tour was a very mind expanding experience. i saw all the terrain this country has to offer and it is vast and magnificent beyond imagination. nothing will beat "vast" into your head like the monotony of nebraska's cornfields or the mojave desert. furthermore, being on the road in a hot van and dealing with 8 other individuals' needs and egos and attitudes can make you a bit callous, albeit wiser too. you can't help but play psychologist and analyze each other. i feel like i know all 7 of my bandmates inside out, for better or for worse. here are some more straightforward things i learned;
-skinheads are extremely hospitable (namely mexican skins). and they usually have extensive vinyl collections.
-wallmart is probably one of the worst things to happen to this country, even though they saved our ass and are kind of amazing.
-if there is any state that could get me to leave boston at this time in my life (maybe just for a summer or so) it's california. later in life i think it would be colorado.
-the aggrolites are the best skinhead reggae band i've ever heard that is not from the 60's, and they have one the top five best live shows i've seen in ska/rocksteady/reggae, including jamaican bands/artists.
-it's a very bad idea to detour into a major city right before rush hour when you are still hundreds of miles away from your gig. (we missed our show in ann arbor, MI to get lunch at clarke's in chicago).
anyways, i could go on forever...i have it all in my tour journal which i very well might scan and put online, sans some of the more personal stuff and the shit talking. it's about 60 pages long and i still need to write a retrospective, so you'd probably only get snippits anyway. all in due time.
it feels really good to be home, despite a hectic work schedual (training to be a manager on duty), and trying to spend all the time possible with jaclin before she goes to rowe for three weeks on sunday. it's been nice though.
as of this trip i've been to 35/50 states. the northwest is next. then alaska.
create your own visited states map