Feb 16, 2005 14:35
David F J King: Hello?
xo KiTTyCat x3: hello?
David F J King: What do you want?
xo KiTTyCat x3: id like to know who this is please
David F J King: Jeremy
David F J King: Why'd you IM me earlier?
David F J King: What the fuck do you want!?
xo KiTTyCat x3: jeremy n?
xo KiTTyCat x3: idk who u r
xo KiTTyCat x3: i never Imed you
David F J King: Jeremy Louis!
David F J King: I'm sorry for flipping out on you
David F J King: I'm just paranoid
xo KiTTyCat x3: idk who u r
xo KiTTyCat x3: wut school do you go to
David F J King: Why do you wanna know!?
David F J King: WHo are you!?
xo KiTTyCat x3: im trying to figure out who the hell you r n why you're IMing me
xo KiTTyCat x3: accusing me of IMing you and going all paranoid on me
David F J King: I'm sorry for being paranoid
David F J King: But I have to be
xo KiTTyCat x3: so excuse me for trying to figure out whothe hell you r
David F J King: They're looking for me
xo KiTTyCat x3: good for you
David F J King: So I have to be careful
xo KiTTyCat x3: yeah and a 15 year old girl over here is out to get you
xo KiTTyCat x3: that makes a whole lotta sense buddy
David F J King: Sorry
David F J King: I can't be sure if you're who you say you are.
David F J King: I gotta be careful
David F J King: They could be anywhere
xo KiTTyCat x3: i can say the same for you
xo KiTTyCat x3: now please stop Iming me since idk who u r
David F J King: Wait
xo KiTTyCat x3: is
David F J King: You wanna talk?
David F J King: My name is Jeremy Louis.
David F J King: I live in Illonois
xo KiTTyCat x3: how'd u get my screenname
David F J King: I thought you IMed me
David F J King: I thought you were one of them so I IMed you back to check
xo KiTTyCat x3: im sorry you're mistaken
David F J King: Okay
David F J King: Wanna chat?
xo KiTTyCat x3: sure y not
David F J King: Do you wanna know why I'm being careful?
xo KiTTyCat x3: idc
xo KiTTyCat x3: sure
David F J King: It's kinda embarassing....
David F J King: I'm wanted in 3 states. The cops are after me.
David F J King: I thought you were a cop
xo KiTTyCat x3: for what
David F J King: That's also kinda embarassing...
David F J King: You really wanna know?
xo KiTTyCat x3: sure
David F J King: OKay....
David F J King: I had sex with a turke
David F J King: turkey^^
xo KiTTyCat x3: WHY?!
David F J King: Cuz it was callin me. It kept saying "cock, cock, cock"
David F J King: Are you there?
David F J King: FUCK YOU COP!
David F J King: I knew you were a cop!
xo KiTTyCat x3: yes im here
xo KiTTyCat x3: im not a co[
xo KiTTyCat x3: cop*
David F J King: Okay
xo KiTTyCat x3: so i thought turkeys went gobble gobble not cock cock cock
David F J King: I heard "cock, cock, cock"
David F J King: THEY FOUND ME!
xo KiTTyCat x3: mayeb you should get some things checked out
xo KiTTyCat x3: who found you?
David F J King: THE COPS!
xo KiTTyCat x3: what?
xo KiTTyCat x3: how?
xo KiTTyCat x3: what
xo KiTTyCat x3: how
xo KiTTyCat x3: and why
David F J King: Let me see your picture so I know you're not a cop
xo KiTTyCat x3: ew no
David F J King: Why?
xo KiTTyCat x3: im not sendin a random guy who fucked a turkey my picture
David F J King: Why not? IT was only once
xo KiTTyCat x3: then why are you wanted in three states?!
xo KiTTyCat x3: three states three counts of turkey assault
xo KiTTyCat x3: its common sense to think that ya kno
David F J King: No I did it once but it's illegal in 3 states!
xo KiTTyCat x3: o
David F J King: Yeah.
David F J King: So can I see your picture?
xo KiTTyCat x3: no
David F J King: I blocked the cop so now he can't find me.
