Mar 06, 2006 17:17
Well it's been a while now, I'm sure you're all patiently waiting!
I had my first week of classes and they don't seem too bad, mostly they have two papers you write, 1000 words and 2000 words and they are 20 and 40 percent of your overall grade respectively, and then a 30% exam and then 10% worth on your tutorials, which are like smaller meeting classes where you do little work and ask the tutor what you're supposed to know/do. Hopefully I'll get cool tutors, you don't go to your tutes the first week.
I have 2 hours before my first class still.
Last night was the first or second night since I've been here that I didn't drink at all, hopefully I don't get a beer belly!
Nils and Erik are the men, I hang out with them all the time. It's funny how you can come from a complete different background than somebody, and yet you have so much in common. Cool. Nils sleeps in my bed about as much as I do!
I also hang out with two girls, Lisa and Lyndsay all the time, they are great! Patrick too. and David and Kristi I feel like we already have a clique of friends going on, hopefully we pull in some Aussies though!
I went to the Sydney Gay Pride Marti Gras thing the other night, we all went but only for like 20 minutes, just long enough to go "okay, this is weird, let's go get drunk at the Rocks" Cause we wanted to be able to say we went, you know. Anyway then we pub crawled our way back to the Rocks before meeting up with the girls and their roommate Chinmoy. Chinmoy is a pretty nice guy, he really likes my bad jokes. I made a joke about this moth that looked just like a joint and I said that if you smoked it you'd get high off of mothenphetamine.
Next we went to like another bar... and then we got to this cool Irish pub with a nice beer garden and we hung out in there drinking and talking about stuff for a long time. Then everybody (but me) got the drunken muchies and wanted to eat at this pancakes place and so we did and I was laughing so hard at Nils trying to do a drunken impression of maybe me or Americans in general but it was the funniest thing. My abs hurt the next day, so it was prolly a little bit from laughing so hard at him.
I need to get a membership to the gym here. Nils is going to show me some classic Viking weight training techniques. He always says Norway invented everything, it started out with him and Erik arguing about who invented what and then Nils just went off lying about it and it was so funny, he said "Norway invented the car actually, Henry Ford came over to Norway and saw a car and thought that it might sell back in America" "We don't talk about it too much, but Norway actually invented homosexuals too" "Norway invented America" "Norway invented the G Spot" I could keep going, some of them are so funny. So now whenever we come across something a Norwegian actually invented/discovered we give him a hard time.
Two days ago Lyndsay and I went with David and Kristi to their favorite place to eat in Sydney, the "Chinta Ria" it's Malaysian food, the name means "The Temple of Love" Ooooo! David and I got this stuff called King Toh Beef, it was amazing! Kind of expensive, but sooo good.
Nils and I always get schnitzel (sp) all the time. and we make schnitzel jokes all the time, it's so funny. We got the biggest schnitzel at Lowenbrau, it was crazy expensive but seriously was pork schnitzel the size of an elephant ear, we had to take pictures. So now we always talk about schnitzel, and we actually got some yesterday too, ha. it was chicken that time though.
We still can't get the internet working right in our place, it's drivin' me nuts.
I'd like to post my pictures in something other than facebook, anybody have any ideas?
On pictures... Lyndsay, Lisa, and Pat all don't have computers here so they all load thier pictures onto my computer, so I'm getting all kinds of great Australia pictures, woo hoo!
I wish that I could write papers like I can write updates because it's telling me this one is already like 800 words, niiice. One of my papers does have to be an interview of someone, so maybe I'll just interview Nils because he's all I talk about anyway, ha
Okay this is far more than anyone could ever want to read, hope everything is cool back home, if you've got some big news, comment here with it! or call me! Nobody but my mama has called me :(... Well Merry did once... Thanks Merr!