Sep 20, 2004 17:56

damn bitches....i am realizing that i dont really know how to work this live journal thing so well. Xanga is just more simple, and i dont have any friends on this thing, which is also kind of depressing, but i dont have any friends anyways! hahahahah......fuck. ok so lately, it's been all about the band, and hating my life. And at least i'm good at one of the two, can you guess which one?? (hint i suck at playing instruments) woo.

so i dunno, right now im talking to my boys patrick and tony-o. weird & oldschool. but hey wahtevs, it's cool that they made the effort to talk to me unlike the 'friends' i have around here.

Lindsay, i know you'll be reading this, so i was just letting you know that im dropping out of life again, cause i'm Dan Minogue and that's what minogue's do best. i can always be a hermit/garbageman. then i dont have to be in customer service and talk to ppl, and i dont have3 to deal with chicks because i'll smell bad all the time. And even if the pay sucks, it doesn't matter cause im planning on dying young and alone before i have a chance to start a family and fuck that up too. well, that's my ramble for now, i dunno what happened to my mood/listenign thing, but i dont know how to bring it back either so yeah here it is:

i feel tired and silly and i dunno a good word for uncaring. and i am currently listening to "one fine day" a song by the chiffons, and "want you bad" off of americana by the offspring, and finally "the pharmacist" by hot rod circuit, which i need to learn to play for band practice. wooo go band!


minogue = out
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