"Out with the evil spirits!"

Jan 19, 2008 16:48


So it's taken me over a week, but I've FINALLY gotten my collection of icons organized (except for the Daniel/Vala ones, which are in their own seperate folder entirely!) and uploaded on their own special photobucket account!! It really needed to be done since I've pirated taraleesg1's idea of using an icon with each post. Plus it's a good place to store them just in case.

Having said that, a lot of the icons I've had sitting on my computer for a millenia and being the smart one that I am never noted who made them. So a lot of them are uncredited (any that I've saved recently I've put the makers user name with it, so those will be credited). So if you see me using your icon, and it's not credited, it's not intentional. Just comment and let me know you made it, and i will gladly credit you!

Some other interesting things going on....

joined 555episodes the other day. I figured since I'm renetflixing Farscape, and am now netflixing Andromeda, I'd be able to do it. Plus, everyone who knows me knows that I watched oodles of SG-1. Oh, and having Heroes on DVD now means I've got lotsa episodes to watch!

I've realized I've gotta lotsa 'trips' already in the works for this year. Next weekend is the Chili Cookoff (I have to talk to Merry and make sure we're still going to that!). Over Spring Break, me and my group of friends here are planning on going to Busch Gardens, and then of course in August is CHICAGO CON! *dances*

Speaking of Chicago Con, ordered the tickets yesterday afternoon after Madre put the money in my account!!!!! So the only thing that's left is the plane tickets....*dances again* Very, very, very awesome. I'm so excited! Cannot WAIT for August to get here!

Tuesday I can renew my housing - and we've all decided we want to come back to Kellum. I know that seems...weird...after all the complaining I've done about it, but in the long run if we hadn't have been assigned to Kellum in the first place, we wouldn't have become friends. Plus, if we REQUEST Kellum, there's a very big chance we'll get it (since it has a reputation for being crappy). But since the rooms are so crappy, everyone prefers to just hang out in the hall - it's a very sociable residence hall. And we checked out one of the big end rooms, and it wouldn't suck too bad if we had those rooms. Of course Paris and Shaq have already decided to be roomies, and Madeline and Amanda have decided to be roomies, so I'd be the one with the 'random' roommate again. *shrug* Oh well...not too big a deal. I doubt I'll end up with someone like I have now. Actually, I'm pretty positive I won't! LoL...

I've started working on another vid, and have a second one lined up after this one. I'm very happy I can make vids now...like ubers happy.

And I need to go work on that one I started, so that's it for this post now. I might updated more later, if I feel the urge/need to!


(^^^ by my_tourniquet13)

PS: Cold weather is okay. Cold weather + rain + deadly wind = Badness on a whole new level!

PS(squared): I hate when amazon is frelling behind in updating the tracking statis! I WANT MY 1812!

PS(cubed): My brabbits have chucked a possible Cam/Carolyn fic at me that they want me to write (under the strict instructions that there's DV goodness in it). How many would like to read that??

vids, spring break, chicago con '08, kellum, farscape, trips, icons, cam/carolyn, dv, andromeda

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