"You do that, you'd best make peace with your dear and fluffy lord."

Feb 23, 2009 23:01

I need to sit down and watch Serenity - build up for Castle (which I just found out about last night while watching the Oscars) and the awesomeness of Nathan Fillion! XD

Figured I'd post while Lord Danny is busy ripping and clipping - I decided to make sure I had all of the possible DV scenes I could get before going for and attemping to make a vid in less than a day (which will HOPEFULLY be my post for tomorrow for the month of love). And plus, it will save me time in the future. I only have a handful of eps that I don't have everything from, but it's still a little time consuming. I should've been doing all of today, but only started feeling up to doing ANYTHING at all much time later in the day, so...

Paris and I went and saw the documentary 'For the Bible Tells Me So' tonight. Really good stuff, and is really a good example of why I'm rather glad I was never forced into a religious world. I'm not saying people who happily choose to be in such a world are bad. I just wish everyone in such worlds would be intelligent enough to see their "scriptures" for what they really are and would interpret it accordingly. And that's all I'll say on the subject of the religion aspect of it. As for the homosexuality - never had a problem with it. People are open to be what they wish or are meant to be. ;D

And on a completely random and yet related note, Paris and I are starting our own church - built around the "scriptures" of fanfic. I think it has merit.

So even though the invoice from Creation said my DVD wasn't going to be shipped until March, I ended up getting the DVD of Ben at the '06 Farscape Con today. I was pleasantly surprised! I even danced a litte in the Post Office when I saw the package fro Creation b/c I knew what it was. I, obviously, won't be watching it for a few days at least, but it WILL get watched hopefully before going home for Spring Break (which is in about a week and half).

Madre went to see  a doctor about her knee today. He drained a lot of fluid from it, and will drain more in a week. Told her she had to stay off her feet for the week (which annoyed James, but it's not like she could do anything about it!), and that she was developing arthritis in her knee. He also thought there was a tear (she figured there was since she can grab her knee and ankle and move the bottom part of her leg around), so she might be going for knee surgery AGAIN. I hope, if she does need surgery (which is very probable), that it's during the summer when I'm home. I don't get worried about things like that for myself, but for my mom I'm a nervous wreck. I'd like to be home if and when it happens just in case, and so I can help her out (b/c Smurfinator will try, but he's just NOT me!). We'll see how everything goes...

Ut, Beachhead is done. Time for Crusade.

So I'll stop here and get further into this 'pre-vid' preparation. Which means once the next ep starts ripping, I'll be back to playing Spider Solitaire! *snirk*


P.S. - I know I mentioned a big future effecting problem I'm facing a few days ago. I will be talking about it b/c this is not just something I can simply ignore and it'll just go away. It IS my future pretty much on the line if things keep heading the direction they are, so I'll be talking about that soon...

personal, dvds, fsu, ben browder, vids, movies, madre

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