David F J King: I'm good.
xo KiTTyCat x3: he can trace you you know
David F J King: He's not going to because I blocked him.
David F J King: You're a fat ugly cop!
David F J King: He told me!
David F J King: He said your Agent Cooper!
xo KiTTyCat x3 wants to directly connect.
xo KiTTyCat x3 is now directly connected.
David F J King: Gonna send your picture?
xo KiTTyCat x3 signed off at 2:23:46 PM.
xo KiTTyCat x3 direct connection is closed.
xo KiTTyCat x3 signed on at 2:25:20 PM.
David F J King: COP!
xo KiTTyCat x3: ?
xo KiTTyCat x3: sorry
xo KiTTyCat x3: no im not
xo KiTTyCat x3: i have cable modem
xo KiTTyCat x3: i dont need
xo KiTTyCat x3: to sign off to call someone if i wanted to i could call on you righ tnow but becuz i think its retarded im nto gonna
David F J King: Oh....
xo KiTTyCat x3: do u wanna see a pic or no
David F J King: Yes
David F J King wants to directly connect.
xo KiTTyCat x3 is now directly connected.
You are no longer directly connected to xo KiTTyCat x3 because the connection has been interrupted..
xo KiTTyCat x3 signed off at 2:27:58 PM.
xo KiTTyCat x3 signed on at 2:28:22 PM.
David F J King: Are you on a cop site?
David F J King: They log you off sometimes.
xo KiTTyCat x3: no
David F J King wants to directly connect.
xo KiTTyCat x3 is not accepting Direct IM connections.
David F J King: I want your picture.
David F J King wants to directly connect.
xo KiTTyCat x3 is now directly connected.
xo KiTTyCat x3: when trying to send u a pic tforze up my computer
David F J King: Please?
David F J King: Do you have email?
xo KiTTyCat x3: it wont work
xo KiTTyCat x3: yes i have email but my internet other than AIM isn't working
David F J King: Oh.
David F J King: That's just an excuse from a cop.
David F J King: A fat cop too who eats doughnuts.
xo KiTTyCat x3: w/e u believe idc i kno im not
David F J King: I'm sorry....can I make it up to you?
xo KiTTyCat x3: no
David F J King: I'll eat your pussy
xo KiTTyCat x3 direct connection is closed.
xo KiTTyCat x3 signed off at 2:30:35 PM.
She IMed me halfway through it on my AIM SN.
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:15:35 PM): danny
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:15:35 PM): is that u?
DBGKid (2:15:40 PM): Hey, what's up!
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:15:51 PM): nothing just being bitche dout by a paranoid weirdo
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:15:57 PM): and getting todl he had sex with a turkey
DBGKid (2:15:59 PM): What are you talking about?
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:15:59 PM): is that you?
DBGKid (2:16:06 PM): No...what's his SN?
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:16:13 PM): david f j king
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:16:28 PM): and b like thats it jeremy louis
DBGKid (2:16:29 PM): lmfao! Okay!
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:16:30 PM): we've found you
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:16:39 PM): after being watned in three states
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:16:46 PM): for having sexual intercourse with a turkey
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:16:50 PM): we've got you in illinois
DBGKid (2:16:52 PM): LMFAO okay!
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:16:54 PM): do it do it do it! :-D
DBGKid (2:18:31 PM): LMFAO He's flipping out!
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:18:38 PM): lmao save the convo n send it
DBGKid (2:18:41 PM): K!
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:20:00 PM): yay
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:20:25 PM): send it
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:20:28 PM): send it send it
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:20:28 PM): lol
DBGKid (2:20:48 PM): He blocked me lmfao
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:20:58 PM): lmao
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:21:03 PM): he wants a picture of me
DBGKid (2:21:05 PM): DBGKid (2:17:22 PM): Hey Jeremy. This is Liutenant Cooper. We've found you.
David F J King (2:17:42 PM): NO!!!!
DBGKid (2:17:56 PM): You're in Illonois. We're on our way to pick you up for having sex with a Turkey.
David F J King (2:18:02 PM): NOOO! I'm gonna run!
DBGKid (2:18:38 PM): There's no use running. We've got you!
