"Then get me the hell out of here!"

May 10, 2009 23:35

Just a short post because I in the shittiest mood and just want to go to bed... gonna touch on things I'll hopefully update on tomorrow:

- For the first time ever, had wireless in the box. This could be a one time fluke or it could happen again tomorrow when I'm back in there. We'll see how it goes (hoping it goes well since I was planning to do the more detailed post from there tomorrow).

- Raccoons are gone. Yes, it was a short-lived thing, but I couldn't handle taking care of them and taking care of kittehs too. Plus Sikozu was beyond jealous - not good. I did, however, get a few pics of them before someone took them away, so you will get to see them.

- River had her latest litter - four at this time (it was only three yesterday). We're waiting to see if she's gonna have anymore. She still looks pretty pregnant, and four for a cat that's had several litters already is a small number.

- I twittered about it, so it'll be in the twit-post, but yay for Michael winning the Leo. He definitely deserved it - Daniel was AMAZING in Continuum! Oh, and that pic of him? *thud from ded fangirlness*

- I wish I was gonna be home tomorrow to watch the 'special' showing of Urgo on Skifficans - it's not the fact that I have it on DVD and can watch it any time I want. It's the fact that it was the fans who brought it about and for once Skifficans actually listened to the fans.

- Only like 140-something pages to go in Angels & Demons. I'm gonna get that knocked out tomorrow first thing while I'm in the box. I want to have it done - not in time for the movie so much now, since, you know, it's already been said it's not gonna be like the book, but to have it FINISHED. I'm ready to move on. I want to read things I HAVEN'T read already...idk what the next thing will be. Maybe another poll - those are always a hit.

Alrighty, I'm done for now. My head is killing me and the bed looks so nice and comfy.


P.S. - Gonna try and reply to recent comments in the morning...sorry I've fallen behind on that again (not that I have a lot or that it's been forever since they were posted, but I feel bad not getting it done promptly!).

books, animals, skiffy, kittehs, stargate, hebert's, fangirl squee, michael shanks, twitters, fuck!

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