"Dang, that is a sweet Earth."

Feb 03, 2008 19:19

Anyone who has never seen End of Ze World, go search it on youtube now and watch it now! It's amazing!

So yeah, sitting here watching the Superbowl...and when the commercials aren't showing, I'm bored as hell. Anyone who knows me well enough knows that i HATE football with a passion - yet every year I watch the Superbowl. It's mainly for the commercials, but it's also my symbolic goodbye salute of sorts to football for SEVERAL LOVELY MONTHS!

This is the first year in a very long time that I'm watching it alone - it sucks mucholy! Compared to last year's fun-filled Superbowl night, this one blows completely. Me and Madre keep calling each other after basically every commercial break, but it's just not the same.

But yeah, my top commercials so far:

~Budweiser (always number #1, b/c they are always so damn adorable and sweet and touching!)
~Screamin' Animals (it was a car commercial, but I was laughing too hard from the animals that I missed which car)
~Lizards Dancing Thriller (it was some kind of water commercial...that the lizards totally PWNED!)

OOOOOOO, they just showed a preview for Prince Caspian - I'm waiting to see what other big movie previews they show.

Anywho, lets get to some RL updates...

Ordered my plane tickets for the Chicago Con trip, so now I am covered on all fronts - Con Tickets, Hotel Room, and now the Plane. So all that's left is saving money for the trip expenses, especially souvenirs (vendor's room is danger!zone in Mandyland!). I've been pretty good about not spending my Chicago Con fundage money, even though I've thought about it several times these past few weeks - I am a starving college student, after all! ;P

I FINALLY finished the coverart for The Frelled Chronicles, V.I (with the front cover signed by Michael Shanks ;D ) - It's been needing to be worked on since the summer, so it's about frelling time I did it. I've been in a really artistic mood lately, so I figured I'd put that oomph to good use :

Front Cover

Side Cover

Back Cover (vantage point 1)

Back Cover (vantage point 2)

The top quote that can't be seen on the first vantage point pic says 'But I chose this...' That, and all the other quotes, are significant in some way to taraleesg1 and myself - and this is just V.I - V.II is completely, unbelieably full, and I just put the first letter of this year into V.III...

For anyone wondering what The Frelled Chronicles are, they're the collection of letters I've gotten from taraleesg1 since February 2006 - that's a lot of paper, my friends (and cards...lots of musical cards :D)

So I found out on Thursday that Wednesday, my Latin teacher didn't take roll and all they did was go over homework - so I lucked out on that one. This means I still have one absence I can take if I need it. That's a good thing, but also a bad thing cause now I'll be more inclined just not to get up for that class for one more day. But I'm gonna try my damn hardest not to do that!

Of course right now, my Latin homework is totaly baffling me - I figured I would work on while the actual football was showing, but I just cannot seem to figure it out. I'm uncertain if I'm even translating the words right, which might be why i can't get what the sentances are trying to say *curses free word order of Latin*. My plan is, if we go over it tomorrow in class, to volunteer to do the first sentance cause that one I think I got pretty closely.

I might go to her office hours tomorrow, which are thankfully at Starbucks, to see if I can get some help. I think all I need to do is sit down and spend some time really learning this stuff, but I have a hard time doing that - my mind always seems to wander towards fanfiction ideas. *curses her brabbits*

So yeah, I was overhearing a conversation my roommate was having with someone over the phone (well, she WAS in the room when she was talking to this person, and it's not like she was quiet about it!), and I think she might be wanting herself a room change. GOOD! ABOUT FRELLING TIME! She thinks I'm dirty and disgusting (mainly because i can't seem to stop my HAIR from falling out of my head - she expects me to pick up every piece of hair that falls out!). Hell, she can think whatever the frell she wants, as long as she leaves - See, there's things about her that I DO NOT LIKE, but I figure I can last three more months. I'm a pretty resiliant person, and definitely stubborn as hell. And I refuse to move to another room simply because I don't want to move all my stuff - I'll move it when I'm going back home for the summer! But yeah, one can only hope I was overhearing correctly and that she'll be out of here soon (Hey! Maybe by my birthday!)

*dances* Madre is sending me Easy Mac, and grandpa mints (inside thing), and my birthday card and...some other things. This is quite exciting considering I'm completely out of Easy Mac here, and am finding it very hard to stay not-hungry in the evenings!

Tuesday, Paris and myself are going to Best Buy to pick up ACROSS THE UNIVERSE *dances some more* I SOOOOO LVOE THAT MOVIE! And I'm also getting The Aristocats, cause I simply can't live without it! Ev'rybody wants to be a cat, after all!

Oh, and I ordered Local Custom from Amazon yesterday... And I did it through the link on MSOL (Yay!) - See how I cannot hate Amazon? As much as I don't like waiting for the stuff to arrive, it's just so nice to go to a site, find what you're looking for, and getting it! But since this item has no actual name, I'm gonna dub it 'Billy' (cause he was the hottest blue ranger EVAR!). So as I refer to Billy over the next week, that's what I'm talking about.

Okie day, I think that's about it for now...


frelled chronicles, amazon, pics, chicago con '08, latin, roommate

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