Title: Apologizing for the Plan (Part XVII of the Plans Series)
A Follow-up to “Thoughts and Plans,” “Making Plans,” “Preparing the Plan,” “The Plan,” “Executing the Plan,” “The Problems with Plans,” “What about the plan?,” “No Plans,” “Observing the Plan,” “Two Plans,” “Controlling the Plan,” “Morning Plan,” “The Work Plan,” “Doctoring the Plan,” “The Caffeine Plan,” and “Unplanned Emotions” (read those first, or you won’t get this.)
Author: findinwhatsnext
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jordan/Danny
Series: #17 in the “Plans” series
Spoilers: Up to “4 a.m. Miracle”, direct references to (AU after “Monday”)
Disclaimers: Don’t own them, never will. They’re all the guys’.
Summary: After a fight, what would you do?
Author’s note: Having just completed my protest (watching S60 at nbc.com), I decided the best remedy would be to post. Therefore, you get this!
“Guys, you think you could give us the room for a bit?”