David F J King (2:19:35 PM): You can't do this to me! It was calling me! I swear!
DBGKid (2:19:48 PM): That is no excuse, sir. You need to stay put. We're on our way!
David F J King (2:20:24 PM): I'm blocking you, cop! Now you can't find me!
DBGKid (2:20:56 PM): I'll find you either way.
Previous message was not received by David F J King because of error (2:20:56 PM): User David F J King is not available.
Previous message was not received by xo KiTTyCat x3 because of error (2:21:05 PM): Your message was refused by the AOL Instant Messenger server, probably because the message was too big. Try making the message shorter and send it again.
DBGKid wants to directly connect (2:21:16 PM).
xo KiTTyCat x3 is now directly connected (2:21:18 PM).
DBGKid (2:21:23 PM): Are you gonna send him a picture?
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:21:26 PM): god no
DBGKid (2:21:43 PM): lmfao
DBGKid (2:21:44 PM):
DBGKid (2:17:22 PM): Hey Jeremy. This is Liutenant Cooper. We've found you.
David F J King (2:17:42 PM): NO!!!!
DBGKid (2:17:56 PM): You're in Illonois. We're on our way to pick you up for having sex with a Turkey.
David F J King (2:18:02 PM): NOOO! I'm gonna run!
DBGKid (2:18:38 PM): There's no use running. We've got you!
David F J King (2:19:35 PM): You can't do this to me! It was calling me! I swear!
DBGKid (2:19:48 PM): That is no excuse, sir. You need to stay put. We're on our way!
David F J King (2:20:24 PM): I'm blocking you, cop! Now you can't find me!
DBGKid (2:20:56 PM): I'll find you either way.
Previous message was not received by David F J King because of error (2:20:56 PM): User David F J King is not available.
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:22:15 PM): danny you're amazing!
DBGKid (2:22:23 PM): That kid is weird! How'd you meet him?
xo KiTTyCat x3 signed off at 2:23:46 PM.
You are no longer directly connected to xo KiTTyCat x3 because the connection has been interrupted. (2:23:46 PM).
DBGKid (2:24:25 PM): Katie?
Previous message was not received by xo KiTTyCat x3 because of error (2:24:26 PM): User xo KiTTyCat x3 is not available.
xo KiTTyCat x3 signed on at 2:25:20 PM.
DBGKid (2:25:31 PM): WHere'd you go?
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:25:33 PM): u told him i was a cop
DBGKid (2:25:44 PM): What?
DBGKid (2:25:52 PM): No, I pasted our convo in the IM. You get it?
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:26:16 PM): yes
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:26:18 PM): it was hiarious
DBGKid (2:26:23 PM): lmfao
DBGKid (2:26:40 PM): What are you two talking about now?
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:26:48 PM): im sending him a pic
xo KiTTyCat x3 signed off at 2:27:58 PM.
xo KiTTyCat x3 signed on at 2:28:22 PM.
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:29:22 PM): omg hes freaking me out
DBGKid (2:29:43 PM): WHat? Why?
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:29:56 PM): i want your picture!
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:29:56 PM): now
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:29:58 PM): im like omg
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:29:58 PM): no
DBGKid (2:30:33 PM): lmfao!!!
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:30:52 PM): danny this isn't funny
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:30:56 PM): stop it its weird
DBGKid (2:31:06 PM): Sorry...this guy just makes me laugh lol.
DBGKid (2:31:11 PM): I wish he wouldn't have blocked me.
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:31:19 PM): we blocke dhim
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:31:21 PM): he freaked me out
DBGKid (2:31:29 PM): lmfao
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:31:38 PM): Danny this is Val for a sec
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:31:42 PM): was that guy you?
DBGKid (2:31:51 PM): No! I IMed him.
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:31:58 PM): okay
DBGKid (2:31:59 PM): How can I IM him if it's me?
DBGKid (2:32:05 PM): Why do you think it's me?
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:32:19 PM): i dunno because it seemed like something that u would pull
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:32:24 PM): sorry.
DBGKid (2:32:28 PM): lol it's cool
xo KiTTyCat x3 (2:32:47 PM): so anywase, we blocked him because he was freaking us out