get you down ever. Just be happy to be you! XD #
- 02:13 @ immaterialdepth - Nighty night! We'll still <3 you even if you don't get to spy! #
- 02:13 And the Twitter Nazis have gotten to @apndrgn #
- 02:17 @ immaterialdepth - XD What can I say - it's not MY fault they punish me for just being enthusiastic! #
- 02:18 @ immaterialdepth - Dude, I was totally thinking the same thing when I was looking at that earlier! #
- 02:51 Twas a fun night tonight on the Twitterwebz (with being thrown in the pokey and all!), but now I must be off! Nighty night! #
- 08:43 @ sorchamorrigan - He gets what's coming to him. Daniel always wins Woolsey...ALWAYS! #
- 08:43 Morning all! #
- 08:46 @ ensredshirt *snaps fingers* DAMN, you figured me out! ;P #
- 08:48 @ ensredshirt - Yeah, that's what all my staklees tell me #
- 08:48 @ ensredshirt - Or STALKEES...sheesh. #
- 08:49 @ ensredshirt - Thanks. Same to you. #
- 08:52 Why is the piggy sickness trending again?? #
- 08:56 @ ensredshirt - Ah...alrighty. Thanks. Guess they really are behind us on everything. It's not just limited to tv shows. #
- 09:10 *DANCES* I got it, I got it, I got it!! FINALLY got my jersey!! #
- 09:19 @ ensredshirt - Good, so this means all the hype-seeking people will leave and we can have Twitter back! #
- 09:22 @ ensredshirt - It's so annoying now b/c ppl are like OH, you use TWITTER when I mention it and I'm like YEAH, I used it before it was COOL! #
- 09:23 @ ensredshirt - My....Vancouver Canucks jersey. ;P #
- 09:26 @ ensredshirt - The same kind I was when I started using. LoL #
- 09:45 @ ensredshirt - How's I know that your reply would be something like that? XP #
- 09:47 Since a lot of us are cat people - RT @Belisse: RT@MiamiNewsSerial Cat Killer May Have Struck Again tinyurl.com/mu5ahe #
- 09:47 @ Belisse - That's just unbelievably horrible!!! Makes me want to cry! #
- 09:51 @ ensredshirt - Awww, can't you forgive and forget? Be a deprived and tortured fan along with the rest of us?? #
- 09:52 @ ensredshirt - It's sick and twisted, for sure. So, so, sad. And what's worse is you know if this person isn't caught, ppl will be next! #
- 13:29 @ Belisse @punslingerr - So twisted. There's no reason behind it and....just...UGH! Pisses me off! #
- 13:29 @ punslingerr @apndrgn - Afternoon to you both now! XD #
- 13:32 Well, thanks to @LexaShmexa, I have tested the silly string theory on kittehs. SUCCESS! XP #
- 13:32 They all refuse to come near me now...which is good considering I have things to get done and don't need kitteh 'assistance' in doing it all #
- 13:38 @ apndrgn - Ah yes, you pastee you! All I can tell you about summer is it's here now. Maybe you just aren't special enough for one? #
- 13:38 @ immaterialdepth - Nuts! *kicks evil work establishment harder this time* #
- 13:40 @ tiggerwidget - I've been asking you that question since BEFORE we moved here. MAJOR FAIL! #
- 13:42 @ ensredshirt - You know, kitteh stupidvising? Like when you're sweeping the floor and one goes ON NOES, you do wrong! Let me run in front... #
- 13:42 @ ensredshirt ...of you and show you how to do right. #
- 13:43 @ apndrgn - XD #
- 13:57 @ punslingerr - Ah, I thrive off heat and humidity! XD #
- 14:06 @ lkoutzas - Afternoon now, but morning to you! XD #
- 14:09 @ punslingerr - Guess not....too bad, b/c Florida/Louisiana are such beautiful places to live! XP (Of course the PEOPLE in the Bayou state... #
- 14:09 @ punslingerr - ...aren't as appealing as the location!) #
- 14:17 @ punslingerr - It's really not that bad...if you grew up in it. PERFECT beach/swimming weather! #
- 14:18 @ sorchamorrigan - Why death by spork?? Things not going well today?? #
- 14:33 @ punslingerr @apndrgn - She makes a very good point #
- 14:37 @ punslingerr - Well, your loss then! I'll just enjoy it for you when I'm there in a week and a half! #
- 14:42 @ apndrgn - Well, once I finally GET to the cleaning, I should be able to avoid it! #
- 14:42 @ lkoutzas - Well, that's good right? #
- 14:43 @ ensredshirt - Ft. Lauderdale!! XD Back to my home! (Or well...Sunrise, which some consider to be a part of Ft. Lauderdale) #
- 14:44 @ ensredshirt - Yay! It's good to be able to see you! #
- 14:44 @ punslingerr - Oh, indeed! Always haz a blast at the beach! #
- 14:45 @ punslingerr - What @ensredshirt said! #
- 14:46 @ punslingerr - Haha! Spring Break NOW usually means coming back here to Louisiana. When we still lived in S. FL, it could mean anywhere... #
- 14:47 @ punslingerr - ...from the Keys to Orlando (have done both Disneyworld and Islands of Adventure for spring break). #
- 14:48 @ lkoutzas - Oh, i understand that completely! #
- 14:50 Alrighty, REALLY going off to clean now dammit! I SWEAR! #
- 14:56 @ sorchamorrigan - You are awesomesauce and whoever you want to hurt isn't worth it! #
- 15:02 Quick tweet: Freddie Mercury really had a kick ass, amazing voice and Queen seriously ROCKS! #
