Otakon was lovely. It was great seeing my Otakon buddies again ^_^ I've missed them so much, and I miss them already. Thursday was the day for unpacking and dinning. We did a costume run to see what we looked like and how hard it would be to put on costumes (we did major adjustments to my friend's (Ashley's) costume as it was too constraining). And then we did a quick photoshoot. I was the camera man as always :P Here's two quick shots:
Friday was the beginning of Otakon. I wore my half sleeveless suit, which I got a bit of compliments about. Traveled with my Otakon friends for a bit until I departed and met with Anna (My gf for those who are just tuning in). Went to the dealer's room and the artist alley. This year was the opposite of last year, the artist alley was amazing and the dealer's room was meh. I met SNAFU Dave again (met him last year) and we talked some. He's a really nice guy ^^ Told me to visit him again some time. And then I went back to the booth with my camera and said "Can I steal your soul O.O" bwa ha ^_^ The rest of the night wasn't that eventful, just did quick repair jobs on the sound file for Missy Cerby's skit. Here's a picture of her and Kon from Bleach :D
Saturday was good, I was wearing my goth pants and my straight jacket. Pretty popular surprisingly XD It's sad when my costume that cost 100 something failed in comparison to the $30 one XD. So yeah, people took pictures of that one ^_^ Anna departed later on cause her friends wanted dinner so I went to see mine Otakon Buddies. And then we met a Male Sailor Jupiter XD Woo!!! We were excited cause my friend was a Male Sailor Venus! Excitement, rawr. Here's a picture of my costume and of the Sailor couple:
On Saturday, this guy wanted a picture but he had no camera. Saw him again but I was out of costume, so on Sunday I went to see him again. Got this really nice picture of me wrestling away from my gf who was holding my chains like a dog XD Too bad I don't have the picture... Anna got me a Yoshi though ^__^ It's cute! I'll have to take pictures of it. Went to eat, which I managed to get through even though I had no fingers due to my sleeves. She left soon after T_T Good time though &hearts I met up with Otakon buddies again soon after. We took a power nap at the hotel for like half an hour and then went off to dinner XD wooo! And then Cerby ditched us for another group of friends :o how dare she! Just kidding *hides*
Disappeared Monday T_T Waaaaah! Anyway, more pictures on Cosplay.com:
http://images.cosplay.com/gallery.php?cat=83288&member=36529And videos on photobucket: