Here's another Halloween movie rec for ya. Although it's sort of weird. Because, in this film, the monsters aren't the bad guys. But it's still plenty creepifying.
Nightbreed is a film directed by Clive Barker (better known for the Hellraiser films) and is about a race of beings who have lived alongside humans throughout time. These beings were the basis for just about every monster you've ever heard of. And because they were different, they have been hunted down and slaughtered by humans for centuries.
Some of the Nightbreed have survived, and now live in secret. The fact that most humans no longer believe in "the monsters" means they don't get hunted down and slaughtered like they used to. But one man (the real villain) finds out about them, and is determined to see them all destroyed.
Yes, Nightbreed can be kind of heavy-handed with the whole, "Humans destroy what they don't understand," message. But it does two things I like. First, a lot of the Nightbreed are really frightening to look at, so you can understand folks being terrified of them. Heck, there's a human girl in the movie who tries to help them, and even she looks freaked out by many of them a lot of the time.
Also, while the Nightbreed aren't technically the bad guys in this pic, they aren't all sweetness and light either. Just as with humans, there are some bad apples in the bunch that definitely should be feared, regardless of how they look. As this clip demonstrates.
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I wouldn't put this on my top ten list or anything. But it's an interesting flick worth checking out. And there are a lot of scares in it. Heck, in many ways, the human bad guys are as scary as the monsters.