"So tell me...what's become of my ship?"

May 20, 2009 23:33

How's that for irony - DMC was on ABC tonight! LoL. Now I didn't watch it all (ended up watching Dirty Dancing instead), but I saw the end, which is enough to get me in a mood to watch AWE. Maybe sometime this week while in the box (and I am in the box all of the days I work this week).

So a few postable things:

- Big disappointment: Didn't get the luncheon ticket. Lost out at the WORST possible second (meaning the LAST possible seconds). I MIGHT have a chance to get one, but it's looking bleak and very against me. I have pretty much given up hope. I did already have my wonko flipout over it, and have pretty much accepted said disappointment at this point. Hey, at least I am still going to the con and will get to see Michael (and a bunch of awesome others), right? And i'm sure I'll find some way to make an impression this time. Maybe have him sign my Mega Snake DVD cover! *SNIRK* (Of course now I'll have to work out the Losing!Quarter and how to sum it's story up briefly...hmmmm...)

- If you saw the tweet, I have a hold on my registration for fall. I had emailed my department advisor on Monday about it, and just got to reading the email she sent back today. She told me to contact one of the admins for Undergrad. Studies about getting the hold taken care of because it's a Liberal Studies problem and that I'm fine in regards to my anthro major. Turns out the problem is I had mistakenly misinterpreted the requirements info and thought I had time to fulfill the math part of it. I didn't realize I was supposed to take BOTH math classes by the end of my sophomore year until pretty much the END of my sophomore year. So I emailed this other advisor, telling her just that and how I had already planned to take my second math class this coming fall semester. Hopefully this can be taken care of quickly because I REALLY have to step it up this coming fall!

- Lost Treasure FINALLY shipped out! After waiting MONTHS and enduring many, many pushbacks, I'll be getting it in the next couple of days. This pleases me! And then Burn Notice S.2 will be coming out on DVD in the coming weeks. Nothing like getting new Michael-related things on DVD!

- The promised fic WILL be coming tonight, right after this post. And seeing as nobody commented on the fic inquiry I made the other night, I'll stick to the normal produre and just mention/link back here.

- Any suggestions on what I should ask Michael in Chicago? I've been wracking my brain for something, but after submitting those questions into MSOL last month, I've been short on profound/decent questions to ask. So just wondering what YOU GUYS want me to ask - could be anything, and you know I have no shame so if it's good enough, I might just get up and do it. Also possible if you want me to ask Amanda a question too... Let me be y'alls spokesperson! ;D

I think there was more I wanted to say, but right now it won't come to me. So I'll just end this here...


dvds, megasnake, classes, fsu, chicago con, fall semester, michael shanks, amazon, fic, flist thoughts, burn notice, fuck!

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