Mar 27, 2009 20:35
Just a reminder to all in the U.S - AoT "premieres" tonight on Skifficans at 9 EST (so in about 25 minutes)...
I'm not sure how I feel about this... I mean, they are the fuckers who cancelled the show in the first place, and yet they are the ones who get to air it...I mean, I understand WHY they are airing it (can we say promotion for SGU anyone?) on Skifficans, but it just irks me...
Especially since I know how adept they are at editing/cutting movies (watching Serenity on the channel nearly killed me with all the awesome they cut out!)...and one of my most favorite parts of the SG movies will DEFINITELY be cut/edited out...*sigh* It's not so much a big deal for AoT, but Continuum next week... *pouts*
Of course I could always just pop in the DVD...but that'll run through before it's over on Skifficans... and I want to show my support for SG-1...
EDIT: Although, if I watch the BtS stuff (or maybe one of my BtS disks from the complete boxset), I could very well fill in the time gap... HUZZAH! My dilemma is solved!
But yeah, anywho, 20 minutes until AoT is on on Skifficans... just a heads up to any who didn't already know...
*initiates PSA icon of hotness*