Typical Tuesday Morning

Feb 03, 2009 12:52

Today was amazing. Even more amazingly, it’s only 12:30 in the afternoon.

My first class met at Piazza del Popolo, one of the main squares in Rome. We walked all over and saw 6 Caravaggio paintings that are still hanging in churches. It’s amazing for me, because I’ve studied these paintings in art history classes every year since I was 16. Seeing them in real life, in the chapels that they were painted for is unreal.

After my class, I walked around on my own for a little while. Yesterday my Photo teacher took us to a coffee shop that he says is one of the best in Rome. I decided to go there again today (it seriously is amazing, by the way) and I impressed myself by ordering completely in Italian. I think it says something about Italian culture that the very first thing that they’ve taught us in Italian is food vocabulary and how to order in cafes. Either way, speaking in Italian definitely offers a much more pleasant experience.

After my pick-me-up I started wandering and I ended up doing my Italian homework on the steps of the fountain in front of the Pantheon. It was insanely awesome. Being among such amazing monuments certainly makes even monotonous homework more exciting. While I was in the square I was watching two waiters stand outside of a trattoria with nothing to do (it was only 11:00am). They looked bored so I asked them if they would check over my Italian homework to see if it was correct. (I had to resort to English to ask them that.) One of the waiters looked it over for me, and then he gave me his email in case I ever had more questions. So friendly! I’m starting to realise that the best way to interact here and to have good experiences is to be outgoing and to really put yourself forward. I’m going to be practicing that in the next few months.

A quick note to everyone who’s reading: I want to send postcards to everyone soon! If you want a postcard you can comment here with your address, or email it to me at . I’d love to send everyone who is reading this a postcard, so please do comment and let me know where to send it to!

Updates to follow…I’ll be talking all about Italian food!

rome, italian language, impressions

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