Another good episode featuring lots of gif-worthy stuff. (And there are links for those with dial up.)
We start with Cara.
Double Eyeroll Because a single eyeroll just wasn't enough.
Kahlan gets shot, and then...
Zedd pulls out the arrow I would've passed out by this point. Then again, I'm not a BAMC.
Cara keeps fighting If Cara continuing to fight after her throat was cut isn't the definition of "badass," I don't know what is.
A glimpse of baneling Cara And another Because that makeup is just awesome.
Rahl pays a visit And Cara isn't as happy to see him as he would've liked. Hence the eyeroll. Although a more subdued one than usual. :-D
Kahlan says goodbye The moment was sad. But I was happy that Cara got to see that people would be upset if she died. I don't think she thought they'd care before.
Thaddecus makes a sacrifice I know some people were mad at him for going back to huckstering. But I believe everything he did for and said to Cara was sincere. And, for someone who is usually somewhat selfish, this was pretty major. And I loved Cara's reaction.
Well, there you are. And I think I'm getting better at the gif making. Please credit when using.
By the way, I'm looking for a batch gif resizer, since I know some folks would probably like them smaller. So keep an eye out. And feel free to friend me to see whatever wacky stuff I come up with. :-)