"Then you do not love me."

Jun 11, 2009 14:00

A Knight's Tale is easily one of my all time favorite movies. I need to bust out my DVD and watch it...along with a lot of other movies! *curses the summer for not letting her get caught up on movietimeness*

So yesterday, I did a little bit of wall redecoration...even remember to take before/after pictures. And OF COURSE after I go through all the hard work and document it with pictures, Madre's laptop refuses to read my camera's memory card. *headdesk* I could go up there with her camera and take pictures, but then I wouldn't have the before pictures to post with it. *sigh* It's never easy.

One thing I WILL be using her camera to take pictures of is my SHINY NEW CANUCKS JERSEY!!! XD Got it this morning! The mail dude even drove all the way up the driveway to drop the package off at the porch. *tackle!huggles dvshipper* This wouldn't have happened with out her, so right now she is kinda my favoritest person! But I know I'll be getting a novella from SOMEONE probably next week, so Ash could get knocked out of the top spot pretty quick (or if we have another epic night on the Twitterwebz like we did last night! Lexa was my HERO, saving me from Twitter jail!)

I've thought up a few ideas for songs to vid. Trying to think of fun things - 'Somebody to Love', 'Don't Stop Believin'', 'SexyBack', and 'Rock Star' are the possible choices right now. Madre hasn't gotten back to me on the vidding on her laptop thing, though, so I have a LITTLE time to consider some more. But I want the vid sent out by the beginning of July (JUST to be safe!), so I need to know soon.



Also, Silly String + Kittehs = Epic entertainment on an awesomesauce level! Evil, yes, but funny as hell!

Alrighty, now I have to go and do the chores I didn't get to yesterday.


P.S. - Got the next Andromeda disk from netflix! *dances*

vids, netflix, fangirl squee, dvshipper, michael shanks, hellz yeah!, bedroom, twitters, fuck!, tara, stargate, kittehs, lexa doig, movies, music, clothes, canucks, chicago con, andromeda, burn notice

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