- 15:04 And Brad Paisley is the ONLY one that can get away with the songs he does! #
- 15:32 Steven Tyler is another with one of those wicked awesomesauce singing voices! Aerosmith = <3 #
- 15:35 @ ensredshirt - Ah, but his voice is like sex! ;P #
- 15:42 Oh, so people are BITCHING about Shanks being on Sanctuary?? *sigh* Fandom just can't be happy all over, can it? #
- 15:43 @ punslingerr - Need the brain bleach now? XP #
- 15:44 @ ensredshirt - That could be why, yes! XP #
- 15:46 @ lkoutzas - Apparently not everyone thinks so. Losers. #
- 15:50 @ medlam - I'm not quite sure. I haven't seen anything about it, so it's probably over on the GW forum or something. But several on my... #
- 15:51 @ medlam - ...my flist have brought it up now. I don't think I want to see what they are actually complaining about. No need to get angry! #
- 15:52 Love how my music goes from Justin Timberlake, to Trisha Yearwood, to Frank Sinatra, to Korn. Eclectic much?! *snirk* #
- 15:55 I WANT CANDY!!!! How perfect with all this talk of Shanks! TEAM DANIEL ALL THE WAY! #
- 15:57 @ ensredshirt - I think this one is prettifuller anyways! ;D #
- 15:59 @ ensredshirt - Everyone in it is prettiful! Though, out of habit, my eyes keep being drawn to the left side of the pic...can't help it! #
- 16:05 @ ensredshirt - Left of you...which would be view right which I meant to say. *headdesk* LoL #
- 16:05 @ medlam - But I already know you're crazy! ;D #
- 16:11 @ punslingerr - Which might've been why left came out? LOL #
- 16:17 @ ensredshirt - Is that a nice way to say I'm hard headed? #
- 16:18 @ punslingerr - If it'll help me sleep tonight, I'll take it. Last night didn't sleep so well at all. :\ #
- 16:18 @ punslingerr - If it'll help me sleep tonight, I'll take it. Last night didn't sleep so well at all. : #
- 16:19 @ punslingerr - Ouch, dude. That one hurt! *pouts* #
- 16:20 @ ensredshirt - Better the desk than a nearby kitteh...or the laptop which isn't mine. ;) #
- 16:21 Food makin' time - Hashbrowns from scratch is what I'm hankering for, so that's what I'll be making. #
- 16:22 Oh, 98 tweets away from 3,000 (yes, already. Me Twitter addict). If I reach it tonight (which I probably will), I'm gonna pimp a fav vid. #
- 17:01 Ah frell, I forgot today's ep started at 4:30! Damn you Skifficans! Now I've missed half the episode! #
- 17:10 For @taralee2 - I loves you so much and I hope everything is going okay! bit.ly/MSOd3 #
- 17:21 The Fall - A movie, if you haven't seen yet, you REALLY need to: bit.ly/lEbpv #
- 17:31 @ sorchamorrigan - Yay! Jail really is no fun (twitter jail or otherwise!) #
- 17:32 @ punslingerr - It's a FANTASTIC movie, IMO. I saw it, and then went out and bought it the next day I thought it was that good. #
- 17:33 @ punslingerr - XD Thanks! That one won a vid contest. #
- 17:34 @ apndrgn - Nope, not yet. It MAY be Stargate/Shanks related...possibly something to do with @LexaShmexa 's mere presence last night. ;) #
- 17:36 Even if you don't follow her, please give @taralee2 hugs and kind thoughts. She's had a personal tragedy and I know she'd appreciate it. #
- 17:37 #11thCommandment - One of the 5 Moses dropped in History of the World P.1! #
- 19:28 Major props to anyone who knows all the words to 'Baby Got Back'! ;D #
- 19:36 @ punslingerr - For some reason, I just pictured Vala walking down the halls of the SGC singing the song! XD #
- 19:37 @ lkoutzas - Awww, come on. Not even a couple lines from the song? #
- 20:32 This ep is intense! Wooow! #
- 20:37 @ lkoutzas - Yep, ep two. It's kicking ass so far! ;D #
- 20:38 I officially want Fiona's boots!!!! #
- 20:58 @ ohlauren - Was just thinking I might have to put one in one of my fanfics! Vala would so love that tool! XP #
- 21:00 FIONA = AWESOMESAUCE. Burn Notice is such love! #
- 21:01 @ apndrgn - Who said they'd be in space? ;P #
- 21:02 From USA txt: "The water saw really cut thru the storage unit wall. Jeffrey once worked as a welder & was completely comfortable... #
- 21:02 ...operating the tool. No stuntman required!" (Thought you guys would find that interesting) #
- 21:04 @ lkoutzas - I love the USA txts for Burn Notice. They had one for Shanks after 'Lesser Evil' aired. I saved it! XD #
- 21:07 @ ohlauren - Oh for sure! #
- 21:44 Okay, I'm gonna head off for a little while. I'll be back after a bit. #
- 22:07 Back already - Madre seems more inclined to talk on the phone this evening then spend time with me. PFFT #
- 22:09 As requested by @Ikoutzas - The USA txt I got after 'Lesser Evil' aired back in March: "Michael Shanks who plays Michael Westen's frenemy... #
- 22:10 ...Victor is no stranger 2 the action genre! He's quest-starred in several episodes of the hit drama "24"." (Yeah, let's not mention SG... #
- 22:10 ...At ALL b/c the show he STARRED in as a main character wasn't action packed...not one bit! *snirk*) #
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