Nov 15, 2004 20:44
The party Pan threw was a fucking masterpiece. We got all kinds of funding from the studio for it and all the cast and crew got raises. Unfuckingbelievable. Usually those tightwad studio heads will sell a kidney before extending a movie's budget. One little visit with Pan and they can't write the checks fast enough.
Brookie got to hang out with her new lead actor. I do believe they hit it off. Damien and Brookie will make this a fucking blockbuster. They're perfect together, fucking perfect. Can't believe we didn't think of Damien before now.
Star is back to dancing at the club with her girls. Business is booming there too. I've been rec'ing her club to all the guys in the business. At least I know they will tip well and not give the girls a hard time.
We start filming tomorrow. I can't wait wait. Haven't been this fucking excited about a picture since the first film me and Mikey worked on way back when. Man, it's been a long time. It's like, work is fun again. I fucking love it.